Captains log 12/05/09

sjn - Glad to hear I'm not the only one, but hang in there, we can do it!! I'm craving chocolate right now.. probably because I had carbs for tea.. it always leaves me wanting more lol

Rachy - woo hoo! Thats brilliant news :) are you feeling even more motivated now? Well done on the exercise! I'm not going to do anything today, don't want to aggravate my ankle. Lol maybe not such a good idea on the baked beans front then :p the camp sounds fantastic. I'd feel so safe too knowing there was all those nice strong men around to take care of me lol...mmmm ha ha

Does your husband get sent on detachments too (do they call them detachments in the army too?)
Hey pinkemma- I am feeling exceptionally motivated now hee hee... I did more exercises tonight it really does leave me feeling good (as well as half dead! Lol).
Oh I agree you def dont wanna make your poor ankle any worse hunni you could really suffer in the long run... feet up and butt crunches it is for you young lady!! Lol. :D
LMAO I must admit I am a bit partial to a man in uniform... funny thing is he wasn't wearing it when I first met him...
The army call it "going on tour" god knows why!! Lol.. He was due to go to Afghanistan in April when we were back in the Uk it would have been the third time in our 6yr relationship hmm or is it 7???!!! Lol. My middle son didnt know who his Daddy was when he finally came home and was terrified of the strange man in the house, it was awful.... couldnt do that again so we opted to come out here as a kind of family time out. Im loving it too!
Blimey I do waffle on alot dont I?!! I'll try to cut down on my verbal dihorrea (so spelt wrong!! Lol).
Rachy, ha ha butt crunches, I started doing them as soon as I read that lol. Ohh yess! A man in uniform is always good, there was a suspected fire across the road from us last week (turned out not to be real) and there was two trucks full of firemen milling around on the street. I was in my element ha ha ha

Afghanistan? That's really scary, sounds like you've made the right choice. At least now the whole family can be together in a safe environment :) you waffling?! Listen to me sometimes!! lol

I've had a bit of a bad evening.. just had a huge binge of over 1000 calories.:break_diet: This always happens when I'm on a diet. Kind of got me down, but I need to keep telling myself tomorrow is a new day and I just need to move onwards.
Hey everyone,

Thanks, i was really surprised when i saw how much i had lost.

I only have the shakes as i think the bars are a bit expensive. As the tins of powder only have 6 days worth i was thinking of slim fasting it just 6 days a week and then having a day of. I seem to want something naughty everyday but if i just do it once a week:ie..

Breakfast - egg, sausage and bacon
Lunch - cheese and coleslaw sandwich
Dinner - takeaway
Snacks - 1 pack of crisps and choccy bar

What do you think, would this be ok do you reckon??

I always seem to be fine mon - thurs then crave something naughty. I was thinking i might just get through friday if i have naughty saturday to look forward to. And then won't have the craving all the other days cause i know every week i'm still having a litlle of what i like??

Hey i think we all waffle on here lol, that's why it's so great cause you don't get someone in your ear telling you to shutup lol.

Goodluck and keep me posted

MrsMe xXx
I tend to have "a day off" usually at the weekends but having only lost 1lb this week and having gone swimming and my 4 mile walk I think I need to stick to it a bit better at the weekends to really see results by the time we go to Florida. My ticker is what I could lose if I manage 2lbs a week until we go and it's not looking great at the moment!
Hey Mrsme... well I think you should def do exactly what you know is going to work for you. At least that way you know you will stick to it.

Pinkemma.... Firemen???!!! Ooo yummy I bet you were glued to the window!! Lol. I would have been! Tee hee.
Hey dont worry about your lil slip up!!! To keep on going is the main thing..... you can do it... you've got to cause I NEED YOU!!!! Lol.
I'm not having a bad day really but I have just pinched a few of the crisps my boys left on their plate and 3 gummy sweets... I darent even look to see how many extra calories that is... as long as I do my exercises tonight Ill be fine cause I know that burns a minimum of 200 cals.
MrsMe - I think that sounds reasonable enough. And it'll confuse your metabolism - shake it up a bit so it doesn't get used to you eating the same thing and slow down. Ahh so Friday's your day for craving? I usually get what I call the 'mid-week munchies' for some reason. So weird - it always happens on a Tuesday night... maybe I need to get something planned for that night.

Sjn - Could just be a slow starter, but from the sounds of it you're doing plenty of exercise, maybe your body runs a couple of weeks behind, like mine?

Rachy - Aw thanks :) I'm feeling a lot better today, much more motivated. I quite agree about the little extra nibbles you had, a little bit of exercise will burn those cals off in no time at all! How are you managing the water drinking just now? I'm struggling to drink more than a litre... :s

Has anyone else found that their skin is taking a turn for the worse since being on this diet?
Has anyone else found that their skin is taking a turn for the worse since being on this diet?

You saying that has made me realise that mine actually has! Do you find the shakes really sweet?

I had a coffee one over an hour ago and can still taste sweet coffee in my mouth.
Sjn - Oh definately!! The vanilla one especially... but I love sweet things so I'm quite happy about that. What I'm not so happy about is the fact that I've got spots popping up on a daily basis. I've been using neutrogena 'visibly clearer' spot gel, it usually works, but not this time. So now I'm downing the water like nothing on earth.. if anything its definately increasing my water intake now!!!!
Has anyone else found that their skin is taking a turn for the worse since being on this diet? _________

oh my god yes, its such a relief to hear someone else is (sorry about the way that sounds) but you know what i mean i put the same thing on here a while ago but unfortunately noone else seemed to suffer. at first i put it down to all the toxins coming out of my body and that it would settle down but i'm still suffering 5 months on! i'm thinking about going to see my doc though just to see what he says too x
I cant believe you're all sufferng with bad skin too!!! I thought mine was just because I've stopped breastfeeding and my hormones are all over the place!! I'm not usually a "spotty" person unless its my TOTM or Im pregnant but lets just say have more than 3 on my face right now!!

Hey pinkemma Im glad to hear you got back on track thats excellent! Unfortunately my day has just gone from bad to worse and Im in the same situation as you were! I havent done my exercises yet but I am def goin to.
My water intake has dwindled a little too but I am still drinking it.... Im not letting today bring me down gonna get an early night and start a fresh tomorrow I think.
you sound like you've got your head screwed on hun, don't say blow it, do as you say and have an early nite, you prob deserve it with your kids and it will get you away from food!
Rachy - I think an early night is definately the best way to tackle it. You'll wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow.. and you'll have no guilty feelings tonight. Missing out on the exercise for one day won't do you any harm.. at least you've recognised that you're having an 'off' day before its gotten to 'binge' stage!!

Sparkel - I get what you mean!! It is good to hear other people are experiencing the bad skin too. I've just got out of the teenage years!! I shouldn't be reverting back to teen acne like this again!! Really hope the water drinking works, and my friend uses this gel that she says works within 24 hours to get rid of spots completely, might give it a go. Let us know what your doc says about it!!

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.. and just as you said to me - I need YOU!! lol you're stuck with me now mrs!! :p lol

Ha ha look at the new smilie I just found, its me yesterday!! :17729:
Well I didnt get the early night I wanted.... only cause I just wasnt tired... but I did do my exercises which made me feel good and then i had a long soak in the bath... I feel really determined today and just looking at my tickers reminded me of the whole reason I'm doing this!! Lol.
By the way when I wrote that last message I was kinda already in the tip of the "bingeing" stage. But not as bad as i would normally be by far!

I have also decided to cut out the SF bars as snacks... its definitely the chocolate that is making my skin a mess so I'm going to switch back to more fruit and even a slice of bread n butter if I'm getting that carby craving feeling. Lol. Its got to much of a eat as much choc as you like diet as long as you stay within the specified calorie intake....
My water intake is going back up too because that always makes me feel better I jus dont realise it til I stop drinking it!!! Lol.

Ok enough gabbling and on with the dieting!! Woohoo!! :D
Rachy - Well done on getting through it :) hows things going today so far?

Hm that sounds like a good idea on the choccy bar front. I've not been eating any of the slim fast snack bars, I just have a drifter, a yoghurt and a packet of walkers baked as my treats... sometimes replacing one for an apple and a couple of satsumas. But I have checked the carb content in the slim fast powder per serving.. for the vanilla its 35g!! Thats more than a couple of slices of medium white bread.. and more than my usual ready brek in the morning, so I can see where my carbs are building up from. Plus, I've read a few articles in the past about milk playing havoc with your skin, that could be it too. But I've weighed up the pros and cons and I think I'm going to stick with it for a little while :) my skin can get sorted out once I come off the diet.
Can't believe there are that many carbs in it! Shake or nice white fluffy bread. I know which i'd prefer. Guess I'll just have to keep going. Missed my break time snack today so i'm already 100cals up!
Hey pinkemma- well today has gone really well... Ive stuck to it to a T and Im downing my water again. :)

Im just feeling so drained and tired again tho which I dont normally! I even managed to get an hours kip on the sofa this arvo cause all 3 of the boys had a nap.... does anyone else feel drained? Not quite lethargic but like they dont have the energy to do anything?

At least I got thu today with no naughtyness lol roll on 2mo!!

SJN- Well done on beng 100 cal up do you think you can not use them or are you saving them for you're evening meal or to add to your last snack?

My husband has been away for 10days and I told him I would be 5lbs lighter by the time he came home... hmmm think I was being a bit optimistic!! Lol.
sjn - lol I know! Bread is so tempting mmmm

Rachy - Ha ha well you never know! He'll come back to a lighter you, no matter what though :) I was feeling a little drained so I've been eating 200 cals extra over the last couple of days just because I want to be able to stick with my revision.. and although its over, I still feel in control because I've MADE the decision.. its not just happened by binging!

I'm so so so nervous about my exam tomorrow :( I don't think I've done enough!
Hey pinkemma thats a good idea you know...I bet you're finding yourself more satisfied after your evening meal as well arent you?
I find that sticking to the snacks and 600 cal I'm usually still hungry by the end of the day... like now for example I'm quite hungry but just keep filling up on water to try and supress it.
Oh yeah dont forget our Green tea starting next week.. I must remember to buy some!! Lol.... I'll try for the whole week to see if it makes any diff at all.
I did my exercise again which Im really proud of cause I couldnt be bothered at all but enjoyed it once I got going. :D

You'll be fine tomorrow hunni dont worry.... hmmmm shouldnt you be getting some sleep right about now tho?! Oh then again its only 9:50pm over there isnt it? Its 10:50 here... I always forget the time gap!! Lol.
Rachy - Oh definately! I feel like I'm much fuller after tea.. I've been filling up on spinach leaves and lettuce :) although the spinach does have some... gassy.. side effects lol

I can't wait for green tea next week! I feel so motivated to do this diet now the exam is gone. I'm going out to celebrate tonight but I'll be on the gin and low calorie tonic waters... and maybe a cocktail for a treat lol :)

How are you getting on not eating the SF snacks?