Wow your diary has given me hope that there is life after exante! I'm sticking to exante for a few more weeks gradually introducing WS days then I'm coming to Atkins. 3lb loss is great for week 1 after a vlcd xxx
Your food always sounds really good Anila - keep it upxx
(good luck with getting the uni work in too) xx
I see life on Atkins Island is suiting you well agent 006, keep up the good work, mission almost complete.
Tomorrow is my last day on Exante Island before I swim over to Slim and Save for a week or 2. Miss you xxx
hey hun, hope your having a gd day x
yea i no what u mean hun, i love planning what to eat, i just hate suffering from vlcd and looking forward to shakes lol.
yea im from jamaica originally but unfortunately i cant eat any of the food prepared in my house as most carribean foods are full of carbs, the spices are great though, when i was on slimming world i ate a lot of carby foods cooked at home and i didnt lose a single pound.
talking about caribbean food is inspiring me to make a curry, maybe il have some tomorrow.
i'm going on holiday in july so hope i dont come back to london fat as i no ill be tempted with a lot of food!!
I know but I'm sure you could de-carb them especially the curry goat and chicken, omg and what about all the lovely fish dishes you guys have and you can have callaloo (which I adore). I've been eating our normal curry on this and just spooning out the meat. Re-hols you wont get fat eat sensibly and you will be fine. Are you going jamaica? so jelous if you are.
Are you having callaloo soup? Yum yum
yea im gonna be going jamaica, im a vegetarian but when i go on hols i somehow eat some meat, but that was yrs ago. i love callaloo with fried dumplings. i will have to try and eat as healthy as possible because i dont want to end back up at square one, it will almost be impossible because mums cooking is the best, and dining out will be twice as hard.
plus side - ill be slim on holiday so i can finally wear a 2 piece bikini, last time i wore one i was 17 which is 6 yrs ago, only the memories remain. i still think spain would be a cheaper holiday though, the ticket for jamaica in july cost me 700 pounds plus ive gotta have atleast 4000 to spend as its so expensive out there and im gonna stay in a villa for 3 weeks then the other 3 weeks at mums. stress!!
Just be as sensible as you can, you guys have some lovely fish dishes. I love your fish fact I love all Jamaican food. My mums neighbour was a lovely Jamaican lady and they always passed food to each other, they loved ours and we loved theirs!! I've been brought up more on your food than my own lol. You will look fantastic in your bikini you sexy girl xx, Spain would've been cheaper but it will be nice to see your folks.....I know what you mean it's the same for us when we want to go back home. And you have to take everyone presents,