Awww thanks
Well, i'm baaack! And i'm soo sooooooo tired! We got up at 6am both mornings (5am GMT) and i was asleep by 9.30pm both nights (8.30 GMT)
Nan absolutely LOVED it!!!

She was like a big kid lol.
Wish we hadn't had to come home so soon though

Although, if we'd stayed there much longer i'd have been the size of a house

I didn't stick to ANY kind of diet plan.. i was terrible

I had chocolate cake, cheese,... CHIPS!!!
Of course i suffered... but did i care?! Apparently not

Oh well.. i've got weigh in this morning aswell, so maybe that second slice of chocolate tart wasn't such a good idea last night?!
Back on the straight and narrow now - i'll be lucky to have not put on more than 2lb methinks

We did a lot of walking, but TBH the amount i put away, nothing will have combatted that
Will post more later - i've got to leave for weigh-in in about half an hour and i'm still sitting here in my dressing gown!
Missed you all!
