Firstly "urgh" lol
Had such a disturbed night last night and woke up so many times after weird dreams! I eventually properly woken up at 2pm. But I think it was my headache that woke me up - the front left hand side of my head was killing me. Have felt a big pressure and ache in my throat today. Seems to have skipped the rest of me and have headache and neck-ache

Feel really jittery and depressed today. Made myself get a shower and just been round to the chemist (less than 5min walk each way) to put in mine and Mum's prescription. Just hoovered the living room too. Thought the Dyson was broke

But realised the 'hard floor' setting was on by mistake lol *phew*
The only other stuff I've done is eat some Weetabix and watch an ep of Sons of Anarchy

Giving my sister a lift soon, but it'll be less than 10mins each way. Jealous coz she's going to that lovely Neighbourhood Cafe. So tempted to pick up a dessert to bring home. But I shouldn't
Might go out for a cheap tea with Mum tomorrow before the cinema so I should be good today. I *should* .....
I guess I am doing a lot Tace. Even though I don't feel like it. All's I did yesterday was read, watch some tv and films, and did a washing load lol.
I suppose I'm just trying to keep at least some bits of my life going. Like I have no choice over looking after the animals - even though I can't walk the dogs. That's really getting to me now
Having a dilemma, again, over John stuff. I think I'm being too hard on myself, but I can't help thinking about stuff and thinking I should be doing more. Feel like a terrible girlfriend!
I'm struggling at the moment because I was going to suggest me going to stay at his on Thurs after our date. But now I don't know. I wasn't feeling quite this bad on Sunday when I told him I'd had an idea. Now I feel awful! It would be a big step for me anyway and not made easier by the fact that he house shares with guys!! That is freaking me out a little - esp as I'm nowhere near full Ninja capacity. I'm sure they're good guys and I have nothing to worry about, but you can't help it can you. Would be different if he lived alone or with family. There are other issues and stuff. But now I don't know what to do. Bugger!
Too much stress!!
Finally text my fake brother to see if he can help me out one morning next week for this test. And if he can't I'll have to sort something out with John. You were all right that I shouldn't take the meds and drive. Sorry, I was being very silly and stubborn. I realise that now. I just didn't want to have to rely on anyone
Oh and Mum's going to call the car warranty place tomorrow to try and get things sorted. Something else to worry about
Have also realised the dogs will be out of meds soon too. So need to sort out a day to go get them. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahem.... food to follow.xx