Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

Wow! On inch and weightloss BL! I hope your first day back was manageable after the surgery? I do hope you will be on the mend sooner than later.

I hope Muffin is comfortable and big hugs as it must be distressing. X
Wow! Six pounds AND 15 inches! Not the most fun way to lose it, but whoop!

Muffin --lovely name. I'm sure the dog will adapt -- and instead of feeling depressed over the dog losing its eyesight -- think of how you get to love your mother by taking care of her beloved pet, as she would. Other people might have put the pet down, but you can ask yourself, "What would mom want". But, please when the vet advises you to let go -- do so. Perhaps, you can have your mum's pet cremated and the next time you visit your mom's grave sprinkle or bury the ashes there.

My uncle left instructions for his ashes to be saved until his beloved dog passed. Then the dog was cremated -- their ashes wet combined and my cousins walked the path of their dad's favorite woodland walk and scattered them along the trail -- whilst sharing memories of their dad and his dogs. My cousin still takes that walk on special days -- he said he really feels his dad's spirit there.

** I went for my colonoscopy orientation thing on Monday morning. After I get the routine -- you're over 50 tests done -- I was planning on possibly getting my hemorrhoids sorted... But after your experience I'm not so sure. Did they try any alternatives before operating on them?
Hi Mel...

First, to be clear - that is 15" total since starting the diet - not as a result of the surgery! :D

I love your uncles story - I bet that is and always will be a special place for his children to go. I would love to have a place like that to go.

Its just really hard to see Muffin so scared and confused. She is really frightened - and as she is deaf too, she can't hear us tell her its OK - so it must be a very scary place for her right now. There is tiny progress every couple of days. I hope she can adapt. They say it can take about 6 weeks and not to make any decisions before then. And I always let them go when they need to. That is what I am preparing myself for, in case she cannot adapt - I cannot let her continue to live her life in fear. For the 3 years we have had her we have been able to do what we wanted for her. For the first time in her life she got to be a real little doggy. Roadtrips, walks, being playful - all sorts of things she never could do with mom because of moms sedentary life style - and her first 2 owners abadnoned and neglected her - so we have been able to let her spend her last years as a little dog should. And that will always give me comfort when the time comes. I love what you say Mel, but it is just so hard to listen to her cry out and for such a long time. I have been advised not to give in and collect her - to let her work it out - and it takes a lot of strength to do that. I think the depression comes mainly from the connection of her suffering now, reminding me of mom, then reminds me of moms suffering. My husband got mad at me and told me I get to emotionnally tangled up in things - but I can;t help it. I am an emotional creature. It would be much easier if I weren't!

My husband has instructed me that all our animals ashes are to go with him when he goes. We have quite a collection. lol Bless him.

I like your idea of putting her ashes on moms grave.

As for my little hemis - not a lot of treatment has been done on them. They originate in 1979 after I have several operations in 2 years trying to rebuild my knees which I broke when I was 19. As a result of all the surgeries and the constipation that comes from anesthesia and pain meds - that is what started them. Then, after all the surgeries stopped, I had no issue for many many years.

It wasn;t until I moved over here, so within the last 12 that I started having some blood in my movements. I lived with that for about 6 or 7 years I guess?? A long time - because it was never more then a bit of blood in the water - so no bother. Then, it was AFTER I did Lighter Life and lost that massive weight that they really kicked off. So that was 2008.

Pride kept me from having them looked at until this year. So the only treatment I have done is tried creams and cortison cream, etc., to no result. So then left it again. Then finally went and they tried banding them. They had small success - in that they could band the smaller ones but there was one significant one that had gone beyond the banding stage. So that is why they opted to do the surgery. They also tucked up all the prolapsed skin and stitched it up inside to return my body to be more anatomically correct. This is i think what caused so much pain. I would not have this op done again. I do not want to suggest one way or another to you. You might breeze it. And be glad for having it done. But really question your doctor. My mum in law is a nurse and she knew it was going to be bad but did not tell me becuase she felt I would have opted out. So I am glad on one hand. On the other - I would have liked a bit of warning. I don't think it woul dhave been so difficult and depressing if I had a better expectation.

But its done now. My GP told me it can take several weeks before functions return to normal.

Its a very sensitive part of our bodies. Lots and lots of nerve endings. If you do it, just be prepared for more time to recover than they might reccomend. Just in case. Then you will at least be prepared.

Thanks for that, BL.

My "issues" are courtesy of DS's big head. He was 9lbs 4oz at birth and 9 lbs was his head! DD was 10 lbs 2oz but they cut her out -- much better than DS's natural birth. It just bites that they had me labor three days before deciding to section me -- oh, and I'm not a big person. Less than 5'4" and the most I've ever weighed (not pregnant) was my 2008 LL start weight of 188 lbs. but my usual "fat" is between 150 and 160 -- but I've gained over that recently. So, I may be sole sourcing -- as it does work.
I hear you, Minnie mel. I had third degree tearing and massive haemorrhaging with my first daughter (she was 9lb 6oz) and loads of pelvic floor and continence issues postnatally. It was horrific. Truly. I had PTSD (I diagnosed) for ages, which mutated into PND. I had to have special physiotherapy... I remember trekking to the hospital on public transport once a week (three trains and lads of stairs) with my heavy buggy and the indignity of it all. I have to say I sometimes lack patience when my husband says he 'can't' take one of our children to a doctor's appointment with him!

I remember the day I was granted an elective c section with my second daughter. I cried. I had almost been too scared to get pregnant again. It was amazing after the c section. I could actually walk! And go to the loo! And not lose control of my bowels!

God - the things we go through, eh?!
Oh! Ladies! I feel your pain! Must add my story though I didn't have haemorroids I had a prolapse after my first son who was only 6lbs! Then 7 years later had elective section as the prolapse which included a rectocele repair but the worst bit for me was having varicosities in my second pregnancy! And not it my legs! Ouch!!

water, water water is key to alleviate and I guess painkillers lots of them!

Mel lovely suggestion btw but I hope Muffin adapts BL and continues to comfort you for some time longer. (((Hugs!)))
Happy Weekend, BL!

I hear you, Minnie mel. I had third degree tearing and massive haemorrhaging with my first daughter (she was 9lb 6oz) and loads of pelvic floor and continence issues postnatally. It was horrific. Truly. I had PTSD (I diagnosed) for ages, which mutated into PND. I had to have special physiotherapy... I remember trekking to the hospital on public transport once a week (three trains and lads of stairs) with my heavy buggy and the indignity of it all. I have to say I sometimes lack patience when my husband says he 'can't' take one of our children to a doctor's appointment with him!

I remember the day I was granted an elective c section with my second daughter. I cried. I had almost been too scared to get pregnant again. It was amazing after the c section. I could actually walk! And go to the loo! And not lose control of my bowels!

God - the things we go through, eh?!

Wow! And I thought I had it rough. I get what you're saying about your husband -- I had hyperemisis with my son (IV needed, etc) for months (like the worst flu to the 10th power) and my husband told me to "stop malingering"! F-ing b@st@rd. That's Tge main reason our kids are 8 years apart - I couldn't be that ill again unless DS COUKD take care of himself.
Hi Kira. :)

We are both taking life one day at a time these days. :) Muffin's adaption is slow, with a lot of stumbling blocks in the road- literally for her. But I think she is progressing. Slowly, but still progressing. I am trying to remain optomistic.

I am back at work now which has been good for me. Eventhough my job is very stressful at the moment (I feel like my new manager is trying to push me out. :() So its a bit trying. But its good to be out of the house.

Diet - so so - since I ate during my recovery, it was so easy and I had little to no apetite - due to heat, pain and stress over Muffin. But now my apetite has returned and I am pick pick picking. No damage on the scale and not picking rubbish (protein mainly) but still. I need to get a grip on it.

Thank you for asking. :)

How are you doing? :)

AWh! Poor Muffin. You are doing well on the food front and the scales so that's good. Even it you are picking at least it is protein and not pizza!:) Or in my case a loaf of bread!

I was doing great but had a small blip yesterday and today I've lost the momentum but I'll be back in action tomorrow. I know the trick is to keep trying and the worse case scenario for me is that I will stay at this weight so in the grand scheme of things I life that's fine give I am a healthy BMI though with higher bodyfat than I would like.

I'm sorry to hear your new manager is trying and the only suggestion I can give is give him/her praise, compliments, how wonderful he/she in subtle ways - sad we have to do that without looking like we are sucking up to managers but doing it subtly freaks the out especially when you say how supportive they are even though they haven't been. You shouldn't have to do this but if it makes life at work easier I personally would do it. Either way it is draining it's almost like working with a spoilt child.
I hear what you are saying , but this manager - he is a real slimey piece of work. There is NO way I can pretend to make nice with him, as I have already told him I have a real prblem with him, and that I do not trust him! lol He is VILE. He has insulted and pissed off every single member of staff in just 3 short months. He undermines the men we have there and treats women like sh*t. Really slimey. He's goin down. Just a mtter of time. But in the meantime, he makes life difficult. lol

Well, yesterday I got through 100%. One day at a I am going to do my very best again. I know its just nervous picking and it needs to stop. Now. lol

Lets aim for a perfect day today! :)

In that case don't even bother trying my suggestion it's just not worth it! B****!

fantastic getting a full day under your belt! Do hope today is another good one too!

I'm still messing around and I need to stop!
Well, yesterday I got through 100%. One day at a I am going to do my very best again. I know its just nervous picking and it needs to stop. Now. lol

Lets aim for a perfect day today! :)


Congrats on the 100%!

How's the healing?
Hi Mel :) Hope you are well? :)

Healing is progressing - I am back to full time next week. Going back to work while difficult at times, has helped.

Still some pain when "taking care of business" - but this too shall pass. Yes. I heard it. This procedure is nearly impossible to speak of without puns. :D

How are you?

Hi Mel :) Hope you are well? :)

Healing is progressing - I am back to full time next week. Going back to work while difficult at times, has helped.

Still some pain when "taking care of business" - but this too shall pass. Yes. I heard it. This procedure is nearly impossible to speak of without puns. :D

How are you?


I'm pretty good -- paying Monthly for WW and not going or doing. I need to sort myself. I think I will be able to do so in a few weeks.

DS is in US waiting to move into his posh dorm flat at Florida State University (the 15th). He's staying with his cousin 3 hours away -- shell take him over and help him move in next week. Once he's settled, registered for all his classes, classes start, etc. I'll be less anxious.

DD is on school break (goes back September 4). In the meantime, it's been days out, mini breaks, and we still have the last week before school holiday to manage.

So, come September we'll settle into our routines and, hopefully, I'll get my act together.

I'm glad you're much Improved. I've asked a few people I know who've had this done -- and your experience is not unusual.

I guess when the doctor misleads you on how painful a hemmoroid operation will be -- you just have to "turn the other cheek"! ;)
ARGH!!!!!!!! I am fighting SO HARD today not to eat anything. It is GRUELING!!! I do not know why I am struggling so much to get back in to Ketosis - but today I MUST make it through and then again tomorrow. I messed up yesterday. Not bad, but enough to be thouroughly annoyed wit myself!! Today is H>A>R>D!!!!!!! :(
ARGH!!!!!!!! I am fighting SO HARD today not to eat anything. It is GRUELING!!! I do not know why I am struggling so much to get back in to Ketosis - but today I MUST make it through and then again tomorrow. I messed up yesterday. Not bad, but enough to be thouroughly annoyed wit myself!! Today is H>A>R>D!!!!!!! :(

Morning BL well done for getting through yesterday. Hope today is a little easier and you are kept distracted from how hard it can be sticking to plan.