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3lbs is good sugar well done. Ive waited all morning to hear what youd lost lol. Great job xxx
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He didnt reply Tam. But he did phone at 5 and 6am the pther night. Needless to say I didnt answer. Getting my hair done in AUGUST! Talk abt well prepared lol. Cant believe you got all that attention with your red lol Aw sounds like you had a nice evening. Good for you girly. Awwww he cancelled hols?? It must be love haha! Im sure you'll have a great time. How exciting. Yay for crop tops! Bet you cant wait to wear it./ What colour? Well done u out in shorts. Im jealous! You prob saw from my earlier post. Im only 3lbs down. Sigh!!!!!! Losses are so much slower this time. Dunno whats up! It will take me an age to get to goal. It makes me wanna give up tbh. But ill try persevere!!!! Best of luck with your diet plan this week! You'll look fab on your birthday! What a motivator! I know you can do it lady!!! My aunty coming up and we having a girly weekend. Its a bank holiday weekend over here. Woooop. Hoping for some nice weather! Love your replies hun! Always a joy to read! Ava xxxxxx
3lbs is good sugar well done. Ive waited all morning to hear what youd lost lol. Great job xxx
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Hey hun, yea i saw your earlier post, i reckon u did 4-5lbs this week, the average pair of jeans normally weighs 2lbs in weight lol, i use to make the mistake of weighing with clothes on but now i weigh dead naked lol, i dont even keep undies on as every ounce counts lol, but im just remembering that u weighed at the chemist, maybe wear leggings and a light top next time?
Ohh he phoned? well u deserve the best hun so do what makes u happy, ohh your bday hairstyle will look so lush!! Im excited to see it now, im doing my hair wednesday or friday, cant beleive i'm 25 in less than a week. I did indeed have a lovely night lol, wasted my time coming home early and no bloody delivery!! I just wana sleep lol, its 1pm now so aint expecting delivery till tuesday seeing monday is bank holiday! Sounds like youve got a good weekend plan hun, hope u and ur aunty have a blast.
I did hear my sister telling me a few times that past age 24 it takes longer to lose weight comparing to when we were teens. Harsh lol.
Thanks hun, its 1pm and havent caved yet, ive had my first pack an hr ago, was lush but i wanted another lol, not so bad tho, drank 2 large glasses of cold water and 3 large mugs of salted caramel tea, so lush lol. Im currently on the balcony with my 500 mls of diet cream soda soaking up some sun, my gf is coming over for the day so that should distract me.
Oh the crop top has an american flag type theme, love it, its a size 12 due to my massive boobs lol.
Right i'm off to find that dress to show u lol, im so glad u love reading my post cos i love reading yours too, u deserve all the support from me, only cos ur so lovely. Xxx
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Error weighing in with jeans!!! Lesson learnt. Will sport leggings and a light top next time thanks doll! I am soooo excited about my summer hair. I just need the body to go with it. Sigh! lol. Aw sorry you didnt get the parcel!!! Grrrr!! Bet it will look fab. Birthdays are exciting times. Bet your excited. Woooooooop. What way you doing ur hair again?? Sounds like your having a fab day. Good girl sticking to your diet plan!!! Proud of ya! Sounds lush alright (think im going to adopt this phrase. thank you. lol) Enjoy the day with your girlfriend. Bet ye will have such fun! Hope u consider me a support tooYour a dote! Ava xxxxx
Your welcome hun xx
Dont worry about it youll have the summer body to go with ur lush hair! Lol.
Im so looking forward to my parcel next week lol, i did pay for next day delivery so dunno what happened there.
Hmmm i'm still thinking what way i want my hair lol, i do love my curls, but for the past 6 months its been straight so im thinking curly or wavy brazillian weave. That might be gd, think im spoilt for choice lol.
Diet so far is good but im getting so grumpy lol, my friend is stuffing her face with alot of junk and im being grumpy lol, all because i feel bloated from real food, but i will carry on lol, il be eating real food next week friday lol. It is quite funny, shes laughing at me for being on a diet lol. Of course i consider u a support hun, thank u for that.
Heres the dress i originally bought for a night out but it got cancelled so didnt wear the dress, its very colourful and summery.
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View attachment 136343
And heres the one i might end up wearing.
View attachment 136344
Size 10s!! Cant beleive!!
Hope ur having a lush day hun ! Lol im loving the new phrase. Xxx
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DAMN! Fine thing! Lol. Looking amazing honey! Ur right to flaunt that figure. I do love the black cut out one! I can only wish to get there by July / August! Gosh ive soooooo long to go. Proud of u for sticking to it. You will feel AMAZING next week. She may laugh...but ull be laughing on friday woooooooop. Sorry to hear ya grumpy. The week will fly honey. Whats a brazilian weave? Curly sounds fab tho. You're slim so you can rock that look. Curls make my face look like a crater. Lol. Ive realigned my prospective weight loss to expect 3lbs in future. So im not dissapointed. Today was disheartening. I mean, im being 100%! Grrrrrr U saw on fb...had an impromptu vet visit. The poor wee mite spat up blood. Its just an absyss. Tho he also has a heart murmer and arthritis. Blessed to still have him at 18. Oh and the vet was a dish! lol lol Kinda missing the fella. No contact since Thurs. But i have my aunty here...she said i look fab and we having fun. Whats your plans for the eve doll? Ava xxxxxx
Aww thanks hun, what a confidence booster for me.
Think u should stop wishing hun, your doing it, ur going straight to goal and i will be here to support u, you will only fail if u give up, u havent failed! U've picked ur self up and carried on, i really admire u for that.
Brazillian weave is a specific brand, i guess its hair that once belonged to a brazillian women lol. Kinda funny typing this hehe, quite pricy but well worth it, tbh curly suits me better than straight, i look bigger with straight for some reason lol.
Aww dont be disheartened, u did great, my average on lipo was around the same or similar, think i lost 12lbs first week then 4lbs after if i remember correctly, ur on the right path, i do understand why you'd be upset tho, the fact that ur not eating, fighting ur craves is enough to think u should have been at goal by now lol, thats how i felt. If im not eating then i should bloody be skinny. Lol. Hang in there, youll see how it all adds up.
Yea saw ur fb post. So sorry hun, wow 18!! Thats a big age for any animal, hope he recovers, can imagine how u must feel.
Lol i can imagine u slighly checking out the vet. Omg not even funny. Last week i had asda delivery my groceries and wtf guess who delivered my shopping? Only the sexiest looking man ever lol omg still cant get over it lol, why cant i get over it? The bell woke me up and i was like in my nighy dress and im sure my hair was messy too. Haha. So funny, but we both sort of stared at each other like mmm who do we have here lol!! Well he offered to take my shopping right through to the kitchen and i did not decline lol, on his way out i got cheeky and asked him if he could deliver my shopping next time and he laughed and went bright red. Lol.
Good thing youve got ur aunt today tho, it will help to distract u from missing " him" too much. Dont worry hun, soon you'll be ok. Im telling u from experience, i no what heartbreak feels like and it feels like the end of the world. I mean if its meant to be then nothing can stop it from happening, just give it time and you'll see. I no im still holding back from love even tho i feel myself sliding into it lol. Very scary indeed.
You do look fab hun, your not " big" to start with so any weightloss will certainly show. Bet the compliments put a smile on ur face?
Lol no plans for me tonight. U no how it goes on a vlcd. Boring boring boring. I might watch movies and have an early night to get past the headache from not eating enough.
I do hope u r enjoying ur day hun? Xxx
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Yes ive not given up yet. But i have sooooooo long to go Tam! Sigh! Oooooh thats funny curly hair suits you better! Cannot WAIT to see it! And you deserve to have your confidence boosted. A girl like you should have no self esteem issuesThe vet was drop dead gorgeous. Alas he didnt ask for my number. Lol. Ill start bringing Sam for regular check ups when ive lost the 2/3 stone. Lol lol. Thats funny checking out the delivery man too! Nice of him to bring the shopping vixen! Lol lol good girl telling him he's welcome to deliver again! More power to you! Yip my aunty is a great distraction. No calls from loverboy and I would just LOVE a wee chat. I can talk to him like no one else. He may have been the love of my life. My phone is never out of my hand. Im a sap! Lol. I think im still huge Tam tho people are complimenting me. The 11's i might really start to feel a good bit slimmer! Aw its gonna take me 4 hard weeks tho. Im really not sure I have the strength. This diet pushes you to your limits. So lovely that your falling in love. Dont fight it too much honey. Go with the flow! Oooooooh me too doll. No food. No drink. Generally means little socialising. We are worth the effort. Ava xxxxxx
Just a few more months hun, it will fly by before ur eyes.
Haha! I dare u to take same back lol, i find these cheeky actions very fun.
Its so hard not being able to talk to the person that u connect with isnt it? You'll be ok soon hunni, dont u wonder sometimes who your true love will be? I wonder all the time. Kinda weird.
Trust me hun your far from big. Some people final goal is 16st!! Or even less than u are now, but its what makes u happy, u deserve to be happy and u will be.
Damn right this diet can push us to the limit, i survived tho, couldnt sleep tho lol but i will do this.
So scary thinking about being inlove, i was inlove just once before, got engaged and everything only to get heart broken 4 yrs later, but im trying to go with the flow and see where it goes.
Hows ur sunday hun? Is it just me or is the time moving as slow as a snail today? I just want the day to end, bring on day 3 out of 7 lol
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Ava im pretty sure everyone's feelin the same way as you I know I am. I could eat the chinese man who will be preparing it plus the food lol. Get an early night and refocus. Imagine the clothes youll be in in a matter of weeks.
Sorry bout the ex honey
start weight 12.2 current weight 11.7
Thats good then ava! Not long to go. Im ok today. I found it pretty hard last night when it got to about 11 despite being in bed by 10. But back on track today and weigh in tomorrow cant wait. Then im onto week 3 as if!!!!!! Me week 3 100% pah!
I did step on the scales this morn n im 5lb down hopefully buy next week ill be in the 10s thats if I can lose 3lb or more woooooo
You got anythin planned today then?? No news yet from ####???
start weight 12.2 current weight 11.2
Yeaaah get u u gunna look amazing in the jeans. Im not up to much really...just in the bath to rid of sum time. I prefer to be working so it goes faster. I honestly dont know how im gunna get another 6 weeks in.....Weve def got will power although mines not on top form today
As for the fella....babe your worth 10 of him n yes it will get easier but it doesnt feel like it will do yet. Keep goin strong n he'll come crawling back when he sees how beautiful you are xxx
start weight 12.2 current weight 11.2
Nope hun I dont have a man in my life lol.....relationships are far too much hassle. Im focusin on my weight before I can even contemplate on sharing my life with another. Selfish times ava xx
start weight 12.2 current weight 11.2