Gold Member
Yes I thought so too Dougal - hes a gem
I love to trawl for individual gifts
Yes I thought so too Dougal - hes a gem
My son (23) has gone out of his way to get something different this year for his Grandad. He used to be a Royal Marine and served on a ship called the Denmark. My son has trawled the internet and found a book on it so has ordered that. Bless him he has really thought about this
Am really struggling for a idea of something small to get my dad. I might not even see him but if I do it will be wehn I go to visit other relatives who I am buying for! Its such a pain!
Fillymum I saw a book at a garden centre today called fifty shades of shed maybe that would be good for your friendsonly joking though their situation doesn't xsound funny and they sound amazing and like they deserve a treat!
I wish Xmas would hurry up and be over.I find it's a pointless date on the calendar now.
Spend,spend spend.People are spending money that they haven't got.The shops have be heaving since beginning of Dec.
Can't wait till New year where everything gets back to normal althou the world ends tomorrow so you might as well give everyone their presents tonight.
Off grocery shopping tomorrow so a lot of people will get unwanted items in their trolleys.
The favourite present I have " bought" this year is 2 donations to my favourite charity for my son. It is a charity that lends money to struggling folks , mainly in third world or unpronouncable countries, who want to either start or improve a business venture. The loans are in units of $25 dollars, they can ask for any amount but it has to be repaid to you. Once it is repaid you can then loan that money to someone else or if you want you can withdraw the money. In 3 years we have helped 18 people/families mostly in the agricultural sector. Now my son will be able to donate and when he is repaid re-loan it to some other deserving person. We normally buy them a goat or a cow or seed or something of that kind for an African village but he is delighted with the change to the charity. He and his family never want anything for themselves because as they say they are very lucky . Both parents are working in good jobs and both grandchildren are at university and they do not do without anything very much. I love their unselfish attitude to Christmas giving.
Off grocery shopping tomorrow so a lot of people will get unwanted items in their trolleys.
Can I just confirm you mean people put lots of things they don't want in their trolleys and not because your going shopping people will have lots of unwanted items in their trolleys as I can't help but giggle when I see it as I just have an image of you filling everyone's trolleys while they're not looking