AHHHH All I want to do is sleep and hubby ahs gone away for the rest of the week so i have 3 kids and all the animals to look after on my own!!!!
Have done well on CD but have had my packs already and it's only 2pm. Am going to just drink water from now until bedtime.
To be honest I kind of planned it that way as I want an early night without having to get up to the loo loads so i figured if i have my packs and drink all my water by 7pm it'll be fine.
Been having a really good think today about things and I am commited to the bonfire night challeneg but what then? I know i dont want to SS anymore and to be honest i dont want to spend anymore money on losing weight. I have looked into a low GI diet but find it all a bit confusing.
i then think about WW - for me it's a great diet to maintain on but to not to lose. SO what do i do to lose the rest of the weight (about 2 stones)?
My thoughts are though - I love CD and it has been the only diet to work for me. If i have a planned break over Christmas and then start to lose the rest of the weight after Crimbo will i do any better than now. Though that doesnt sound right. i want to have lost the weight by Christmas. hmmmmmm
Maybe I should just stop confusing myself and carry on with CD until i have lost the weight. At most it will be another 3 months.
Thing is I am struggling to stay abstinent - my chatterbox is winning at the mo and i keep nibbling. Then once i nibble it leads to full on eating. I know the key is not to eat anything other than CD AT ALL.
I am going to have to go back to basics and take things 1 hour at a time, then one day at a time. I am looking too much into the future again and overwhelming myself with the task ahead.
i need to lose the rest of this weight but more importantly I want to. I have to keep strong and keep on with the journey - I may have had a detour but I just have to concentrate on getting back on track and finishing what i've started!!