I woke at 2 am last night have been working right through the night and at long last I have got the digital imaging software to work, and I know that I'll have the files ready for monday morning.
I did feel like giving up, everything on the PC was so slow and I wished that the software was available for a mac. However instead of rushing out this time I simply got still and went through what might be the errors. Including using a new mouse.
After which, in that stillness of just working through hundreds of images I realised two thing... yes I have full day of fashion today but no I do not want to go.I'll rejoin after mid term, Maybe its machine girl gossip fatigue...I just dislike being in close proximity to people who never stop talking and seem to have to chat hour after hour,and the tutors voice is so high pitched..maybe weight loss simply leading to more sensitivity...
I did want to go to my Reiki appointment but in truth I am tired..poor time management ( in one respect) ( great prioritzing in another ), cos my priority was getting the software to do what it says on the pack.
So I rang the fashion college this morning and actually caught the tutor at reception, so she is not expecting me till late feburary, and the reiki can wait..but self care cannot wait.And I still have a habit of becoming too tired.
So I am taking a bubble bath and I'll either go to bed or I'll go to a big art store and get some paints and sniff the canvass.
Its a relief to begin clearing out activities that are not essential to my week, because i need more time to sleep...and I just want more space around my activities and I am super sensitive to drama and tension at the moment.I am just going to walk away and be Zen about it all, well Zen about me, I am not concerned with what anyone else is doing or not doing unless they are close to me .
And because i intend to work out in a far more potent and intense fashion , again I need to sleep more.
I've downloaded gillians podcast off itunes, Hers is one of the voices I want to here in the mornings..If i don't know anyone real time who has fire in her belly, I can tap into some one virtual till I find someone....alternatively i can just tap into the energies of the trainers in the gym who are working with others.
I also want some body activty, not sure when or which- but it involves an explosive use of my body..maybe less reiki and more kick boxing?
Sugar and spice and all things nice.....naaaaahhhhhh