Ah not expecting a thank you honey

I was thinking of you Tam. Ur such a fab lady, beautiful, with such a kind, lovely personality. Thanks minimins. Ive made a fab friend! Hehe the girl im meeting is practically a model. about 5 9, super slim, tanned and brunette. I will try my best to look as good as poss tho. Anyway its not a competition. Lol Yip i always play around with make up or hair. Just done my falsie nails too. How did getting ur nails done work out? Thx my make up is pretty heavy. Im chuffed you called it sexy. Thanks doll! Oooooh cannot wait to get into teeny tiny dresses. roll on July. Jeez. Sometimes that sounds soooo far away. Its only the start of may. Sigh Think im gonna have an early night. Are you still feeling sick doll? Ava xxxxxx
Aww thanks for such lovely lovely compliments hun, not everyone appreciates me for who i am, glad you do. Glad i found a great friend on minis like you xxx
Aww, shes nearly the same as me, im 5'9.5 but i say 5'10 as its easier, height plays such a role when it comes to body shape and look, ive always wanted to be a normal height within 5'0-5'5 but no im so tall with the longest legs lol, shorter girls are so lucky, they can rock 5-6 inch heels lol. But my point is, your beautiful, your curvy not fat which is a good thing, being slim is nice but not stick thin. You dont need to try to look good hun, ur a fashionista in my eyes!!
Not impressed with my nails lol, think i should go shorter next time but i did enjoy the time to chill while getting it done. Going back on monday for something summery!!
Im a lover of heavy make up lol, my sister who had beautiful skin calls me a drag queen lol, i think even the best make up artist will look like a drag one time or the other. Lol sometimes i have bad hair days and sometimes its a bad make up day, it happens lol. Sometimes i look a bit orange, dunno why that happens tho
I know for sure youll be in those teeny tiny dresses, u may think its far away but its so close, i find that when i gave up on my diet summer came quicker and i felt worse than ever. I think ur doing a fab job sticking to it, im proud of u!! I remember 3 weeks into lipo and i was ready to chew my own finger off lol.
Aww, your having an early night, maybe you'll fe happier in the morning for weigh in! As for me think im not gona recover for now lol, im just gona make the most of being at home this weekend with plenty of sleep.
Good luck with weigh in tomorrow, tho u dont need it cos ur doing fab already
Just wait and see how * lush* you'll look in summer
Enjoy ur sleep hun xxxx
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