Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Thursday: Working 9-5:30

Breakfast: Porridge (HexB1), banana, dried fruit (2), Splenda, and skimmed milk (half HexA1)

First break: Strawberries, cherries, blackberries, and raspberries with an Activia.

Lunch: Onion, peppers, mushroom, sweetcorn, green beans, tomatoes, Quorn pieces and ham cooked in spicy sauce (0.5) Pasta, salad, may & dressing (1)
Rest of the fruit.

When I got home: A peach and a slice of Quorn Ham. Not like at the same time :p

Tea: Quorn Steak, Mac & Cheese (2 + rest of HexA1 for milk), carrots, peas, sweetcorn, and dressing (0.5)

Snack: Shape 0% (0.5) Weetabix Oaty Bar (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Mountain Dew. Diet Lemonade. Squash. Options (2)

Syns used: 8.5
Syns left: 23.5

Exercise: Walking and work.
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I'm not doing so well this week. Personally I mean. Really been feeling the depression this week and I'm so bloody exhausted! Think I've just been so stressed lately and then I found out that my working tax credits are being cut buy £100 a month :( Dunno how I'm going to cope! I'm sure I'll will and I'll just have to adjust, but still a shock :(
Spoke to my boss today, who's lovely, and I'm going to use some lieu time tomorrow and go in a bit later to give me a bit of time to de-stress a bit. I'm on a late tomorrow and then all weekend, so could really do with a lie-in!

Diet wise I'm doing pretty well lol.x
Sorry to hear that :-( money worries on top of my injury have made the past few months the lowest moods I have ever experienced it is so tough but you will adjust. *hugs* it does suck to cut out unnecessary spending but there's loads of ways to cut down food spending and it just requires prioritising and budgeting.

Or can you appeal the decision? It's pretty rubbish to cut your money if circumstances havnt changed! X
I haven't even had the 'decision' yet!! No letter or anything :s
I got Ellie's insurance renewal yesterday, they want £62 per month :confused: That's an increase of £23 per month!!! They can get lost!! Her treatment, because of where I work, is £40 per month and I can get accident & injury insurance for £6 per month! Sorted out my last claim form today and I can send it off on Monday. Just another worry :cry:
I'm rather 'delicate' at the moment :eek:

On plan though and eating loads of nice, healthy food with some nice treats thrown in. I had a slice of sourdough bread with my tea ;) CBA with my food diary, but I am on track. Scales look good, but I will officially weigh in in the morning when I get to work.

Hope everyone's having nice weekends.xx
It's such a shame that the insurance is so expensive :-( what a crazy increase x
They're being ridiculous. If they knew how much I have saved them over the years I think they would think again (it'll be in the £1000's now) So yeah, they can get lost. I can afford her meds anyway-coz I was basically spending £80 a month on meds & insurance and not getting all the meds cost back anyway. so will be saving money in the long run. Her meds are £40 per month now and she has one of the most expensive conditions. I will be working where I am for the rest of her life. I have a savings account for both my dogs (Dave will stay insured) and I will get accident and injury cover for Ellie.

Gonna give them a few days to receive my claim and then call them up to cancel. Seriously, they can get lost!
cheekychinchilla said:
Btw, super well done on getting in to the 'normal' BMI range! that is super good work :D

Thanks lovely it's the only form of being normal I enjoy :p x
Still on plan!! :)

I had a weird day yesterday. Pretty damn good personally! I won a couple of pairs of ski pants on eBay, I got the date through for my driving test (eeeek!), went for tea and then to see Magic Mike with Mum-it was her choice and I was really impressed with it!

But on the way in to town I got a text off my work friend to say that one of our friends had died that morning :( She's been ill, with cancer, since last summer and it spread in to her spinal chord and brain fairly quickly. But she was doing ok! We knew she would never get better, but there were all sorts of plans being made and I helped wrap some presents for her last week. And no she's gone! She was only a few years older than me! Probably around 35 :( Still actually can't quite believe it.

Tried my best today to do normal things. I tidied up a bit more for my friend visiting tomorrow, I did my 2hr driving lesson, and I've been to karate. But I feel detached and not really with it.
I'm also feeling a serious need to binge eat-which is something I very rarely do! I've just had a bowl of cherries and a yogurt to help me out. But I just feel :sigh:

I'm looking forward to the weekend. Got a night out planned for tomorrow. We'll do something on Sat. And Sunday we're having brunch at the veggie place before my friend has to go home. Will be off plan tomorrow evening, but will try my best Sat and Sunday :) Hopefully wont mess up too much of the good work I've put in of late.

Hope you're all doing ok. Lots of love.xx
Sorry to hear about your friend so sad :-( that's good that you are managing to do normal activities the numb feeling for a few days is horrible. *hugs* xx
Thank you both :)

I've had a nice weekend. And yes, a bit off plan, but not insane. Just nice and relaxed. Ordered a takeaway to have with Mum this evening and then I shall be back on plan and focused and enthusiastic. Hope I haven't messed up too much of the progress I was making. But it was a nice weekend spent with friends and I don't get much of a chance to do that. So it's fine :)

Might start writing my diary in here again, but I'll see how I feel. Hope everyone's ok and had nice weekends.xx
Back on the wagon today :) Haven't been feeling very hungry today, but bloody starving now :p
Have made a nice low syn lunch for work tomorrow and have fruity snacks.

My 2nd pair of ski pants arrived today and they're a little *snug* around the waist and these MUST fit. So aiming for my 4st sticky as well as fitting in to medium womens ski pants ;) They definitely feel more like a 12...... :whistle: They fasten, but they could do with being a little more comfortable!

Me and my friends have decided to try out this army combat fitness/bootcamp place when they're back from their holiday Active Adventures Liverpool - Otterspool - Ropes Course - Combat Fitness- So my plan would be to walk the dogs as often as possible, combat fitness on a Tues, Karate on a Thurs, and TRY to get one run in a week. That should help eh? I'm feeling the need to get exercise back on board again now. And I NEED to have a decent level of fitness for my holiday. I mean I'm ok fit now, and definitely fitter than my mate, but won't do any harm will it?? :)

So plan for now. Get back to being good now I've had a couple of days break, up the exercise, and get my 4st award! By September would be nice.
Sounds like a master plan! :) x