Gold Member
Another day, another train.
When my new work Blackberry comes along I'll have to stop posting so much at this time of the morning, I guess. Boooo!
Day 6. Awoke feeling a ketosis-zombie. Anyone who suffers similarly will understand the description. Many talk of the renewed energy and vigour they get from being in ketosis. Not me! Apparently some people never get that - one of those people being me.
If I can get to 8 weeks of this I will start to feel a bit better, if the first time is anything to go by (and the only time I've ever got to 8 weeks was the first time - 6 months all told). So there's a challenge. 
I don't think I'll be buying any more LighterLife readymade shakes when I've finished up the 10 bottles left in the fridge. They taste weird. Really sweet, very chemical-laden. I can get them down but I'm left wondering whether I should have.
I was thinking last night that instead, I'll make up a slushy shake first thing in the morning and decant it into my big drinks bottle for the train. I know you're supposed to drink the stuff in 15 minutes once you've made it, but I've decided I'll live dangerously. I've never really bought the explanation that the nutrients break down after 15 minutes - cos they'll break down in my stomach anyway, so what?
Plus it's not like I'll leave it hours before drinking it - maybe an hour tops. Of course, the alternative is finding a CWP consultant and getting some tetras - but I'm doing ok at the moment.
Oh dear, the people around me on the train are full of chesty coughs and making positively crunchy sniffing noises. Sometimes I want to enclose myself in one of those oxygenated bubbles...
Day 6. Awoke feeling a ketosis-zombie. Anyone who suffers similarly will understand the description. Many talk of the renewed energy and vigour they get from being in ketosis. Not me! Apparently some people never get that - one of those people being me.
I don't think I'll be buying any more LighterLife readymade shakes when I've finished up the 10 bottles left in the fridge. They taste weird. Really sweet, very chemical-laden. I can get them down but I'm left wondering whether I should have.
Oh dear, the people around me on the train are full of chesty coughs and making positively crunchy sniffing noises. Sometimes I want to enclose myself in one of those oxygenated bubbles...