Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

Stay strong

Love ya hun. You'll be there very soon.
I know you could sense this coming.
It's terrifying.
My mother is a way behind yours, but I am aware of the little changes every day.
Her world seems to be closing in on her.
She's still got a guy chasing after her though - at 87!!!

Just wanted to say your post touched me very much. Sending you big hugs in the hope that it helps in some small measure.
Bren xx
When my dad got ill and I knew it was the fist steps towards the end a friend gave me the best (although gibberish!) advice. She said 'It takes many bites to eat an elephant.'

Which is, of course gibberish, but what it means is that some things are too big to deal with. You need to take things back to day by day. Don't try to get your head around what you, and your mum, are facing. Go day by day. Deal with what you can day by day.

Seriously this helped me immeasurably. Just take it one day at a time and do what you can. xxx
Thank you everyone. I like the Elephant suggestion - but must admit its very difficult not to have my mind racing ahead, dissecting every eventuality - every possibility - and its hard work! But hard to stop too. :(

Timing is always interesting. I have been feeling for several weeks, that I needed to finally cut the chord with Minimins, and bid a fond farewell to everyone - I was finding I was spreading myself all over the place, and giving a little attention to a lot of things, rathar then a lot of attention to fewer things. ANd I thought maybe the time had come.

And then this happened.....and now, I feel, knowing myself and my situation, I will probably find journaling helpful. ANd I know I am facing definate challenges ahead with my maybe I need to stick around awhile. But I will probably just come on mainly to write here....I do still need to start focusing on things that get neglected when I get spread to I hope folks won;t mind my prattling on and not really spending much time in other parts of the forum.

I know this is nothing anyone can fix for me. There is no bandaid. BUt I have so many feelings churning about inside, my chest feels it could just having a willing ear now and again is so helpful.

I spoke to mom last night - and she told me to be prepared - that she was "going downhill fast".

I am so sad, because I know out trip out there at Easter - may be the last time I see her. It is always so difficult to come home from a visit....this time it is going to be just awful.

I want to carry a big bucket of sand, and keep my head in it.
I am so sorry you are going through such a tough time I had guessed that things were taking a turn for the worst due to the lack of posts

We all love our mums & hope that they are going to be there for us for ever but it can't be

The water between you must make you feel like you are drowning in it & I wish I could do or say something to help all I can suggest is that you enjoy your easter trip the best you can & make each moment count

My thoughts are with you
Times like this you just need to go easy on yourself. Take support where you can get it, give what you can but keep some extra for yourself. x
Thank you ladies.

Yes RC - the ocean is more vast than ever at times like this.

I feel as if I am sleepwalking in a dream I desperately want out of. :(

I spoke to mom the other nihgt, and she told me she was going downhill fast - made me so sad and was asking me thinks like, if I was happy, etc. She wants me to put some special things in the house aside for me, etc., so she knows. I just love her so much, I can;t imagine the world without her - whenever that comes.

phew. these are the toughest of days.
Oh honey I have just caught up on what is going on with you. I really really feel for you, I have never been able to accept the thought that one day my mum won't be here. I never will accept it. Perhaps I don't have to try to, I can just do my best to deal with it when the time comes - what I am trying to say (clumsily) is perhaps you don't need to try and prepare yourself for the worst, just try to keep taking one day at a time as Coley said, deal wit hthe future when the future is here.
Love you doll.
Hi Hun
Just sending hugs your way. It won't be long until you get to see your Mom now
Hi BL, so sorry to hear what you are going thru at the moment, it must be heartbreaking.
I have no real words of wisdom that will help,but just wanted to say my bit !
:( that's all.

I go home Friday, and time is moving very slowly. I just want to go.

This is simply the worst feeling in the world.

Mom has told my friend she just wants to see me again, 'before she leaves'.

How am I EVER going to be able to say good bye, and drive off, when the time comes. How am I going to do that??????????????????????????

I don;t know how I am going to cope. :(

I don't think I will.
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