Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

That looks like a great plan, let me know how getting up and walking around the block goes as I too am a drag myself out of bed crying in the morning x

Mmm the chorizo sounds lovely x

It's the beds fault honest, they're just SO comfy!!
You probably will. I'm up at 6.30 every morning and never go to bed before 11-11.30 so you might well have more energy and they say exercise boosts your energy levels too so you'll be like superwoman in no time at all. 11st by Halloween is something to aim for. I'm going to join you and say I want my 5% award at WW by then too. I'll weigh on the Wednesday before and that's the 29th so I've got 15lb to lose just under 7 weeks. Should be very achievable if we're good girls for a change xx
You probably will. I'm up at 6.30 every morning and never go to bed before 11-11.30 so you might well have more energy and they say exercise boosts your energy levels too so you'll be like superwoman in no time at all. 11st by Halloween is something to aim for. I'm going to join you and say I want my 5% award at WW by then too. I'll weigh on the Wednesday before and that's the 29th so I've got 15lb to lose just under 7 weeks. Should be very achievable if we're good girls for a change xx

Ooh I like the idea of being like superwoman, if I get to goal I can even wear that costume for Halloween!! We'll be slim diet angels in no time, honest! I'll be having Halloween off as planned (it's like my Christmas!) but I'd so love to be totally on plan till then! We've got this!
I think we've cracked it you know petal, all this motivation and determination is feeling good. I can't see us failing over the weekend. Go us! xx
I think we've cracked it you know petal, all this motivation and determination is feeling good. I can't see us failing over the weekend. Go us! xx

I think you're right, I'm definitely feeling motivated! I'm so ready to finally get to goal and stay there!
Goal by Christmas for you maybe? xx
Goal by Christmas for you maybe? xx

Realistically probably closer to end of Jan, but as long as I'm there and maintaining by May I'll be pleased, want to be skinny for 22.
Does it count as cheating if I change my dinner but it's still SW friendly? I feel guilty but I know I shouldn't!
Nope if it's SW friendly then it's not counted as cheating. Go for it! :-D xx
It was not....Boy brought home pizza, because I said we were starting on Saturday, I only changed my mind Thursday eve and didn't mention it. But have been 100% today and intent to start now.
We can forgive him this once because he didn't know. Yesterday didn't look like a pizza would do too much damage though wasn't the rest of your day quite low cal anyway? You're still on course for a good week so don't worry about it too much xx
We can forgive him this once because he didn't know. Yesterday didn't look like a pizza would do too much damage though wasn't the rest of your day quite low cal anyway? You're still on course for a good week so don't worry about it too much xx

I don't think it did much, didn't finish it. 100% on plan yesterday, went to my friends birthday and had some Doritos and even they were within 15 syns, have sen boy out hunting for a WW Bagel (7) but if he can't find we'll be having a bacon sarnie (6), fruit salad for light lunch and free soup for dinner! Nom

No exercise as * week is here and my stomach hurts, seriously my body hates exercise so much this month apparently! :p
I love a good bagel but a bacon sarnie is a very tasty substitute. The food is the main part of losing weight so don't stress about the exercise you'll be doing plenty of it soon enough xx

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Afternoon Ems :wavey:, the bunny is here to sub :p. Just catching up on diaries. I hope your doing well lovely :):). Thank you for your lovely words of support on my diary, it really means a lot to me ;). I hope your having a fantastic week hun !

Kay xx
Afternoon Ems :wavey:, the bunny is here to sub :p. Just catching up on diaries. I hope your doing well lovely :):). Thank you for your lovely words of support on my diary, it really means a lot to me ;). I hope your having a fantastic week hun !

Kay xx

Aw Hi Kay, so lovely to have you! Hope you're doing well!

Morning Diary!

Ended yesterday on 20 syns, naughty but no unhealthy treats, just a mental cereal and dried fruit craving, so I've not failed. Low syn day today to make up for it, only planning on 2 syns (yakkult, nom).

Breakfast: Yakkult, Fruit salad and 0% Yog
Lunch: Spinach salad with Ham, 1xlaughing cow extra light, pickled onion and tomato
Snack: 2XWholemeal toast with laughing cow
Dinner: Chicken, vegetable and bean bake

Hope everyone is having a (relatively) happy Monday - but if anyone is bored and wants to come rescue me from work I'd be eternally grateful! That's 2 days 100% for me (I'm counting yesterday as I have no issue with syn saving etc like people do for weekends), aiming till the end of the month and then hopefully that will be extended till Halloween
Woweee well done for using your syns on healthy stuff!!!!! I'm getting back on it today and its motivating to see people like yourself back on plan x
Wooooo look at you go! I hear you about dried fruit petal I've got currants left over from the welsh cakes that I've been eyeing up. You're doing fab and there's nowt wrong with varying your syns each day rather than sticking to the same amount. It might even keep your metabolism from slowing down when it works out that you're trying to lose weight xx
Woweee well done for using your syns on healthy stuff!!!!! I'm getting back on it today and its motivating to see people like yourself back on plan x

I've thrown all the junk out (minus chocolate pop tarts but they're Boys) and have sworn no takeout till Halloween, syns are being used on nak'd bars, oat bakes, yakkult, smoothies and cereal - determined!! Good to see you back on it too, Both me and Lisa (scarlet!) have sworn 100% on plan till the end of the month, if I can, you can!
Wooooo look at you go! I hear you about dried fruit petal I've got currants left over from the welsh cakes that I've been eyeing up. You're doing fab and there's nowt wrong with varying your syns each day rather than sticking to the same amount. It might even keep your metabolism from slowing down when it works out that you're trying to lose weight xx

I think I've finally gotten it back, it's been a very long climb to get back, I just need to start exercising properly again, I've done a deal with Boy to leave anything strenuous till next week and focus on the food this week, too much at once and I'll get scared off land give up! This week is food and squats etc, next week I'll do cardio again.