Bluegirls journey to ar*e island

Xxxx you're amazing x xxxxx
You look so confident and happy with your loss. I think that is so much more important than the aesthetic part of our journeys ( although you look flipping gorgous) because the most important thing about this is you and your happiness.

When you said you still had four to loose i had to go back to the photo and do a double take. Would you not fade away if you lost that much!

P.s loving the kittens.. Are they Persian? X
Amazing...isla de slim bum!

You really are looking so happy and smiley...beautiful lady, its amazing how much difference two stones make!
Thanks everyone, thanks for encouraging me to post them too Nat, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

The cats are rescued "Ragdolls' beautiful natured and daft so have to be house cats, but when we let them into the back yard they run round like spinning tops. Oscar is chocolate point and Poppy red, when he came to us he was called Rodney and the lady at the RSPCA begged us to change it!

I've had a really good week. Mainly because I have been away from any temptation, I feel so lucky that I can shut my hotel door and be safe from all things edible. I've just had my work plan for the next quarter and it's looking like I'll be in Newcastle most weeks. Which I think might be good news for the next two stone but difficult for my relationship - or maybe he'll be glad to get rid of the nag from Monday to Friday!

So tonight I want to catch up on diaries, have a soak in the bath and finish reading my Roth book. All that and there is plenty on the telly too. Happy days!

Hope you have all had good days too. I'll leave you with a couple of cat pics..........


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Awww they're so cute! My CDC has 2 rag dolls, one grey one brown are they are lovely!
Makes me want another cat but my Thomas (cat!) is far too spoilt to let me have one in the house lol.
Is that a scratching post dj deck? I so want one
Yes it's ace, I actually think we like it more than she does though! We had Oscar first and we thought he needed a friend so we went to a rescue centre specifically for ragdolls and found poppy. They have a love hate relationship.
I always think I would love another one to keep him company when we are at work but I dunno if he would appreciate it lol. He's not very nice to any other cats. BUT in our local paper 2 5month old kittens have been dumped in a bin and are in the rspca now waiting on adoption. They are both a spit of him so I might ring the number and see if I can adopt them :)
We think he is happier now he's not on his own for long periods, they both seem very happy. We did a lot of research and were visited by a number of people to check us out (just like adopting a child really) and they were keen that we had one of a similar age as that would give them the best chance of getting on.

I can't ever understand how people can be so cruel, I can't bare to think of the lives our two had before they came to us x
Bless...what a pair of cuties!

I am so envious of your work imoposed exile - I wish I was that lucky! I on the other hand and still running the food gauntlet! Alas, I have been *better* than this last week. But I will get there!

Going to retrieve my diary from the annals of page 2 now.
utterly! I think they dont know what they are doing to be honest!
So its fffffFriday again! Doesnt Whale Day come round quick? I remember in the first weeks of this god forsaken diet each day seemed like a week, and here we are, end of week 11, I've got through Christmas, New Year, bad days, good days and lost 31 lbs. An average of just under 3lbs a week, which I know I wouldnt have seen on any other diet.

Today I feel positive, but I thought for those bad days I'd write what I feel postitve about;

* I feel positive that if I follow this plan I will have lost a total of 4 stone by Easter.
* I feel positive that I will be wearing my size 16 clothes comfortably before the end of February.
* I feel positive because I can see the difference in my mirror
* I feel positive because I can feel the difference in my mood
* I feel positive because I have more energy and feel lighter.
* I feel positive because I have a fantastic support network of friends and people that I can be honest with (thats you lot!)
* I feel postitive because I'm gonna blimmin well do this!!!

I'm back from my exile in the North East, where it was easy, it was locked in a hotel room, it didnt show me any temptation. So tonights loss (I whale at 5pm) needs to give me the motivation for this weekend, to see me through next weeks exile in London.

I'll be back later with this ever decreasing space......
Brilliant idea! Focus on those major positive changes regardless of the results tonight - which I'm sure will also tie in with these achievements. Positivity is contagious! You should add that your own development and kindness has helped your little sister massively, in making life changing realizations and step out of a very dark place. X X
here is a tiny whale for your whale in.

Hope it goes well for you and I'm sure it will do!

You always seem so positive I can just imagine you being someone that constantly has a smile on their face :p
Thanks for the tiny whales spangles, so cute and it looks knitted too.

So I whaled with a positive view and a grin on my mush and it was good news, I've lost another 2.5lbs. Which takes me to 53% of my first target, so all down hill from here.
Woohoo :D
halfway there already go you ^_^
Woohoo I'm happy for you gorgeous xxx