Becktoria's simply filling food diary

I actually had a bowl of oat bran and soy milk instead of the yogurt and fruit. All sf though.
Tomorrow taking kids out to the coast for the day. Plan is to get fish and chips but think i'll pack an extra bagel instead as want to stay on plan and fish and chips don't really do it for me! Long walk involved so should earn lots of activity points! X
Had 2 nightmares I woke up from last night. The second one was worse and I woke up feeling so scared and anxious I was scared to fall back to sleep. I hate nightmares, not had one in ages, I had a phase of having them with really bad anxiety about 3 years ago, I'd imagine the most horrific situations and become really worried, I slept with a hammer in my bed at one point! I think i know where these current nightmares have come from though, so hopefully will be ok.

Anyhow, long day ahead with lots of walking and activity on the beach with the kids! I'll definitely sleep well tonight! I might get an ice cream but not fish and chips. Better get up and organised! Hope everyone has a good day! X
I think it's really difficult to get on plan when there's a big change to your routine so well done on getting on track.

Ooh Berlin is soon yay! Never been but it looks fab. X
Sorry to hear about the nightmares Becks,I have them on a odd occasion,not nice at all,at least you know why you had them and hopefully you can deal with it.Enjoy your day with the children :0)
Oh Beck the nightmares are not's good you have an idea of the source, maybe working through it can alleviate the problem..sleeping with a hammer in your bed is not recommended! You'll get there with the running. I know it seems unthinkable now but all of a sudden you'll be doing half an hour without having to think too much about it. When I started I used to do 5mins really really really slow jogging and then walk for about ten minutes then one day I just decided to keep 30mins I stopped and I really almost cried I was so happy, I couldn't believe I was capable of doing is an amazing feeling...I'm jealous of you with that to look forward to :) I might steal your salmon marinade recipe for some chicken I think, it sounds yum but the salmon would not do it for me...chicken though or pork maybe..

Hooe you are enjoying your day out, though I know you are technically working. I have to say I really admire you for doing it. Not very many people would give up their own holiday time to help others for no reason other than kindness, you're a star!
That's grotty about the nightmares :) I have them very very occassionally but when it does happen they are also the sort that make you scared to go back to sleep. Hopefully as others have said if you have an idea of the cause you can work on that and hopefully avoid a repeat.

Hope you have enjoyed your day at the seaside. Its definitely been seaside weather here today. I would have killed for a paddle this afternoon!
Had a great paddle and soggy jeans all afternoon. The sun barely peeped through all day and I used factor 30 yet I still have caught the sun on my chest! Not painful though, was a lovely day and great to see the kids enjoying themselves, especially the ones who barely get days out and spend most their time in watching films and playing computers.
Being a bit naughty now though as only got in at 7 and shattered from sea air and running around with the kids, so couldn't be bothered cooking do waiting for a curry. I went for a chicken sag and veg pilau. I'm not gonna worry about it though!
I hope you're right about running Ella I seriously can't imagine reaching that point. Right wiped out now. I'll catch up later. X
Boooo to everyone getting sunburnt!

Curry sounds so good, i could do with one night now!

Enjoy it! Xx
Shame you caught the sun on your day out but I'm glad it's not painful! Sounds like everyone had a great day,hope you enjoyed your dinner :0)
I enjoyed the curry last night bit this morning I feel nauseaus. I'm trying to put off getting out of bed as I'm scared moving around will make me actually be sick. I'm blaming the curry completely, I think it was prob too oily for my tummy. Thought of it makes me feel bleeaugh!

Unfortunatel i must get up Today as I'm meeting my friend for lunch. I have to go to town first as need to get her a leaving card and gift. I'll try to get to gym this afternoon too.
Gonna pp today and hopefully have a light lunch, I think i'll plan roasted veg and pitta for tea to be double careful like. Hope everyone has a good day. X
Are you sure it was the curry and not being out in the sun all day? I felt really dizzy and nauseaous after being in the sun all day on Sunday.

Hope you enjoyed lunch with friend and got to the gym as planned.
Hope lunch and gym went well :) x
Lunch was yum, but gym didn't happen, however walking to and from lunch was about 3-3.5 miles so that's gotta count a little! I got in and cleaned! When I'm off work I usually worry about not being on my feet and not so active as in normal working day but I've not stopped!
Not on plan again today, I missed breakfast as slept in and I had a lovely spinach, pea and Ming risotto for lunch and done vanilla ice cream (I did manage to resist the gorgeous and large looking brownie and ice cream my friend got). Then I've eaten fruit and for tea had 2 crumpets and a bowl of oatbran cereal. I'm totally over weeklies, but intend to be extra good tomorrow and do a pilates class and c25k at gym, I'm gonna set WI on a Friday evening and make day 1 Saturdays so I can relax a little in fri nights. So prob won't show a loss this week as going from morning to evening WI but should all balance out eventually. During the day on fri I'll be good too but going to a friends for the evening and she is make Provençal French style food including lots of cheese! I am not staying over which means I can control alcohol better (ie leave when I feel I've had
Oops sent too early- I was saying I can leave when I feel I've had enough!
Might be going to see batman tomorrow at the cinema with sofas and beer! I think it'll be hard to stick to plan, especially as I've been wanting chocolate a lot today. I'll just have to keep thinking about Berlin being just over a fortnight away!
Right gonna watch another episode of the Borgias now, I'm kind of addicted right now, it's so scandalous! All filth and murder! I recommend it!
Woke up naturally a bit earlier than yesterday which is good as I don't want to be sleeping late every day.
Gonna grab some breakfast and head to the gym and venture into this Pilates class. Not sure what to do with remainder of the day. It's grey here and threatening rain so prob a bit of housework and see where that leads me.
That's good bout the waking earlier then! Enjoy gym and Pilates and enjoy the film if you go to the cinema tonight.You're good resisting the brownie and ice cream.Doubt I would've lol
Wussed out of Pilates, I'm a bit crap at going to classes alone and so I did extra good work out in gym, including rowing machine for first time in well over a year. Only 5 mins mind, gotta build these things up slowly!
Never mind about Pilates.You worked out at the gym so it balances out.Thats good that you did the rower after so long of not doing it.Yup best to build things up.