Bren's..... Cruise-ade

welcome back hun xxx
im sure the weight will shift off fast enough ...glad you survived camp too!
Well my bike, the display, has stopped working. So I'm timing it manually. Think it's just a loose wire? But it's under warranty anyway.

Been okay over the weekend, healthy mainly, but have drunk wine and eaten bread. Ready for attack in the morning for 3 days and then on the scales Thurs morning to see a nearly back to normal number on the scales. I reckon I'm back at starting weight of 76kgs.

So tomorrow will means 2 ltrs of water, no eating after 7.30 and 7 hours of sleep and back to 45 mins of workouts each day. Must remember to take my multi's too.
Hi Bren,
Great to see you are back.
Hey Bren, glad you survived camp!
I feel so much better after just one day on Attack! How come after 3'weeks in I bEcome unstuck?

There is 12 weeks until my guests from the UK arrive. I would love to be at 70 kgs and just maintaining. Then when they leave I can tackle any gain plus the extra 2kgs.

I've done 75gm of protein today, I'm guessing that is about my weight ATM?!! 1.5ltrs of water, my multi and 40 mins of exercise. Fingers crossed for Thursday morning after 3 days of attack :)
Welcome back!

Well done on getting through camp, Bren. Doesn't sound like you did too badly, food-wise!
Thanks Laura. I know I've reversed my hard work with eating veg and no protein at both dinners and lunches. Also with the brownie and biscuit. Nevermind though 3 days of attack and hopefully a less shocking number will appear on my scales! Lol

How's u?
I feel so much better after just one day on Attack! How come after 3'weeks in I bEcome unstuck?

There is 12 weeks until my guests from the UK arrive. I would love to be at 70 kgs and just maintaining. Then when they leave I can tackle any gain plus the extra 2kgs.

I've done 75gm of protein today, I'm guessing that is about my weight ATM?!! 1.5ltrs of water, my multi and 40 mins of exercise. Fingers crossed for Thursday morning after 3 days of attack :)

I had the same thing Bren...a day on dukan and I felt so much healthier.... although the keto headache kicked in thereafter :)..but still an improvement on the carblife....makes you wonder if we always felt "ill" before low carb and just didn't realise it as being anything other than the norm! :confused::( x
Well doing fab today and then got home and hubby had made dinner; squash soup mmmm. Really could not say no he was so proud as the squash was from our garden. I had a small bowl and 3 cruskits (hope all know what these are, Low GI crisp breads?).

But back to Attack, even though I also had a protein bar today also. Still feeling really positive. Ive drunk 2ltrs of water, it's 8.45 pm and I finished eating at 7.30pm. Just doing some school work and then going to do some situps and 30 on the displayless bike..... :(

Going to try and take it back to the store on Sat.

Still aiming on WI on Thurs and hopefully it will be around the 74's? I really dont know though what the damage has been.

are you doing more of a low carb rather than dukan hon?
He's pretty good a cooking, although put a dollop of curry paste in there! And it was Attack :0

Nevermind I'm up now on the bike for 15 and have done some sit-ups. Now what to wear to work today?
Linz OMG would you look at you hey?!! Speechless I am about your loss babes.

DD i've forgiven him. I was very healthy I must admit and totally yummy.

Ive had another protein bar today :O

Definitely not going to have one tomorrow. Doing PV tomorrow after 3 day of semi Attack. Im feeling thinner than I was this time last week returning from camp. But must bare in mind that I didnt start Attack striaght away it was Monday. Fingers crossed for under 75kgs ??? Please...

86alpzzyj welcome to Dukan. Being a vege you can have 2 Tsp Oatbran on Attack and 4Tsp after that. Well done on your loss so far. Are you just doing 2 days of Attack with only 15lbs to loose?

muffin and coffee (Dukan of course)
coffee and protein bar (naughty I know)
salmon and egg quiches
yoghurt and cinnamon (pot set FF)
steamed lemon and parsely fish with 2 Tsp of lentils
100gm of yoghurt

Overall about 2ltrs of water.

Not going to cycle tonight as my other calf is tight and a little warm? I've taken an aspirin and hoping not to have to drive myself to emergency with another DVT (hubby at work).

Hope you dont have another DVT.

Sounds like youre almost back in the swing of things, good luck for the weightloss you want.