So iv fallen off track completly.
Dont know what, dont know what has triggered it all i know is i dont feel good about it. :cry:
Sunday night was brill, creme brulee was lush so was the pasta bake - to bad i threw it all up - it was either the wine or something in the food that didnt agree with me.
So yesterday was a very bad day (apart from the bf winning £200 at bingo and giving me half! hehe) There was no set meal structure so i'll just list all i had;
Monday 14th December
*half slice dominos pizza
*2 slices of toast with cheese triangle & brown sauce with a slice of chicken
*salt & vinegar peanuts - a few!

*Apple frog sweets
*Too many chocs & 3 malt biscuits
*6 inch chicken & stuffing subway & packet walkers baked crisps.
*1/4 tub of ben and jerrys ice cream
*lots of pepsi max
Tuesday 15th December
B- Banana (1:30am) Nutrigrain (3:00am) Porridge (6:00am)
*1 clemintines
*1 apple
*1 packet smokey bacon walkers
*1 tube smarties
L- Ham, lettuce & soft cheese spread sandwich. Packet of walkers baked crisps. 1 clemintine.
D- BGTY chicken pasta bake meal.
*2 litres water
*1 glass pepsi max
*2 chocolates from the tree
*5 cheddar biscuits
*2 slices of mature cheese
*half a crunchie bar
So, ive just lost it. Today i woke up and thought yep back on to it but then i went and had crisps and a tube of smarties.
On a good note, i did buy myself a coat in a size 12

But that is beside the point; tomorrow im out in the evening for the social club christmas draw so will involve some vodka & diet cokes. Not too sure what to do for food - guna have to have some form of carb before i go out as idont want to get too merry.
I just duno anymore. I feel like iv completly lost my way. Im fed up and annoyed of having bad weekends and good weeks i feel like im depriving myself of something although i know im not really.
I just want to be able to eat and not worry about a thing and not constantly question if that bit of food is nawty or good :sigh:




