I told myself I would not begin posting again till I found a real time group that met in london weekly.The reason is simple enough,it was the missing element..and I have found one.Seek and ye shall find, and so I did.
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What suprised me was how hard it was. The fulham group I joined, just ground to a halt. Besides those who ran it were more concerned about selling herbal life.
The diet club groups did not really touch upon emotions or issues other than the calorie counts or points of food and I never learnt anything I did not already know, the meetings were too short and I never felt I knew the people who turned up, never felt the dynamic created was what I needed.
Lighter life seemed attractive because of the deeper group dynamic format, but I am not any diet product specific fan..and I can't do a huplaloop over powered milk in sachets or bottles and I also feel that while they can be very healthy, they are just a tool, nothing to get evangelical about.Cost is relative so while lighter life seemed high, I would have paid it, if I thought the group format went beyond cbt+buy more of the product.
O/A, well I did drop in and I did not like it..not for me at all.
But just by going to that one meeting I saw a notice for another type of group which semed to be tailor made for me. small, weekly meetings, including phone groups one can access via skpe, mainly USA based.Not all of the principles suit me by any means, some even seem a bit unhealthy , but those I can sidestep.
I feel cyber groups are great but nothing beats a fleshy person grabbing your hand and saying 'ofcourse you can do it and by the way, call'.