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sjn - Glad to hear I'm not the only one, but hang in there, we can do it!! I'm craving chocolate right now.. probably because I had carbs for tea.. it always leaves me wanting more lol
Rachy - woo hoo! Thats brilliant news
are you feeling even more motivated now? Well done on the exercise! I'm not going to do anything today, don't want to aggravate my ankle. Lol maybe not such a good idea on the baked beans front then
the camp sounds fantastic. I'd feel so safe too knowing there was all those nice strong men around to take care of me lol...mmmm ha ha
Does your husband get sent on detachments too (do they call them detachments in the army too?)
Rachy - woo hoo! Thats brilliant news
Does your husband get sent on detachments too (do they call them detachments in the army too?)