Wednesday 17th Jan
Still not managed a full 100% SS day yet

So cross with myself, weight sitting at 12st4lb. Not going up so obviously I'm mantaining beautifully....don't suppose 2 or 3 packs a day supplemented by sweets and bread is the healthiest way to mantain though! Besides which 12 weeks tomorrow I'm off to Dubai with the girls and I AM NOT GOING TO BE 12ST + by then!
Don't know why I can't get my head in the right place but I have to find the answer and soon.
Still aching from my Spin class on Sunday, does that mean it's done me good or have I just tortured myself?
Spent the morning fighting with the blinds in my kitchen, I thought it would be a good idea to clean them. Why do I always forget how flipping impossible it is to clean them? Ended up taking them down and giving them a bath, scrubbing each slat then drying them individually. Hung them back up and they look worse than ever, all streaky. At least the dust was evenly distributed before!!
DH has a Dungeons & Dragons Group meeting here tonight, just made a fruit flan for them, hopefully they'll not notice that I was actually palming off a slightly stale flan case
I'm off out for girls night, going to Supergran's for fizzy water and coffee and plenty of gossip. Going to take my holiday pics from our last trip to Dubai, hopefully I'll be motivated to stay on track....I do not want to have more pics of me looking like that in Dubai!
Hope you're all ok, just off to catch up with some threads.