we've been to howletts but not drusillas. howletts is lovely - but i'd agree with your friend and say it's more for older kids and grown ups (saying that, we took dd there when she was 3 and she loved it!)
we're mainly going to drusillas as ds loves thomas the tank engine and they've got a thomas ride there

well, more of a thomas train that takes you from place to place, but i bet we'll be on it all day

lol i wouldn't worry too much - doesn't look like we're moving anywhere fast! i can't see it selling over the winter - not much does

so you've got a few months left to put up with me! haha :giggle:
we've not got any family in wales - we just love it there!

rolling hills, green GREEEEEEEEN grass (it's brown and crispy here at the mo - probably the same with you?) due to lots of rain (which i really don't mind)... gorgeous scenery, houses in the middle of nowhere... oh total BLISS
we can get more land for our money too so it's like a double bonus!

if we're lucky we might even be able to clear the mortgage! :flirt2:
i know a few people who've already moved to wales and have said they love it already and don't know why they didn't do it years ago!

so we're v. excited, but it's so frustrating when the only thing holding us back is selling the house and it's going sooooo slooooowwwwlllly
don't suppose you want to buy it do you? (kae lynched on her deal - she was supposed to pay me in chocolate, but it never materialised.. surprise surprise :flirt2: :giggle: )