Bye bye blubber! Let's get this show (back) on the road!

Whoop!!! 8lbs...I must be psychic. It will be 14 in no time!!!

I'm now 16st 3lbs - which is a loss of 8lbs. While not as amazing as I'd have liked (could it ever be??), that will do. :)

Now for the week 2 slow loss - don't think I've ever lost more than 2lbs in week 2. Let's get on with it... (There's not an emoji for :gritty_determination: is there?)

Awww big well done!!!!!!
Wel done Lily! Youve gone from 1 stone lighter than me to nearly 2 stone lighter in one foul swoop! I managed a mere 1.25lbs this week but I wasn't 100%. Maybe 50%. Realistically more like 30%. Right, that's it, I'm grabbing your coat tails, I'm coming with you! xxx
Wel done Lily! Youve gone from 1 stone lighter than me to nearly 2 stone lighter in one foul swoop! I managed a mere 1.25lbs this week but I wasn't 100%. Maybe 50%. Realistically more like 30%. Right, that's it, I'm grabbing your coat tails, I'm coming with you! xxx

Do it!!! :clap:

I've just come across something that's really cheered me up - and yet it really shouldn't have done. I've just found a couple of photos of fat me in 2007, plus a picture of me having gained a stone back from my lowest weight in 2009. A bit more hunting found me a photo where I'd lost 5 and a half stones (I weigh about 12st 4lbs in the photo on the left, which is still a lot for 5ft 4).

I look very similar right now to those fat 2007 photos, though what was I thinking with that top...? ;) But the bit that cheered me up - I look so old in those fat photos - but not much younger than I look now, even though that's 8 years ago. But I look way younger in the photos where I've lost 5 and a half stones. So... I think that must mean I'll look younger again when I've lost weight. :)

I was struggling with the idea of having to keep this up for another 6 months - but suddenly I feel much better about it. :)


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I'm now 16st 3lbs - which is a loss of 8lbs. While not as amazing as I'd have liked (could it ever be??), that will do. :)

Now for the week 2 slow loss - don't think I've ever lost more than 2lbs in week 2. Let's get on with it... (There's not an emoji for :gritty_determination: is there?)

Awwww lily just caught up with your dairy you made me laff and made me smile so thank you....Firstly congrats on your amazing weight loss well impressed....Secondly please keep writing loving your train journeys ??? I am day 4 and whatever your doing keep doing. Hope you have a fab week ahead of you. Lots of love
Sharon xx
Awwww lily just caught up with your dairy you made me laff and made me smile so thank you....Firstly congrats on your amazing weight loss well impressed....Secondly please keep writing loving your train journeys ??? I am day 4 and whatever your doing keep doing. Hope you have a fab week ahead of you. Lots of love
Sharon xx

Thanks so much Shazza. Day 4 - that's brilliant! :clap: And I won't stop writing, don't worry - at least, not as long as I can keep going with this, and I have no intention of stopping yet. I want to follow Julie's lead and get 6 months of getting it mainly right under my belt - I want to lose 5 and a half stone in 6 months again. That would get me to under 12st again - somewhere I've not been since just after Sam was born. And as he's now nearly 19, that would be really quite something!

I've had a bit of a battle with myself over the last 24hrs though. It's been really tough - I've had to have stern words with myself to make sure I don't blow it. As it is, I've had a little too much chicken on top of my shakes. Need to make sure I don't have anything more apart from tea and water! Combination of reasons why (1) it's a bank holiday weekend and I have no plans to do anything interesting (and eating out and drinking wine is definitely off the agenda) (2) work has taken a turn and it's slowly dawned on me that my new role is going to involve me putting in more hours and working even harder than I was before (sadly not for more money) and (3) ongoing angst over getting Sam's uni accommodation sorted and how we're even going to afford to have him at uni. Oh and (4) I just don't feel all that well today.

But I had a little cry on Kate this morning - we went out for a drive, cos the weather's rubbish - and got some of it off my chest. I'm really tired too (the keto insomnia hit last night, Nat). I just feel like an old boring frump at the moment. I don't get the insane energy boost from ketosis that most seem to get. Roll on the next couple of months - I'm hoping soooo much that losing even a couple of stones will make me feel a little more energetic.
You know what Lily. I can so relate. I cast my mind back to us having these very same conversations some time ago. Work stress, health stress, child stress. But just writing on my thread. I have realised. I'm. Not. Going. To. Let. This. Break. Me.

If we keep doing what we have always done, we will keep being what we have always (since being in my twenties at least) been.

We have to learn how to self soothe without food. We need to find things to do at weekends that don't revolve around eating. Imagine if we went to a spa instead and got pampered and pummled and plucked like those skinny witches seem to do. Instead of spending our time catching up with last weeks washing, going for country pub lunches and ice creams by the beach (in my case) I don't like the gym but I have realised I do like swimming, hot yoga which is amazing and I do like waking up hills and having a grand old flop at the top. If I did those things I would feel.less inclinded to facepalm a pile of Apple pie and custard on a Sunday night I'm.sure
Hi Lily , found you .....
Me too , im on LL, Exante and superdug have some , but that kean as you add milk which I leave the milk out .... but I had run out , I hit a wall and im trying to get back to it , as I go away on 17th August so no more fooling about . With Cambridge I found it hard to get a good CDC . some are bigger than me shock they are ment to not go over 28 bmi but you can tell they are bigger . also money , I love Cambridge products . Yes my Avatar is something to think about lol im still waiting to jump out of it lol im 17 3 today , I need to be on this now 100% .
How are you doing ? need to read your posts try catch up with it
Hey lily hope your ok and feeling a little better today try not to let things get in your way just keep thing of how your going to feel in a few months. Take care sweet xx
I don't think I'd like hot yoga, Nat. Is it what it sounds like - doing yoga in a hot room, so you and everyone else is dripping sweat? Do you each leave little puddles where you stand/sit/salute to the sun??

You are so right. We have had these conversations, many many times before. And all the arguments become circular. Stress makes us eat the wrong things, the wrong things make us fat, we get more stressed, we diet, the diet adds to the stress, we eat the wrong things... Enough.

No more chicken for me today. I peeked at the scales and they've held at 16st 3lbs. Shakes, just shakes today.

Shazza - thanks for the kind words xxx I will keep my eyes on the prize! :)

And welcome MsJMC - yes, you found me! No need to catch up really - it's the same old story. :) I just need to knuckle down and get on with this. It's the easiest diet in the world, a VLCD (being a social pariah aside ;)). Just gotta keep going, one shake at a time!
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I feel better today. Yesterday I felt quite bleak, not sure why - I kept bursting into tears over the tiniest thing. Wuss! Sleep deprivation maybe? Not sure. Just glad I feel better.

Very quiet day today, I think. So far, I've done nothing apart from finish a book, drink a pint of water, two cups of tea and two shakes. I'm not even dressed yet!

I've decided I quite like Exante shakes - they seem to have a more natural flavour than some, especially the banana one. And they froth up more. Maybe it's because they've got more calories in them (201 rather than 138). Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with the other VLCD shakes - just that I've got a soft spot for the Exante ones at the moment.

After reading that article that MinnieMel posted years ago about how weight loss was identical whether you consumed 450 or 800 calories on your VLCD I'm quite relaxed about it all - just keeping tabs on making sure I'm having enough protein, carbs, fat and fibre (and vits and minerals of course). I've set up MFP to have an upper limit of 800 calories and 70g of carb to try and keep a lid on hungry days. I didn't quite manage it yesterday of course - I consumed 1002 calories in total (yes, a substantial quantity of chicken was consumed ;)) but didn't exceed my carbs - they came in at 54g. On any other diet I'd hardly consider 1002 calories a bad day. :) If that's the worst thing I do over the next few months I'll be a skinny minny by Christmas, right? :cross:
I'm thinking....remember the 100 days of weight loss "wide road".. I too have had a bit of a wide road this weekend. Not massive but definitely not 100%. Just a couple of skinny lattes and some boiled egg and olives. Can't complain as under normal circumstances I'm fairly certain this would normally be a weekend littered with the evidence of stress related chocolate chow down. I too have tracked my cals and walked around the hospital a bazillion times.

Boy I'm whacked tonight..
I have a hot yoga studio I want to start going to - 10 min walk - 80 min train - 10 minute walk away for a 10 or 9 am morning class,,, really want to make a habit of it - used to drive 30 mins to yoga 3 - 4 days a week so this is not too bad at aiming to do it probably twice in every 8 - 10 days...

I've only done it once but I was doing quite a bit of Ashtanga at the time.

I loved it but not as much as the usual for me.

just want to do something completely different!
I have a hot yoga studio I want to start going to - 10 min walk - 80 min train - 10 minute walk away for a 10 or 9 am morning class,,, really want to make a habit of it - used to drive 30 mins to yoga 3 - 4 days a week so this is not too bad at aiming to do it probably twice in every 8 - 10 days...

I've only done it once but I was doing quite a bit of Ashtanga at the time.

I loved it but not as much as the usual for me.

just want to do something completely different!

Good for you. Just the 10 minute walk would be enough for me, though. ;) I get quite hot enough doing that! :8855:

So. That was Sunday. It was not as chicken free as I intended, however, less chicken was consumed. I will chalk that up as a victory. :) In bed now.
I'm hoping the travel doesn't put me off in the long term - It's free train travel i get though - my husband works with the Railway.
Morning Lily
wow 16.3 its coming down , im 17.3 ive had few weeks where I have not been on plan 100% , but but on now . exante yes they are more but I got a pack the other day and they was smaller and they were the 4 aday plan . have you tried cookies cream bar ? I got some they are not bad , as diet bars go , my fav bar is the Cambridge orange bar . How are you today , you was a bit down yesterday might be the diet doing that , I used to get days where I feel down then upbeat the next , I hated the days where I could not get a food thought out of my head ....
Yes by xmas you will be back to start all this behind you .
Morning people!

Chicken smicken Lily. Is long as it wasn't covered in a white wine sauce I think you will be ok!

I'm determined to make the most of today. Can't face losing the whole bank holiday weekend.
well done! I like your diary and will continue to follow :)

Hi Jesse - welcome! How are you getting on?

I'm hoping the travel doesn't put me off in the long term - It's free train travel i get though - my husband works with the Railway.

Ah, well - free trains would make quite a difference. My brother in law's a train driver and it's the same for him and his family. I s'pose I can't begrudge it, but I kind of do - I pay over £7000 a year in train fares commuting into London and often don't get a seat. it's good that someone has it free! :)

Morning Lily
wow 16.3 its coming down , im 17.3 ive had few weeks where I have not been on plan 100% , but but on now . exante yes they are more but I got a pack the other day and they was smaller and they were the 4 aday plan . have you tried cookies cream bar ? I got some they are not bad , as diet bars go , my fav bar is the Cambridge orange bar . How are you today , you was a bit down yesterday might be the diet doing that , I used to get days where I feel down then upbeat the next , I hated the days where I could not get a food thought out of my head ....
Yes by xmas you will be back to start all this behind you .

Hi MsJMC - I used to love choc Orange bars :) The S&S ones aren't bad though. I'm having to be quite careful which bars and meals I choose now though as I can't have wheat (and don't seem to do well with oats either).

I felt better yesterday but I've woken up all achey and sort of flu-ey this morning - not sure what's going on. Just glad I don't have to work today!

Morning people!

Chicken smicken Lily. Is long as it wasn't covered in a white wine sauce I think you will be ok!

I'm determined to make the most of today. Can't face losing the whole bank holiday weekend.

I hope you can. Is OH still in hospital?

No, no white sauce, just chicken. And I seem to have got away with it as I'm down another pound today. I know - I shouldn't be weighing, but I wanted to know if anything was happening. Can't wait to see the 15s again. I don't think I saw them at all during 2014, so it would be my lowest weight since 2013. Yikes, I've fat for so long...
AWWWW Lily that's a lot of money!

Sorry! I don't even commute by train, cruelly...
AWWWW Lily that's a lot of money!

Sorry! I don't even commute by train, cruelly...

LOL, not your fault, Clouddog. :) Just one of those things!

Arrghh. I am so glad this long weekend is over. I can hardly believe I'm typing that... :) But I've really struggled to not fall off this particular train. More chicken was required, plus {blush} wine. Wine??? How insane is that?

Oh well, tis done. It wasn't loads - it doesn't need to be on this plan, does it? 2 small glasses and I was wasted - and ready to eat everything in sight. I didn't though - but it was a close run thing. I peered in the fridge for a while. At least at work my options are much more limited - and I don't get home until nearly seven in the evening, which rather limits my eating window at least.

I need some 'clean' days under my belt. Days without chicken! And I've been so grumpy this weekend - tired, grouchy, impossible to please. Why does everything fun involve consumption of calories? :rant2:

Rant over. Normal service will soon be resumed! :sigh2: