Blue is my favourite colour..... Lexies journey

I haven't fallen off the wagon but with no exercise allowed for at least another week I am happy to maintain although this weekend is likely to be a write off as camping at school event tomorrow with fish & chips then out in town with some friends for bday drinks on Saturday night. Then bday on Tuesday & will be celebrating again next weekend so just have to be good between...
Hey hun how are you? X

Hi honey I'm ok, just concentrating on maintaining although after a weekend early celebrating my bday I'm up by 1lb but that will come off by Friday. Hoping to get back to exercising gently next Monday..... Have a ball in sept so that has given me something to focus on
Oh blimey I've cocked up big time!!!!! After not being able to exercise for nearly 4 weeks & thinking I knew how to maintain I'm back & higher than I've been for about 10 months. This morning showed 12:11 & I'm praying some of that is water & will come off quickly. Am going to try today but am at Italian for bday meal so may fail. Am attempting back to gym tomorrow although will have to take it easy as back still not 100%. I'm yet again mad with myself & don't know why the hell I've been so silly.... So I now have 18lbs to get back to my lowest & would like to do that by my 10th wedding anniversary 27th sept as have a ball the following night where i would love to look amazing
Right, Lexie, take a deep breath. You have done this before and you'll do it again. Fix that ball in your head and get in the zone. be careful with the exercise, the last thing you want is to put your back back to where you were. Remember this can be done without exercise if necessary or with gentle walking, doesn't have to be mad gym work. We're all behind you, you can do this!
Oh blimey I've cocked up big time!!!!! After not being able to exercise for nearly 4 weeks & thinking I knew how to maintain I'm back & higher than I've been for about 10 months. This morning showed 12:11 & I'm praying some of that is water & will come off quickly. Am going to try today but am at Italian for bday meal so may fail. Am attempting back to gym tomorrow although will have to take it easy as back still not 100%. I'm yet again mad with myself & don't know why the hell I've been so silly.... So I now have 18lbs to get back to my lowest & would like to do that by my 10th wedding anniversary 27th sept as have a ball the following night where i would love to look amazing

I am sure some if that is water and will drop off, your food had looked good on mfp so hopefully once you can get back to exercising that will help, I know with me I can eat healthily but I the exercise isn't there it impacts so maybe this is the same... enjoy your birthday meal today and then I'll be there to collect you with the wagon in the morning x x

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KittyBling said:
Right, Lexie, take a deep breath. You have done this before and you'll do it again. Fix that ball in your head and get in the zone. be careful with the exercise, the last thing you want is to put your back back to where you were. Remember this can be done without exercise if necessary or with gentle walking, doesn't have to be mad gym work. We're all behind you, you can do this!

Kitty's right, Lexie, you really don't need to exercise, you just have to be disciplined with the calories - I can attest to that, as not being able to exercise is a permanent state for me. Sorry, I don't know if you were looking for tough love or sympathy - let me know, I can do either!! :D The point is, you've done this before, you can do it again, no question. But I know it's not always that easy, there seems to be a switch in my head that's either set to on or off for weight loss, and for the last two years it's been on, but I've no idea who's in control of that switch! So frustrating, I know. :) xx
I didn't want sympathy at all I don't deserve this. Food on mfp has been hit & miss some days it was honest others I ate like a pig after I'd tracked for the day at night. Am almost pleased I'll be back tomorrow I've become a blimp lol!
Lexie2005 said:
I didn't want sympathy at all I don't deserve this. Food on mfp has been hit & miss some days it was honest others I ate like a pig after I'd tracked for the day at night. Am almost pleased I'll be back tomorrow I've become a blimp lol!

Eating like a pig? You 'aint seen nothing until you've seen how I'm eating for my birthday weekend "off", lol. Probably about 5,000 calories today and similar tomorrow, though not really tracking! :O Good to know I'm in control of my food addiction. ;) xx
I didn't want sympathy at all I don't deserve this. Food on mfp has been hit & miss some days it was honest others I ate like a pig after I'd tracked for the day at night. Am almost pleased I'll be back tomorrow I've become a blimp lol!

I'm sure you've not become a blimp Hun, x x

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Good luck for your first day back on track x

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Thanks it's gone ok, I decided to give myself 1450 a day seeing as I've been eating so much I didn't want to fail by saying 1300. I have gone about 40 over but I'm not going to beat myself up as compared to the rubbish I've been stuffing down my throat it's almost angelic!!!!
Thanks it's gone ok, I decided to give myself 1450 a day seeing as I've been eating so much I didn't want to fail by saying 1300. I have gone about 40 over but I'm not going to beat myself up as compared to the rubbish I've been stuffing down my throat it's almost angelic!!!!

Small steps Hun, and 40 cals over really isn't anything at all x

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Hey Hun... Sorry I've kinda been a little in my own bubble lately that I have not been texting you as much,...

Wll try and text more I promise,

40 cals is not too bad. And as you say it's a drop from what you have been having. So it's prolly a good thing to drop slowly.
Maybe aim for 1400. Then 1350 and then 1300
Scales show 12:9:6 this morning so down 1.6lbs & I'm feeling much less bloated which is good. So yesterday makes me realise it was worth it. Going to try Zumba tonight see how I go with my back.

And Kes darling I'm in a bubble most of the time ;) xx