Haha she was teeny tiny Tam lol. Went to see a local stars in their eyes show. It was a bit of fun

Im not a disney girl at all I have to say but thats so cute and great ye get to spend time together. I love barbie even more now lol lol Ah its tough to abstain at the weekend chick. Hope work today went ok honey. Mondays can be horrible. Mmmm a fry in bed. A girl can dream. Fine day. Quiet enough but did some make up fun. Im feeling a bit more confident as my face is getting slimmer but im aware i have a way to go! Cant believe 10'lbs will have me in the 10's! WOOOOOOP. Hope I dont cave. Eeeeeeeeek. Gonna go shopping to Tesco later. Not the finest of style but think they have denim minis and i want one for my date as i lost mine. It could be in my clothes filled room but i cant find it anywhere lol Hows ur eve honey? Ava xxxxxx
Ohhh stars in their eyes, i used to watch that as a kid, its quite good.
Lol ive grown to love disney hehe! Yh my neice is my heartbeat something like a daughter, unfortunately for her if something isnt pink then it isnt stylish. Loool
She really embarassed me last week lol, i went to pick her up from nursery and she walked up to the fruit bowl with her hands on her hips modelling and pouting as she walked looool, the teachers were having a fit lol, she then told the teachers that i taught her how to model and thay shes stylish like me. So cute lol. But then she told them that i lived on shakes and bars from slim and save lol i almost died literally!!
Yea the weekends are so hard, well done for being so strong, i was planning a quiet evening lastnight but bf picked me up from work so i stayed at his, i feel asleep after 12 as was so tired, i wanted to be in my own bed but he surprised me when i saw him waiting outside lol, was kinda cute lol.
I love make up fun, hun your face looks totally slim to me, could it get any slimmer? Ur doing really great!
Lol omg i swear me and u are like .... Whats the word. U no like twins that do the same things lol or they think alike. Yep thats me and u lol. Omg my room was so full of clothes n everything else, took me 5 hrs to change it round but i no by next week it will reverse back to pig sty mode lol. How did ur tesco shopping for ur skirt go? Bet youll find the old one after u tidy up lol. I hate cleaning my room, well i hardly have the time, when i try to find clothes i end up chucking them all over the floor lol.
Hows ur day going hun? Rainy here in london. Just ate my lunch but it was very veggie based so im now hungry again and craving custard creams with sugary tea. Lol not gd i no.
Hope u do enjoy ur day tho, in after a long nap in a min. Xxxx
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