Christmas present thread

did you go with the pass the parcel wrapping?

My brother did that for my son, he'd bought him the sword from the hobbit but wrapped it up in about 10 different sets of wrapping paper, he even bought him a couple of bags of chocs which he wrapped up and left in the layers of wrapping paper, so it was properly like a pass the parcel.

Yes I did:) he worked out after the first layer when he saw it was a shoebox. Was still funny though tool quite a while to get to the bit of paper that was his present lol x
Some weird people that frequent my diary have started their Xmas shopping (weird!!)

I thought id revive this thread and see if anybody else has yet??! X
Hey, Happy Days or Happy Holidays:D

Emsie I've a long post on page 1 detailing what I've bought people & there are piccies on pg 14 of my 'boxes' & crackers.

This year we're not giving money to the nieces and nephews as they are 'too old', so we're spending about £20 on them each, so my 'box' will be a tad bigger, I've already bought 1 nephew a face moisturizer with tan I think it was Henri Lloyd & only £6, I'm going to the the others hair stuff.
I'm desperate to start my shopping but nobody will tell me what they want because they say its too early. Silly people! x
This year I am giving everyone Xmas jumpers and money,but I only buy for my 2 children plus daughters boyfriend and 3 nephews and my mum.
I haven't bought anything yet, but I've put a couple of things in my Amazon basket until pay day :D:D

So far I've decided to get my dad a new electric shaver, and my mum has decided she wants to start doing some jigsaws, so I'm going to get her one of these puzzle boards to store your puzzles and a couple of jigsaws.
I love doing jigsaws.. Not done one for years though.. Last one I started when I was pregnant.. I'd been to see the midwife and she said the baby was really high up so was unlikely to appear before my due date... So i started a 1000 peice jigsaw... 2 days later I was in labour lol... It sat rolled up in the case thing in the loft for over 11 years pmsl xx
I love doing jigsaws.. Not done one for years though.. Last one I started when I was pregnant.. I'd been to see the midwife and she said the baby was really high up so was unlikely to appear before my due date... So i started a 1000 peice jigsaw... 2 days later I was in labour lol... It sat rolled up in the case thing in the loft for over 11 years pmsl xx

Lol! I've never had the patience to sit and do jigsaws, so my mum's welcome to them! Xx
This year I am giving everyone Xmas jumpers and money,but I only buy for my 2 children plus daughters boyfriend and 3 nephews and my mum.

I love Christmas jumpers, people don't seem to wear them as much now as they used to, I remember going in the pub on Boxing day & loads of people there in their Christmas jumpers, brill, think I'll nick this idea off you :D
Christmas !!!! come on guys as much as I love you all it is only August xxxxxxxxxxxxx
bloomin' 'eck if I did that by December I would not have a clue where I had put anything loll !!!
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