once you get used to it guys you won't need to rush to the loo as often. you'll just wee for a bit longer and you stop feeling awkward about the sound effects after a while too
Morning abz
That's where being a guy is a great advantage, flow and direction control
you know you can train your bladder to hold more. If you hold it til you are bursting then it will hold more for you. If you go everytime you can just feel it then it will become lazy
Heehee, hint for the ladies concerning direction here. If you sit nearer the front of the loo the wee won't hit the water thus the sound won't be as bad, in fact sometimes you can't hear it at all
hmmm.. i see our conversation is once again highly intellectual :8855:x
I know what you mean though Taz and making sure your pelvic floor works with exercises helps with the process too
LOL, intellectual indeed. I read that it is a medical fact that women need to pee less than men, something to do with bladders size?
not far abz, about 500ml. but then you're aiming for double the amount that I am so i'd say i'm pretty cool where I am. already need the loo but i'm holding it in to strengthen my bladder hahahahaha....