Silver Member
I think you'd wow most people right now Ava, let alone in 2 weeks!
Oh thx Sag but I dont think I would at all. Men like slim girls. Ive a loooooong way to go. Until about March.
I think you'd wow most people right now Ava, let alone in 2 weeks!
Its a curse thinking alot about food. Ive had a pretty good day in that regard. But it can be soooo tough.
Theres a night out tonight but im not going. I dont feel slim enough. I sometimes stay at the peripheries while my pretty friends get chatting to fit men. Me all self concious. The lil fattie. Its heartbreaking really. I have 2 weeks till my next big night out. I hope to be in the 11's and less self concious. Im not sure ill be skinny enough to wow ex. What do ye think?
Hun u can wow any men out their right now and trust me men these days are going for women with more curves and when i say curves i dont mean fat, i mean woman that hasnt got too much pertruding bones, id never class you as fat hun honestly, you look amazing in my eyes and in 2 weeks your going to look even better, beleive me. Im just remembering the pic you posted yesterday how fab you looked, its funny how when we look at ourselves we think that we dont look good enough, when im standing up and i look down at myself i feel like i should be losing a few more stones but when i look in the mirror i look slim ish lol that is weird. But seriously hun u wont be the fat one at that party, take it from me.I think the self conscious thing is something we ought to work on whether fat or slim because even now i still struggle doing certain things when it comes to my body, still think id feel big walking topless in a steam room lol but thats the fat side of my brain that hasnt left me yet. O gosh i talk a lot xx
Aww hun, its so hard when we feel like that about our selfs, your gorgeous!! Everyone can see that but i no you will see it one day, you may not feel slim this yr but next yr u will be.
Ive had changed of plans today, the place i was supposed to be going tonight got changed to a different area thats way too far for me so i took up an offer to go out on a date, nothing fancy just cinema and dinner, gutted that i wont be wearing my dress but i guess next time when i look slimmer il wear it, really dont no what to wear tonight, might opt for skinny jeans and a nice top with some wedge heels, guess il feel more comfy in jeans lol!! Time for me to learn to make good food choices today, think il go for steak and veggies, no dessert and il take one of my bars for the cinema and order a diet coke, boring i no but my body comes first. Just hope i can stick to my plan.
How are u today hunni? Xxx
Its still a loss! A total of one and a half stone in 4 weeks? that's amazing, stick with it xx
Swit swoooo a date! Details??
Oh and disaster folks....weighed in and only lost 2LBS last week!!! I suppose i lost 7 the week before. And my scales at home say im 12 6 not 12 7.....it almost makes me feel like giving up. Ill try battle on for now.
Skinny jeans and top sound like a winner Tam. Bet ull dazzle him.
Not long till i meet ex either...must impress
A dissapointed Ava
First of all hunni well done on the loss, it may not be the biggest but a loss is a loss and beleive me 2 pounds in weight is a heavy amount of fat.
The date went really good, didnt expect it to lol. Someone i met on the way home from work a few weeks ago, hes been asking me out for a while but ive been making excuses not to go, silly me not knowing what id been missing out on, such a lovely man! I think i was hoping to get to goal before starting to date again but hey 8 more pounds to go , and i was thinking sod it your only 24 go out and have fun!! all i do is work and sleep so i went out lol. Good thing is he kept commenting how beautiful i looked and asking me how i kept my figure this good!!! lol it made me laugh because i havent told anyone about the diets ive been on apart from my sister and a few friends, little does he no the struggle i had to put up with yet im still not done yet, but the comment did boost my confidence, so u see hun their are decent men out their that loves curves, even though ive lost some weight i still dont feel skinny enough, been considering going down to 9.12 instead which is my minimum weight for my height, will see after i drop the 8lbs
Hunni this is to cheer u up. View attachment 114128
Hope u have a beautiful day like yourself, i think u have a beautiful personality. Xx
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Woop woop Tam. He sounds lovely and great to hear such positive comments. U deserve it doll. U have a beautiful personality too btw.Just found out ex will prob be at the do in 2 weeks. Pressure!!!! Must look slimmer. Hope to get to the 11's. He did address me as hey slim...when we were chatting on fb. Woop woop. Had a lovely day Tam...I went window shopping with a friend. Just had my wee coffee. Tho a turkey sandwich from marks was calling. I only have 2 weeks as Ive said so MUST stick to it 100%. Ava xxxxxx
Thx again Tam for ur message to cheer me upLoved it. Week 5: I think im going to struggle over the next 2 weeks. Ive not got a lot on. And I cant socialise normally i.e. eating and drinking like everyone else. Im living for said night out in two weeks. Next week might be better as im the kind of girl that goes all out for a big night on the town. So ill have hair and tan appointments etc... It really is a big night. Its a tartan themed party with maybe 30 people attending. I must however lose 8lbs. Do ye think I can do it? I would love to reach the 11's. Ava xxxx
Your welcome hunni, it cheered me up too, youd be surprise what a pound of fat looks like.
Its so hard being in the house with nothing to do isnt it? Perhaps maybe if ur up to it u could take a walk, sit in the park with a black coffee? I no ita cold so might not even be an option lol. Last resort you could watch some weightloss programmes as a motivator while trying on some old clothes that are now way bigger than u. Mmm think il do that today. Just think that when nex week comes youll be even slimmer and youll be preparing for the big night. Woooooo. Dont for forget to measure for inches hunni, i no u can fit into that skirt, u can achieve this.
I can just imagine how much effort youll be putting into this and u deserve it for definate! Youve worked so hard and deserve to be very happy and feel very confident in your clothes.
Hope ur having a good day hunni. Xxx
How is ur new beau Tam?? Thanks for the suggestions. Ive done sweet f&%k all today. Grrrrrr. I am going to put sooooo much effort into looking good for this party. Guess what...stood on the scales this morning...im 12st 5lbs!!! Cant believe it. Im delighted. The 11's are in sight. Woop woop. Now to stick with it... Hope everyone having a lovely day Ava xxxxx
O wow, i think youll make it into the 11s smoothly. Mmm loving the scales right now.
Ohh he wanted to see me on sunday and i declined but another date is pending for friday, feels so weird getting back out there lol.
Sounds like u had a lovely day lol, i did nothing myself but got bored and instantly wanted to have all my food packs in 1 sitting lol!! But its ok i survived and just had my baby sized dinner and now having half a can of coke zero!! Taste so weirs drinking fizzy. Cant relax too much as got work tomoro.
Sooooo exited for u, the way things are going you might make it to goal before the date u already anticipated.
Aw do u think Tam?? Im really hopefull. I havent seen 11 something in an ageGood girl getting back out there. U deserve to find happiness after enduring the struggle that is lipotrim. Grand day thanks but not productive enough. Ooooh glad u refrained from downing the food packs all together lol. Not good. U have yet to survive the evening.
Did i mention im excited for the big do in less then 2 weeks lol. i need to get out more!!! A hopeful Ava xxxxxx
Aww thanks hunni, kinda exiting but trying npt to be. Yea really think u could known down those few pounds!! You will if not all but most of it will be gone in 2 weeks.
Hahah cant wait for your big night to come, the exitement will be greater as the day comes closer!! Can just imagine how exited u are.
I was getting exited for my big night until it got cancelled to a further location hahaha. O well guess ive gotta wait for boxing day, but atleast id atleast hit 10 stones by then if i really put in the effort lol. I really dont no whats wrong with my brain not registering how i actually look. My older nephew whose 20 yrs old messaged me last night saying " hello skinny!!" Hahah he had no clue im on a diet, he looked at my pic and judged it. But even at this weight i still feel big. Hmmmm thats a mystery lol.
But as i was saying hunni, you can hit the 2 week mini goal. Are u going to do a refeed after 2 weeks? Its even possible to lose a few pounds during refeed aswell. Xxx
Aw sorry to hear ur big night out was changed. Just think how fab u will look by Boxing day. Hot stuff!!! Nice to be called skinny. I bet you'll be wowing more then him. I am super excited abt said night out. Im pretty high maintenance. Hair, Tan, Nails, Make up....and the rest lol. I want to wow too. If thats possible at 11st something. Hmmmmm Keep up the great work everyone Ava xxxxx
Thats alright hun, that will give me more time to look better lol. Cant wait for boxing day i tell ya ?.
Oh yeaa i can see that your high maintainance lol, aint nothing wrong with that at all, it suits u very well huni. I no a lot of guys will be on your case, you may get tired of them lol, you will deffo be looking sexy at 11st something beleive me. Xxx