Bluegirls journey to ar*e island

Fan-blimin tastic! Be back to write more later when I am out of the bath!
I had to dive in and show you my new SIZE 16 frock! It's a bit tight over my belly but I'm hoping you all say 'what the hell!' xx


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Love that!

Also, snakeskin prints are absolutely huge this season, and into spring/summer too. stylish, sexy *and* fashionable. Brava!
I like it I like it! Phone took ages to load that pic the suspense was killing me! U can't tell it's tight on tum and it's the type thats meant to be tight no? a lovely style and length - glad u shared :) xxx
Ah thank you ladies, I feel better with my wiggle now.

The dress was in the sale and I had convinced myself that it would be another month before I could wear it, but I have important meetings in the smoke today and it makes me feel powerful (and a tiny bit sexy!). Anyway I am glad you think it's ok as I bought one with a black chiffon blouse part too.

So in other news, finding it so hard to do weekends. They are about family and friends and socialising and drinking and eating - well they used to be. I know I don't need to tell any of you about that but it is a miserable existence isn't it? Still if I hadn't done this for 12 weeks no one would have witnessed the wiggle today!

So London for the week, I've brought my knitting (trying to make a snood/cowl thing) if anyone is into crafting we have a thread on the 'off topic' page. Would be great to chat to someone who actually knows hoe to knit! I've a busy week but I am hopeful for a diversion to Liberty to ogle at bags and make up and frocks and my favourite haberdashery! Hope you are all ok and thank you for your lovely kind supportive words xx
aww honey - i'm snowed under this week (nightclass tonight, parents eve tomorrow, birthday weds etc...) but next time you're in town let me know and we can meet for an evian-volvic cocktail!
looking lovely, as someone said, it's meant to be fitted and looks great!

i was out on the town in my favourite dress ever (size 14!) on sat, sadly didn't get any pics but out with a different group this sat so the dress will get another airing and will def take pics...
i love mine because it's not fitted, so i can even wear it when i'm having a fat day (as i did at new year post-Chrimbo stuffing) and it still looks good.
I want that dress! I been drooling over those styles waiting for the day I'll get away with those pencil fits!
Good on you girl x
Thank you so much ladies, you really are the best cheerleaders around.

I've wiggled all over London today (well from Euston to the Elephant and Castle) and felt great, had lots of lovely comments, which makes this rubbish diet a little more bareable.

The dress was from the Anna Scholz sale, I love her clothes, well some of them. I find that they are generous in the shoulder and arm, which being 5ft 10 is a godsend, they were also great when I was wearing size 22 too. You can really tell that the material is good quality, things just hang right, and travel really well. Anyway here's the dress for anyone that wants to grab it in the sale

Poly Georgette Blouse Tailoring Dress from Anna Scholz plus size dresses collections online. Buy women's fashion clothing in sizes 12 - 28

Spangles would love to meet up for cocktails, I am sure we could have a diary girls meet up, would you be up for that? Next schedule time down here is in 3 months for 1/4ly Board meetings. Think the week of the 23rd. Anyone else fancy it? We would all be considerably slinkier by then!

And lose2win - thanks, my legs are ok, need toning up, but not my real problem area. They are ok as long as i dont need to buy tights or trousers, then the problems start - they are the legs of a giraffe - all be it a plump giraffe!

Gunna have a browse on there now, never seen her clothes before!

And my slinkier self would be up for cocktails! Or pints of water lol x
You look amazing and have such a lovely figure. Totally jealous! x
23rd april, is that? if so - i will be there with bells on. diet done, complicated martinis ahoy!
23 April may work for me as I may be in London instead of New York :(
But hey! I love Londinium! Will confirm towards end of Feb it that's ok.
who will have stepped up by then? and can join me in a non-water-based cocktail?
I am hoping that within 3 months I will be at least at my first target, so another 2 stone to go, which means that I may be starting another cycle to get me to "normal" or more likely following a less limited diet for the remainder of the weight. Or I might just be blimmin well happy to stay at overweight rather than obese. Decisions decisions!

Anywho, I am really really excited that we might meet and all be shaddows of our former selves, well at least phsically, I bet our personalities will still be HUGE!

As for the date, I will be in London the week of the 23rd but more likely the Thursday of that week would be the best as I will have finished the work and meeting that gives me the biggest headache. Can we provisionally say Thursday 26th April 2012 will be our date for gawping at each others wonderful new bods? Perhaps a girly early evening somewhere for a manicure, or other lovely non food treat (photo's??) and then *drinks* and a *meal*? That gives us all 3 months and something wonderful to aim for.

Am I getting carried away (I do have a habbit of doing so.) x
Hoping I will be somewhere in the 12's by then, which was my original goal :)
Might even be a blonde by then who knows

Non foody fun sounds good! I'm sure there's loads in london we can enjoy without stuffing our faces ;)