So back to normal today. Whew! i got weighed after a very off plan day yesterday and Im at 238.6. Im totally thrilled with that. I was expecting to be back into the 240s. Im so excited to progress and get down below 235 now!

16 days til my next goal deadline! EEK!
This weekend was SO much fun. Her birthday was fantastic. I was very pleased with how the cake turned out. The outside was much nicer than I thought I could make it. But was the inside that surprised me as well. Ive always made her rainbow cakes. But this year I bought some Wilton food colours (in a set) off ebay and my GOD they are amazing. The colour is SO rich and vibrant. I will forever ONLY use Wilton colouring now. Amazing. This is the inside of the cake.
See how bright the colours are?? Im still so pleased with it. HAHA
Anyway. Enough of that.
So then yesterday we went to the metro centre and walked and walked and walked. I think that is what saved me from the 240s lol. We took the girls to toy r us and tabby picked out a couple of nice things with her birthday money. And we bought zoe a chilly doll (from Doc McStuffins) because she's only little and doesnt get why Tabs has got all this new stuff (that she's kinda reluctant to let Zoe play with, yet! lol) was only fair.
We also got them some cute PJs in the sale at Asda and I got a top in a SIZE 16!! :O Uh. Lets just put this into perspective. This time last year....heck, about 3 months ago even...I was a 22/24 for tops. My problem is now that I am anywhere between 16 to 20 for tops (the variation on sizes in this country is atrocious!! LOL) but for bottoms Im like a 20-22. Im kinda a 21 but that doesnt exist. So Im kinda snookered. And totally depends on the sizing/shop/style/range. I have a pair of jeans that are size 22 on right now. They are from asda. And they are now so big that I can pull them up and down very easily without undo-ing the button or zip. I tried on a pair of 20s in asda yesterday. And I couldnt even get them over my hips. Not even close. HOW? So I have no idea what to do about jeans. Im going to order a bunch of different ones online i think and then send back whatever doesnt fit. I dont even care about the number on the label I just want something that fits, at this point. LOL. I dare not bend down in public as my pants fall down! I have a belt somewhere but heck if I can find it. :/ and I hate them anyway. lol.
Anyway. Food for today -
BBq Quorn, onions, mushrooms and peppers
A&C porridge
Spag bol
2 or 3 x boiled egg
1 babybel
sf jelly pot
coffee, water
How is everyone doing?

Have a great day!