Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Am smiling as well Jennie at your news - rather fab and must be a great positive rush for you.

Lets us know if the film is worth watching - am sure you will get to see it - I am averse to going to the 'big releases' because thats what everyone else does (oops sorry for insulting everyone else - thats why I want a car you don't see many of - hate to have the same for some reason - physcological disturbance clearly!) and I always get a noisy crsp eating kid next to/behind me who never stops making noises.

Not a bad decision about Job No 2 - am sure that this contributed greatly to the exhaustion with the PWFH symptoms - just hope S can deal with a full on, none exhausted Jennie PMSL

Also always wondered what Ostrich tastes like - do tell
Am smiling as well Jennie at your news - rather fab and must be a great positive rush for you.

Thanks, I appreciate that very much :)

Lets us know if the film is worth watching - am sure you will get to see it - I am averse to going to the 'big releases' because thats what everyone else does

lol, well, we aren't likely to go immediately, will wait for the crowds to subside a tad methinks... I bet you HAVE gone to pics in the past though and seen new films that've just come out....;)

(oops sorry for insulting everyone else - thats why I want a car you don't see many of - hate to have the same for some reason - physcological disturbance clearly!)

you just want to stand out from the crowd - show off! lol

and I always get a noisy crsp eating kid next to/behind me who never stops making noises.

really? always????

Not a bad decision about Job No 2 - am sure that this contributed greatly to the exhaustion with the PWFH symptoms - just hope S can deal with a full on, none exhausted Jennie PMSL

:rotflmao: well, time will tell eh? lolol

Also always wondered what Ostrich tastes like - do tell

will do! am going to grill it on the George Foreman ! :D oops better get going or market will be done!
we all want to see pirates too, told girls its something we will do during half term.
am reaaly pleased to read that things with S are progresing along nicely.
have fun at the carnival & stay chilled
we all want to see pirates too, told girls its something we will do during half term.
am reaaly pleased to read that things with S are progresing along nicely.
have fun at the carnival & stay chilled

Good morning Mrs 34 booby woman! ;)

I feel more upbeat today and have been to the market and got the ostrich steak - looks yummy - just had soup so that will keep me going until tea time hopefully. (Had muffin for breakfast - I LOVE choc mint muffins!) lol

I also managed to get everything I wanted to in Asda , well, apart from a quick nip into the CoOp for some foil trays to put prepared meals in ready to freeze!

In Asda I got that weeding tool I've been whittering on about... it's called a 'Patio Knife' apparantly! Cost £8 in Asda and is exactly what I was after. The sun's sort of out and I am tempted but I told Zoe I'll sit and watch a film with her at 3 ish so not going to do gardening after all.

S is busy with work and I think he's going shopping to the posher place (Waitrose) lol.. s'alright if you can afford it! lololol No idea what time tonight but am being calm and not pushing to find out.. I figure he'll let me know..

Got some scrummy looking veg stirfry mix too - thought that might be nice with the prawns I have in the fridge - in fact, will have to eat those tonight and keep the ostrich for tomorrow as prawns 'expire' tomorrow and I hate wasting food!

I've just transferred the large lasagne I made yesterday into some foil things and labelled them up and shoved them in the freezer. Zoe is under strict instructions to eat those when / if she comes home from work on her 2 days off whilst I'm away on hols. I also cooked 3 portions of chicken korma and have those cooling down in the fridge - suitably labelled with calories and fat contents (based on the label on the sauce jar) so when they get eaten in 2 months time I shall know what's in them!

Done enough cooking now and also, when in Asda I got the most adorable sun hats for Emily (my brand new great-neice) and some babygrow things that will fit her in about 6 months time... :D It was lovely buying girly baby things after all these years... lol.. doesn't make me broody - perish the thought - just nice inside. New life, new hopes, new dreams.. a whole new future.

Also got a long handled watering doo-dah thingy wotsit (as we discussed on't phone t'other day!) :) Bargain at a fiver! So, hanging baskets and wall baskets will be much happier now!

Got some blank cds too and sleeves to put them in.. can't be bothered to sit and sort out files right now, but have loads of time to do so.

Might email bosses and let them know Docs verdict.. in fact, that would be a good thing to do and will mean boss of job 2 will leave me alone! (He was going to ring me over the weekend he said!)

I do feel very sleepy again now, despite only having done a brief shop at Asdas (oh, got another 12 bottle of me fav tipple too.. lol )... and a little bit of cooking! Can't believe I'm still tired! Blah! Still... snooze in front of telly will sort that out a bit perhaps.

Decided to wear the folky white top tonight that when he last saw me in it S's eyes were on stalks and he told me I looked stunning :D (Hopefully it will evoke good memories!)

Anyway... better go and load all the dirty pots into dishwasher as hate messy kitchen these days.. washing is on the line all done... shopping all put away... Zoe fed (she ate half the smaller lasagne) animals fed and watered.. lol.. and diary bang up to date (for a change!).

MUST be time to snooze! lol

Hope you're having a lovely day my friend.

Lots of love

Sounds like things are going really well for you FFnF!! :)

Nice to see you up beat and feeling better about things with S. :D
well, to be honest CC, I don't actually know whether I'm coming or going right now as not heard a thing from S since that phone call this morning... it's 6pm and I have no idea what time or where etc for this evening.. not even sure if right now as no word.

I sent him my normal chatty texts but an hour ago sent one asking if he was ok... not heard a thing so am just a little cheesed off... he's probably working/shopping/at the gym or something, but it is a bit odd I think. I hope nothing bad has happened to him and that if he is having second thoughts about our going out for a drink tonight that he would let me know..

I'm going to take the dog for a walk and get some fresh air and hope that he will contact me... there is little else I can do really....

Perhaps I was wrong to get my hopes up. I'll know soon enough I guess.. if no word from him in another couple of hours I will assume he has made his decision and I shall have a bath and go to bed.

I can't live my life on hold like this. It isn't healthy and it isn't fair either. I hope he's ok and that all is well with him and his family. I feel sure if something had happened he would have let me know if he could.

Patience - that's what I need. Bags of patience. I was excited earlier, now I'm not. Ho hum. lol

Life's rich tapestry and all that ...
well, to be honest CC, I don't actually know whether I'm coming or going right now as not heard a thing from S since that phone call this morning... it's 6pm and I have no idea what time or where etc for this evening.. not even sure if right now as no word.

I sent him my normal chatty texts but an hour ago sent one asking if he was ok... not heard a thing so am just a little cheesed off... he's probably working/shopping/at the gym or something, but it is a bit odd I think. I hope nothing bad has happened to him and that if he is having second thoughts about our going out for a drink tonight that he would let me know..

I'm going to take the dog for a walk and get some fresh air and hope that he will contact me... there is little else I can do really....

Perhaps I was wrong to get my hopes up. I'll know soon enough I guess.. if no word from him in another couple of hours I will assume he has made his decision and I shall have a bath and go to bed.

I can't live my life on hold like this. It isn't healthy and it isn't fair either. I hope he's ok and that all is well with him and his family. I feel sure if something had happened he would have let me know if he could.

Patience - that's what I need. Bags of patience. I was excited earlier, now I'm not. Ho hum. lol

Life's rich tapestry and all that ...

Hi FFnF,

DOn'tcha just hate it when important texts haven't replied to.

I'm sure it's nothing major, he's probably really busy, caught up with the errands of a Saturday. He's not let you down before so he won't let you down tonight. If he did it would be a callous way to do it, to just not ring or text, and I don't think he's a callous man.

Try not to get bothered ... going out with the pooch is a fab idea. He'll contact you. If not then I'm as sure as eggs is eggs there's an emergency of some sort. You'll know either way soon enough - but rest assured it's not because he's brushed you off babe.

Have a good walk, I'll check in on you later.

be virtuous and add patience to the list

he wouldn't have raised your hopes like that and be the way he has been if he didn't mean it.

Sure it will turn out okay today (well I got my lucky fingers crossed for you see - and am rubbing my 4 leaf clover - and wearing my lucky boxers - don't visualise!)
Hi FFnF,

DOn'tcha just hate it when important texts haven't replied to.

I'm sure it's nothing major, he's probably really busy, caught up with the errands of a Saturday. He's not let you down before so he won't let you down tonight. If he did it would be a callous way to do it, to just not ring or text, and I don't think he's a callous man.

Try not to get bothered ... going out with the pooch is a fab idea. He'll contact you. If not then I'm as sure as eggs is eggs there's an emergency of some sort. You'll know either way soon enough - but rest assured it's not because he's brushed you off babe.

Have a good walk, I'll check in on you later.


be virtuous and add patience to the list

he wouldn't have raised your hopes like that and be the way he has been if he didn't mean it.

Sure it will turn out okay today (well I got my lucky fingers crossed for you see - and am rubbing my 4 leaf clover - and wearing my lucky boxers - don't visualise!)

well, :vibes:you two must be psychic :vibes:- he rang me just as I was leaving the house with the pooch..:eek: he said he sent me a text hours ago telling me about his mate who needed a shoulder.. and he was on his way home... :ashamed0005:

So glad I decided to walk the mutt instead of mulling!

I walked the dog and S said he would ring when he got to the A14... me and the mutt got home and I jumped into the shower.. thought I had loads of time as no call... had JUST stepped out of shower, hair wrapped in towel and charming big blue bathrobe on, when Zoe yelled that the doorbell had rung.. I yelled back that I had just got out of the shower.. she laughed and said,.. it's S!!!

OMG!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: He had turned up (without warning) lol and thought I was home alone! :rotflmao: not sure who was more shocked out of the two of them! Poor sod! lol He said he was having probs with his phone so thought it best to call in and thought I was on my own! I was so embarassed, he looked me up and down and grinned and said "interesting look":sign0007:.. lol in the meantime I sent Zoe to the kitchen to retrieve a portion of the lasagne that I had put into a foil dish earlier today - gave it to him, :eat:told him to put it on a plate and micro for about 2 mins.. lol... then he left.. parting comments being.. "your daughters beautiful isn't she"... and... "I'll call you in an hour"... lol there were no hugs (or kisses) but I was sopping wet and both of us were in shock and I was quite embarrassed to be caught in 'preparation' mode!:hide:

I texted him and said I would be ready in half an hour but he is doing his shopping now, lol , so we agreed an hour (which will be at about half 8) and I am now all dried, dressed, primped and preened AND nervous!

Please God, let this evening be a nice one :innocent0001: and give me some patience!!!:innocent0002:

LOL, he just called... he's about to eat the lasagne then he'll call me back and so... finally... we should get to go out!! He says he was really embarassed because his phone was playing up and he was driving past and thought he would pop in and say hello and was really shocked when she answered the door.. lol Also said he wasn't expecting the food! Hope he likes it! (way to a man's heart etc etc...)
Hey hun, relax............chill..............go with the flow.

BUT ............... have a wonderful evening xxxxxx
right, she's currently off line & hasn't posted about being let down so me thinks she MUST be out with the wonderful S !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
lol, yep.. I was.

He rang, apologised for the delay and asked if I was still up for going out for a drink.. as if I was going to say no!

So I picked him up and we went to the local wine bar - there was a musician but we pretty much ignored him.. we sat at a table away from everyone else and just basically talked.. there was very little physical contact, none at all when I picked him up... although he did take my hand a couple of times.. and our knees touched occassionally.

He had a very very tough day and to be honest, he looked tired. When I picked him up he told me I looked great (which was nice). We talked about lots of things.. including THAT Thursday evening and in the end he made a joke of it and we both ended up laughing. He has a very heavy rest of the weekend ahead unfortunately so I don't know when we shall see one another again and he has already told me he is working away next Friday night and then has the boys all weekend so I won't see him at all next weekend (the last weekend before my hols)..

I dropped him home and we had a hug and a kiss and he apologised for being a bit weird tonight but assured me he isn't playing games. I believe him. He's going to try and arrange to take his older lad on holiday during my final week away, which I thought was nice of him...

I know how I feel but am still unsure as to his feelings. I guess patience is going to be my bedfellow for quite some time now.

There was a tricky moment when the owner came over to chat and asked directly if he was my man! I stumbled and muttered a kind of 'yes' but wasn't sure whether I should have or not.. he didn't object so I'm guessing it was an ok thing to say.

We shared stories about past holidays, meetings with famous people, music likes etc etc... it was only 2 hours but flew by at times and at others there were tense silences..

I don't really know how to feel right now, so, was glad he stood and waved goodbye until I was out of sight, as I left he said "If I haven't said already, you look absolutely fantastic tonight" (so - thumbs up on the choice of outfit!).. and he also asked me to text when I got home and again in the morning and he will call me then.

I know, I know.. not the actions of a man who isn't interested, but still and all, I don't want to get too excited about things.. I'm guessing that when I get home from my holidays things will be crystal clear.

He told me I have to take care of myself and that I look very tired still and to make sure I have plenty of energy input on Monday as it will be a long and tiring day. I haven't quite worked out how I'm going to have my packs as I have to be there for 8.45am and won't be leaving until probably 6pm... will perhaps have 2 muffins first thing in the morning and take a chicken salad with me for afterwards...

In any case, I did see S tonight, albeit just for a couple of hours and at arms length for the most part. He has son from tomorrow afternoon to Tuesday, I have weigh in Tuesday evening.. and then he has a hideous working week ahead.. doesn't bode that well, but as I say.. patience is going to be key.

I'm off to bed now as I am freezing cold and absolutely knackered.. not normally up this late any more.. certainly not at the moment..

Goodnight my friends, thank you for being upbeat when I wasn't and for helping me all the while.. xxxx