Bye bye blubber! Let's get this show (back) on the road!

Oh Lily. Weekends are always pants on plan. I've had a wide road day too. Not massively a bit of haddock chowder at lake vywrney a two bite rule of ice cream and a 50p sized piece of fillet steak. Then walked 3 miles so don't feel too bad about it.

Oh is out now discharged from a clearly struggling bank holiday hospital disaster. Got follow up with rhumatology. So we will see how that goes. Hence running off to get some fresh air and Sun.
As you say, Nat, could've been far worse. Think we'll just draw a line under that one.


So. First train post of the week. I'm actually in 1st class today, though for a few moments there at the station I thought I may have made a terrible blunder in booking it. The train I'm on is 4 coaches long when it should be 9. I got on prepared to be the passenger from hell, usurping whoever happened to be the unfortunate occupant of my booked seat - but of course, they'd turned off the reservations. And luckily there were some spare seats, so my angst had no outlet. Consequently I'm now storing it, who knows when it will now be unleashed? ;) Bet it's a bit squashy in the three coaches behind me... But hey, I paid £90.50 for this!

I feel a bit unsettled anyway as I got myself to the station this morning and left a sleeping Kate in bed. At least, I hope she was sleeping. There's a bit of my brain that's still trying to remember if I could hear her breathing. She didn't sleep well last night and I didn't have the heart to wake her. She gets up at stupid o'clock for me most days. But today is going to be an expensive commuting day - I shall look forward to paying £9.50 in railway car parking fees later.

Now, the diet. Well. I feel like I shouldn't aim too high today. I have with me a strawberry LLFast shake and an S&S choc orange bar. I have every intention of being very good. I shouldn't have any opportunities to be otherwise. Well, let's see...
Train 2. Just spoken with OH who tells me Sam and his girlfriend are probably going to split up. Oh great - now I'm going to have to deal with teenage angst! In his typical non-dramatic way, he's announced that "that's another person who won't care about me". Urghhh. I do feel sorry for him - he's got precious little in the way of caring family, courtesy of the Kate dramas a few years back. Way to lay on the guilt, Sammy-boy. But maybe this will focus his mind on going to uni. Or maybe he'll become completely nocturnal and hardly ever emerge from his room.

i have survived the day without chicken but I'm not sure I'll manage an evening as well...
Help! Want. To. Eat. Want ice cream, of all things!

It's ok, the moment passed.

I dunno. Really fed up at the mo. I can't spend the rest of my life stuffing down my feelings with food though. :whip:
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Both look amazing perhaps collorado first and then Japan. To be honest either could be a good bolt hole for the angst of people who eat their feelings like we do!!!
Hi Lily, have you thought about doing Ss+ (or your version of it with different products)?
I've found it to be a life saver this time round - basically because I feel that I'm 'starving' myself all day so that I can have a product AND a meal in the evening (as the evenings are when I'm at my weakest). I don't seem to have the benefit of not feeling hungry - I'm pretty much hungry all day. Everyday. So the only thing that keeps me going are the evening meals. I have found it takes away the guilt about eating, even if it is just a bit of chicken!
I've managed to stay on track for about 12 weeks (couple of days off in the middle for a work trip). I assure you - staying on track for this long is a real novelty for me as I have typically been the girl starting a diet every day!
Worth a thought? Xx
Hi Lily, have you thought about doing Ss+ (or your version of it with different products)?
I've found it to be a life saver this time round - basically because I feel that I'm 'starving' myself all day so that I can have a product AND a meal in the evening (as the evenings are when I'm at my weakest). I don't seem to have the benefit of not feeling hungry - I'm pretty much hungry all day. Everyday. So the only thing that keeps me going are the evening meals. I have found it takes away the guilt about eating, even if it is just a bit of chicken!
I've managed to stay on track for about 12 weeks (couple of days off in the middle for a work trip). I assure you - staying on track for this long is a real novelty for me as I have typically been the girl starting a diet every day!
Worth a thought? Xx

Thanks Sarah :hug99: With you on the hunger thing!

To be honest, I'm already doing a sort of SS+ I s'pose. - just without the 80g veg. :) I've decided not to sweat the small stuff - if I need a few low carb nibbles in the evening then so be it. I know progress would be faster if I just stuck to shakes and bars but realistically that's not always going to happen! I'm tracking calories and have decided that if I can keep things under 1,000 cals and under 70g carb each day it isn't the end of the world. I might lose an average of 2lbs a week instead of 3lbs, that's all - which is way better than the alternative (not losing anything or gaining!).

I shall dispense with the guilt henceforth - you're absolutely right about that. If I see it as cheating, then I may very well end up face down in a bowl of ice cream. ;)

I need to get the work thing under control though. Time to stop trying to do everything and concentrate on the stuff that *must* be done. Won't be easy though as I'll be giving up the parts of my job that are the most fun... :sigh:

Sam seems to be coping ok. The relationship is officially over and I saw a couple of brave man tears earlier but he's just ordered a pizza, so is clearly bearing up. I remember a time when everything could be fixed with pizza...
No train today. :) Just a mad day of working at home. I didn't have my breakfast shake until 4pm and I've only just got dressed. It's a good job no one insists on video conferencing. :8855: Oh wait, what's that? No - I wasn't naked! That's not what I meant - I was in my jammies. :D

Thought I'd stay home today to get some work done but I've spent the day fire-fighting and the work I hoped to do still needs doing. Grrrr. Gotta go to Leeds tomorrow. Nothing against Leeds, it's just a long way. :sigh: Not sure how I'm going to fit in casting a vote! When I get home I s'pose - hopefully just before 9pm.

Hope everyone reading is doing well x
Good morning lovely people. :)

I'm on a train - normal service is resumed. Though I'm heading up to Leeds, not London, so I've driven for an hour to a station on the right line and have just boarded the first of 3 trains today.

I feel surprisingly ok for someone who had about three and a half hours sleep. Just couldn't drop off. Always the way when you've got to be up even earlier than usual! But I couldn't resist a sneaky peek at the scales this morning and they'd gone down another pound, hurrah. Official weigh day is tomorrow but I wouldn't be surprised if 2lbs is my lot this week, courtesy of the chicken nibbling and week 2 slow down in general. Still, that's 10lbs off in 2 weeks - certainly not going to grumble about that.

I made up a shake and packed it in a bottle this morning - I couldn't face another of the LL Fast shakes. They are horrible, I've decided. If you like really really really sweet, then they might be for you. Pity I still have about 9 of them left. I guess I'll pick them off here and there. Maybe by holding my nose to get them down - bleurgh.

Anyway, enough rabbiting, as I'm only on this train for one stop and I don't want to forget to get off. Senility is setting in these days - it's a wonder I even knew I was supposed to be going to Leeds this morning... ;)

Have lovely days all xxx
Morning Lily!

10lbs is ace...amazing stuff. See it's working!!!!
Yep, it's working. But as predicted, total loss this week is 2lbs. I knew it would be - even when 100% SS I'm a poor second week loser (kinda sad I know that :)). Just got to hunker down and hang on in there for another week. I want to see the 15s next week if poss.

Nothing much else to say - I'm knackered after yesterday but working at home. I may not get much done! Oh, and got a sore throat and headache today - yay me. But that's the thing - I need to lose weight so I can get fitter, so I can deal with this bonkers life I have. Just need to keep plodding!

It is all heading in the right direction and while I want the expediency of a vlcd weight loss. The more I think about it the more it's because I want the restriction to end. But then I have to learn that I shouldn't be lauding the day I can go back to inhalling packets of malteasers.

Off to a meeting now but will check in on my own thread later.
Thanks Nat. :)

I know. I don't know how to change it. Because I think if I actually believed I can never go back to a life of inhaling Dairy Milk, I'd fall off the wagon. Who wants to believe that??

I dunno. I just want to feel better. Fed up with feeling like a slug.
I think that the real driver for changing behaviour has to be on the pain/pleasure continum somewhere whatever case. We want to feel less pain then we will make sacrifices until its achieved we then reward ourselves with pleasure (dopamine chocolate boosts especially)....maybe we need to get into the endorphines from physical excercise..or!!!!!....yes maybe the last one...involving dairy milk.... That would probably do it!
I think that the real driver for changing behaviour has to be on the pain/pleasure continum somewhere whatever case. We want to feel less pain then we will make sacrifices until its achieved we then reward ourselves with pleasure (dopamine chocolate boosts especially)....maybe we need to get into the endorphines from physical excercise..or!!!!!....yes maybe the last one...involving dairy milk.... That would probably do it!

Dairy Milk sex and endorphins? Well, I s'pose it depends on the size of the bar... :thinking2:


I've got to get some 100% days under my belt. :nono: This is going to take forever if I have three shakes then as many calories again in wafer thin chicken and sugar free jelly. Being disappointed about a 2lb loss is no reason to be daft. I'm on the road to ruin. Still in ketosis, but slippery slope. And my water intake has been pitiful today.

Right. I've got lots of Exante shakes to use (they had a special offer on last weekend and I got 50, plus 5 red chilli meals for £48) and I like them. I reckon I could do this right if I put my mind to it. Yes. Let's do it. I really need to get focused. I was nibbling because I was down, not because I was hungry. I really don't know how to fix the work crap but I do know how to fix this part of my life. Fight the battles you can win, right? :D
So, as already trailed, chicken and other low carb food items are *not* going to feature in today's menu. I am going to attempt 3 days of 100% goodness. I may manage longer but day 4 will land on day 2 of a conference and it may prove trickier because of a very early start. We'll see. I want to get under 16st this week - and not just by a pound.

In other news, I'm still in bed. :) Probably ought to get this day started!
Dairy Milk sex and endorphins? Well, I s'pose it depends on the size of the bar... :thinking2:


I've got to get some 100% days under my belt. :nono: This is going to take forever if I have three shakes then as many calories again in wafer thin chicken and sugar free jelly. Being disappointed about a 2lb loss is no reason to be daft. I'm on the road to ruin. Still in ketosis, but slippery slope. And my water intake has been pitiful today.

Right. I've got lots of Exante shakes to use (they had a special offer on last weekend and I got 50, plus 5 red chilli meals for £48) and I like them. I reckon I could do this right if I put my mind to it. Yes. Let's do it. I really need to get focused. I was nibbling because I was down, not because I was hungry. I really don't know how to fix the work crap but I do know how to fix this part of my life. Fight the battles you can win, right? :D

50 shakes for 48 pound!!!! Wowzer!!!

I'm still working my way through the saints and slimmers stuff. May change tact at some point.

Weekend and weather is pants. Feel like hibernating today.

I also need to clean the house and plant up some baskets for outside before summer ends!