Aw thanks atomic, I barely got any cleaning done as needed a bath as I'd slightly pulled a muscle running at gym, then my OH text to say let's go for a pint and so went to pub and started planning where we want to go on our Berlin trip! Admittedly most places were these kitsch and art nouveau style cocktail bars and a couple of indie and new wave clubs! I am soooooooo excited!
Ok today is my official, back on plan day 1 in my Berlin countdown (we go 3 weeks today so that's bang on for 21 days of goodness) I am going to attempt to do the following: no chocolate! No way can she do this! I hear you say, but I can and I will! I'm still gonna allow myself ice cream if I have points but no chocolate until I get some real good stuff from a chocolatier in Berlin!
So 26 dailies and 49 weeklies it is and I shall be strict. Also upping the exercise which I started yesterday. I've ordered some new gym kit including this cute little skirt thing with built in Capri leggings, totally the solution for a big arse! Anyhow, I will keep a diary, please shout at me in big capital letters if I fail to fill on one day!
Tonight I'm out for leaving drinks again (people need to stop leaving) and I shall use majority of weeklies on this so prob a vodka night as don't want hangover either!