Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Hey - 6lbs for the week whoop!!!

my nan has water tablets (I think she retains water in her legs) and can't leave the house in the morning cos she's always in the loo!! I'd say that any weight loss you got from them would be temporary so when you stopped taking them it would come back on - if it was just for the scales benefit that you wanted to use them

But if you're uncomfortably holding water then they might provide some comfort - but as you lost that lb overnight despite not weeing much I wouldn't have thought you were holding loads of water? you might have sweated it out instead!! Our bodies work in mysterious ways how can sometimes we do a massive poo then not lose weight but other times feel all bloated, tentatively hop on the scales and see a loss! *wavy arms* ooh science!!

You're doing so well with your regime Bee you seem to have found what works for you and are putting ALL the effort in to stick to it - gold star for this lady :D
Thanks pumpkin :D Yeah, after the 1lb came off and I thought about it more..i figured I must not be retaining water and the discomfort must just be all the...erm..TOTM stuff in there. Bleurgh. GET OUT! haha

Very pleased with my loss for the week. To say the VERY least.

I just wish TOTM would go away. Really really. lol

Up a bit this morning...239.0 - so about half a lb. Dont care. haha. Friggin TOTM is just bubbling in the womb, torturing me. GET. OUT. !!! :D

Busy today with errands to run etc etc so going to get cracking.

Food today-

Spag bol
quorn with peppers, mushrooms and philly
2x eggs
2x babybels
sf jelly

coffee, water

Have a good monday all :D
Its bloooooooody freeeeeeeeeeeeezing outside. But I did what I needed to do. Mostly.

Ive had my porridge, a babybel, an egg and my spag bol.

Having a very hungry, munchy, FEEED ME!!! kinda day :/

Going to chug some water, have a babybel and have a nap! Hmphfffff! lol
I hope you have had a good couple of days Kelly. I hope you manage to get a good loss even though its your totm soonish. Your pumpkin pie sounds delish. Have you got a recipe for future ref, i would love to try making this once im at goal!
After jumping on the scales this week i have found to have lost another 3lbs. I am very happy about that, the weight seems to be falling off me nicely. Have stuck to the diet and i havent been tempted by anything. It helps that i live on my own and i dont buy any food in. xoxo
The recipe I use is on the back of the Libby's Pumpkin puree tin. I will look it up for you tomorrow, Girlsbig x

Ive had a dodgy tummy this evening. And Im finally VERY faintly TOTM-ing. lol. VERY faintly. But At least now I know that I will start within the next 48 hours. Usually, my weight doesnt stabilize until around day 2 or 3 after TOTM starts. So ive got a few days to go. But Im hoping for a loss this week. Anything over a pound will make me VERY excited. lol. Super bloated and crampy tonight. Booo.

Exhausted. And i struggle to sleep through the night while its TOTM. :/ The pain/discomfort and general yuckness keeps waking me up.

So Im off to bed with my Zoebean. She had another late nap today and didnt get up til about 4:50pm! *yaaaawwnnn*. Between having a light-sleeper of an 18 month old, and having to wee at least a couple of times every single night and TOTM....its no wonder I rarely get enough sleep! lol.

Night everyone.

What a HORRIBLE night. :( I was freezing. We've had a "summer" duvet for a couple of years now. All year round. Usually the flat is plenty warm enough and as our girls sleep with us, we figured it was perfect for them...not too warm (Zoe is a sweaty baby, like I was) and it was all fine. But this year, as I am significantly less padded than years gone by, I cant handle it. LOL. That aside, Zoe decided to wake up at 3am and have a looooong chat with mommy until, oh, around 5:30 :( haha. Adorable. Sweet. Love it. But NOT at 3am. So we ended up sleeping until 7:50am. Now we are up and in a mad dash to get sorted and out the door to make it to the library for Toddler Tales at 10!

So quickly.

Got weighed.

It was...meh.

Up a little more.


This week...Im ignoring it. And really. Considering the fact that I had 2 jaffa cakes yesterday. Did I mention that? yeah. I had two jaffa cakes last night. I figured, my body is relentlessly craving something. So I can either be realistic about it, or I can just do what got me into this mess and binge like an animal. So I had a good look through the cupboards...and a think. and I decided on 2 jaffa cakes. And that actually sorted me out. Im fine today. Not even hungry, really. lol. Just having my coffee now. So anyway...yeah. And TOTM still hasnt officially started. So really. Im fine with that number. I was expecting far worse. lol

Todays food -

Apple porridge
S&S chilli
2 x babybel
2x egg
sf jelly
bbq quorn and mushrooms and peppers

coffee. water.

I should have my porridge before we go but i seriously cannot face it. lol. so im going to get an egg and a babybel down and then have my porridge around 11 when we get home. bleurgh. lol

have a nice (its rainy, boo!! sadface!) day all! xx
ignore those scales it's water retention and lady goo(!!) God bless our wombs :D They are pretty magic though!

Have fun at the library :D I miss those days! Although I got a cuddle on the sofa from my 13 year old this morning cos he wasn't feeling great so feeling loved <3 he's just about to take over me height wise
hehe aww. they do grow SO quickly. im doing the hormonal mom thing this week....Tabby's upcoming 4th birthday is so bittersweet. My baby isnt a baby anymore *sniiiiiiiiiiiiiffffff*. haha. Yet she is such an amazing little girl. She's got her moments, where she makes me want to put her in the hall cupboard and leave her there until she's, yanno...50 or so. But. Mostly. She's a joy. She is SO loving. She was reading to me on the bus home today. And every time she got a word right, she got SO excited and was so pleased. Not because SHES READING AT 3... but because she saw how happy and proud *I* was. Bless her.

anyway. yeah. Im ignoring it this week. Pfft. It honestly isnt bothering me, what the scales are doing. I guess cuz I had expected far far worse (ive been known to put on 5-6lbs during TOTM week!) and also because i feel so crap with TOTM on its way that I just DONT CARE. haha.

Just had my porridge. Man. I LOVE EXANTE PORRIDGES. haha. I dont say that nearly enough. lmao.

So Ive had a babybel, an egg and my porridge and its already almost noon. Words I thought I would never say - "Oh crap. Im going to have to eat again soon. :/" hahaha.
I think its just that time of year, i myself am also full of a cold and im feeling pretty misrable and just want to cave in but on the otherhand i dont want to ruin all that hard work i have done. I hope we are all feeling better soon then we can focus properly on our diets. I was craving a ham sandwich last night but i had to stop myself taking a trip to the shops. With the weather and the nights turning darker i guess im feeling a little doom and gloom.
Today i am having a lifestyle day because i feel like i need to eat something properly. So this morning it was a Latte shake and ive just had a chicken soup for lunch then i think i will make swede chips and curry (again! I love it!) and then another pack for supper perhaps another soup as my throat is a little sore. I must stay focused xoxo
aww honey. Its definitely the time of year when I think dieting is the hardest. its cold. we feel rubbish. its dark all the time. bleh. we've just gotta keep reminding ourselves WHY we decided to do this..and to stay focused! Im having next Sunday sorta off (im having a small piece of birthday cake) then Monday we're going to lunch at nandos so will have chicken and salad - not really "off plan" but yeah. Then I have Thanksgiving on the 28th. im having a day off plan for that. Then christmas eve, day and boxing day. So i need to do what I can until then so I can tryyyy to meet my goals. TOTM has finally started (YAY!) so Im hoping to get maybe a liiiiittttttle loss this week. a big one would be great. but its not gonna happen. lol x
What a great day today has been! lol Was busy all morning then by the time I sat down, it was 12.30. I still have a babybel, my bbq quorn and a sf jelly to have, plus coffee and an egg if i get really hungry. Its funny how Ive not been ravenous today and TOTM happened to start today as well... lol

I asked hubby to order us a new 13.5 tog duvet i saw on ebay. Not bad...£17 posted! (we have a superking, bedding is always more expensive. lol) brrr!

Its already 4:10! Hubby will be home in about an hour...and Ive done a little nice thing for him. Its rubbish day tomorrow and Ive taken the bins out for him :D haha I do spoil him so! :p

LOL Lou! :p

So, here it is. The much-anticipated (by me) TOTM weight gain.....

241.2 - boooo! But I know WHY so Im not bothered. lol

OMG. Its yuck. Im clearly having a super-heavy month. So gross and so bloaty and just so...uuughhh. Today and tomorrow should be the worst of it though.


Food today -

Im going to try a banana shake, hot. If its gaggy...I will pour it down the sink and have a porridge instead. LOL.

Shake (or porridge)
3x eggs
1 babybel
sf jelly
quorn with philly and mushrooms

coffee, water

have a great day :D
Enjoy your day, sorry to hear that you had a slight gain today but it deffo will be water weight because your on your TOTM. I hope your cat isnt traumatised too much over the fireworks. Im feeling a little better today, my sniffles are going slightly. This morning i had a vanilla shake and ive just has a tomato soup, then it will be a cottage pie for tea with 200g of mixed brocolli and cauli florettes and supper a thai soup. Fancy a simplicity day. xoxo