So. October 30th. Tomorrow is the weigh in for my halloween goal - 240lbs or less.
I AM "or less" !!!! 239.6 woooooo-hoooooooooooooooooooooooo!
So.... 2lbs to go and im into the 16st bracket. *jig jiggity jiiiiggg*
This is working. Must not ever change it. lol 2 packs, a few eggs, 150g quorn with mushrooms/peppers/green beans or some combo of and 2 babybel lights. I can definitely stick to this. pfft.
I lost a grand total of 3lbs in 4 weeks. And now, just since Sunday, Ive lost 5lbs!
Oh, Lou. I love Pasha. *drool* Which is funny because Im pretty much indifferent to all things sex too. LOL.
Anyhoo. Food today -
Exante shake (banana with a pinch of cinnamon added)
2-3 boiled eggs
2 babybel lights
S&S spag bol
Quorn and peppers
sf jelly
coffee, water
Cals 849 Carbs 52 (this is with 2 eggs...)
Im going to have my coffee now