Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

Depends what you mean by coping really. Make sure you say everything that should be said, do everything that should be done then when you leave you can go without regretting things not done.

You can only do what you can do and your mum will understand that. Just make each moment count.
Just popping in to tell you i'm thinking of you

I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling or how you will feel when the time comes to leave but my thoughts are with you
Thanks RC.

I feel ripped in two. Part of me knows mom wants to go, that she feels she has lived too long - she is tired - and for her, then I want her to go.

The other part of me simply cannot fathom what life on earth will be like without her or my father. ANd I never want her to go.

These past weeks, since learning how far and how fast she has declined - has been like a visit to my life's cinema....the memories are flooding in - from a special outfit she made me when I was a young girl - a little set of cropped trousers and a cropped top - in a harlequin pattern - to the times we shopped together - to our trips around Europe after dad died - girl scout camps, famioly vacations - parent teacher conferences - my first kitten that she got me and hid in the hoover closet and then told me I had to hoover the house - the care she gave me when I had to have a hysterectomy - skiing trips - driving her to the stores, etc., just everything is flooding my head. Everything.

I can't stop it - and its too much at times.

I just can't imagine a world without her in it. Its going to be a very dark place for a very long time.

I am living in an emotional place that is painful, and I feel like my soul is being ripped from moms. Seperation has started. And it is a feeling of a primal wound. It hurts from the very center of my being.
And the tears are coming fmo a place I have never ever felt in my life. And it hurts physically. I am sure my neighbour must think I am being killed at some point most days.

I don't mean to sound over the top - and maybe I do to some - but I love my parents, more than words can describe. They adopted me and my brothers - anyone could have and maybe no one would have - but they did, and they gave me a blessed life - so I am overflowing with love, and gratitude - its limitless. And its just the most bittersweet concotion of feelings, emotions, thoughts and visualisations.

Dark days ahead. I appreciate everyones support. And ideas. But I know myself - and I know how far I fell when Dad died, and how hard it was to climb back up to the surface - and I know it will be as bad or worse. There is no escaping it.

No matter how well adjuted an adoptee is, there is generally an issue with seperation - for me, there certainly is. This won't be easy.

<sigh> I will be gone in 2 days, and you won;t have to see my dark depressing posts.

I have jstn ever felt so low in my life, and I need an outlet.

Thanks for listening.
BL I don't really know what to say to help you - you sound so low but all we can do is send lots of love and hugs and tell you that people care about you.

Milli x
Thank you Milli. I am low. :( Not liking this at all.

I am a survivor, and I will come out the other end - I just don't know when.

But thank you for your support....means a lot.


I leave in the morning. Afraid of what I am going to find at the other end.

xx Bye everyone.
Have a safe journey & enjoy the time you have together
The journey through loss, grief and understanding begins....

Well, time to blow the dust of this and start using it again. I am approaching some very difficult days/weeks/months ahead, and this may be a good source for thoughts. ANd comfort.

As most of you know by now, my trip was expected to be an emotional journey, but never, ever did I think it would end the way it did. That mom would have a horrific accident, and suffer through weeks in Critical care, fighting for her life.

I expected it might have been the last time I would see her, but not under these circumstances. And never did I imagine 10 days after returning to the uk, that she would lose that fight, and we would lose her.

To say that has knocked me for six would be a complete lie. It has knocked me for 12.

I learned, that gut insticts are something we should always listen too. About 4 months ago, I got very depressed, and started fearing the end was near. I think I might have written about it here. I did not know why or where those feelings came from - I just "knew".

During those times, my diet suffered, but not horribly. But now, after what we went through, everything I learned in CBT went out the window. This was too big, and too deep and I needed comfort.

I don;t drink, so I turned to my old "friend" food. I didn't - couldn;t care. I knew I would have to pay for it, in the end.

But I need to revisit some of my thoughts, and beliefs, and strengths and weaknesses, and learn from this.

During those 4 months or so, I have put on about 30 pounds. I don;t see this as failure. I see this as realising there is more to learn, and more to practice.

It was amazing to me, to be conscious of what was going on. I would be sat there. Then sad thoughts and worry would consume. I would immediately eat something. Those thoughts would go away. For a moment. Then they returned, up I went and more I stuffed.

The word TRIGGER truly is apt.

I ate, until I could barely swallow through my tears. I would almost choke. I just stuffed that pain, until I could barely even swallow.

I am glad that I have decided to stop this madness now, and go back onto packs before it gets worse. But I feel I have let myself down a little too. I will work on that.

The feelings of loss, go beyond my mother. I have alos lost a life long friend through all of this, and feel a completely and totally betrayed. We have been friends 35 years. ANd she judged me and my family at a time when we needed her friendship, love and support. Knife firmly planted in back. I have yet to give this much thought. Mom became my only thought, and all energy focused on her. IN the coming weeks, I expect feelings around this will come up and more will be felt and dealt with.

We are also losing our family home. The home my mother and father designed and build with their own blood, sweat and tears. My fathers legacy is all but dissolved due to mishandling by my mothers stubborness when my father died. This came as a huge shock to us for she assured us years ago she put all her affairs in order to make life simpler. She did not do anything that she was advised, reccomended or instructed. I do not understand why - and leaves us all shaking our head in wonder. I know it was an accident - that she would have believed she had set up a trust properly, etc., but it was done all wrong. All wrong.

It all means that the home I grew up in, the home where all my youthful memories sprung from, the garden of 50 foot tall trees I watched over my life grow from saplings, every holiday, everyting - is lost. I can't describe how this feels. Maybe others will understand. Its kind of unusal these days for people to have stayed put for so long, and people move around a lot. The family home seems to be a thing of the past. But for me, it is my home, my only home. ANd the thought of losing it, is like another death.

I suppose I will greive that loss too.

I vow now, not to make the same mistake in grieving that I made with my father. I denied myself the time to grieve, and received zero support from my ex-husband. And it wrecked me. It took about 10-12 years to get a handle on his death. And my life was pretty dark in those years. I will not do that again.

I also know I need to get some help. PRofessionaly. I am having bad dreams, about the incident, finding mom and seeing her injuries....the events in hospital where death was all around us.

This was a critical burn unit only, and it was a very intense ward. It was very insular = it had its own operating theatre, its own A&E essentially, so patients were brought right in to the ward straight from the ambulance.

I have seen things, that no person should ever have to see. People without faces. Babies without limbs. Death. Familys turning off life support of their loved ones.... Every single day for 28 days. Day in, day out. I am realising now how traumatic it was, but at the time, I was on autopilot, and relatively numb.

I can safely say, that this was the worst life has shown me yet. It is the most difficult time of my life.

Now, I feel numb, confused, tired, scared, sad, and angry.

I vow not to let these emotions get the best of me.

Its a long road, but it foot in front of the other. One day after another.

Give me strength.
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I wish you all the strength in the world. You have a very difficult time still to come but you will get through it.

I had professional help after my Mam died and really felt I needed to talk to someone who didn't know me. I am still having this help even though it is 3 1/2 years since Mam died.

Irene xx
I have followed you story since day one -- sending you lots of cyber comfort...and wishing you the best :)
I know you are going to have to dig deep for your inner strength but I know it is within you xxxx
May God give you the strength you will need hun. xxx
So sorry to read your post and to hear about your mother and everything that has happened. Weight gain is understandable. I know I gained 3 stone when my Dad seemed the only way to cope. You know now that there are other ways and good on you for turning to them.

Just keep on putting one foot in front of the other and you will get through this. xxx
Thank you so much Coley.

Today is hard. I have finished making the 1st round of calls to moms closest friends....and I have heard them gasp for breath when they heard the news, or cry, and want to know why- how - it is absolutely draining. every single phone callll.

Being at work i am finding quite difficult....2 more weeks, and that will end.

I am really fighting the urge to comfort myself. I won;t but it is damn hard.

It's just a really painful time....and I am sorry to bring it all here - but I need to get it out, and this makes a small dent.

I know I will come out hte other side. It's just getting there I am dreading.
From3:30am, I couldnot turn off the "video". Mind would not stop or be quiet, so I lay there, listening to the birds outside untill about 5 minuted before my alarm rings, and then I fell asleep - so I reset alarm for 1 hours worth. Shattered...sleep is very important to me.

Bright side is, did my 3 day weigh in, as if I had gone for a drop-in, and 6 pounds gone already. Goodbye glycogen. Gotta love that - already now less then 2 stone to lose. Just. Sounds so much easier.

Looks like I am going to be late today.
Hi Blonde Logic, how are you girl..still around here then? Im back on vlcd, joied allaboutweight..same as ligherlife, but more affordable for me. The packs do taste nicer, so finding it really easy.

Shame to hear about westiegirl very sad news, cant believe it tbh
Hope your well xxxx
Thinking of you BL xxxxx

Lovely poem from LS, I hope it helps your pain in some small way. xx
Wow LS, we don't see you here for ages and then you come back with that lovely poem.
I hope it will give BL a little comfort. x