Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

I think that's a good idea, no point overloading yourself with stress then adding mroe to it when you don't get the cardio in too. Besides you want to make sure your toe is up to the jumping around before Jillian starts kicking your butt all over the living room again lol xx
Oh I'm dreading Jillian. Poor toe, not very happy. Did you have any luck with her?
I've been a huge wuss and not attempted her yet but I will get around to it and if I don't post for a while you'll know why lol xx
Dinner was not what I planned last night, as I went out with my Aunt, so grabbed 2 mugshots before I went out the door to make when I got to hers, not planned but still fairly okay and I did snack on carrots before I left so superfree was had and mild exercise was done. Whilst I've not made up for over-synning Sunday, I have been 100% on plan and shall just have 6-7 for the next few days to slowly make them up rather than having a syn free day which apparently is impossible. So 3 days under my belt.

Day 4 - Boy has p*ssed me off, I'm sure there's more to life than boredom, work and British weather.

Breakfast: Fruit salad (was going to be a berry + cottage cheese omelette but Boy got up late
Lunch: Turkey, lettuce, onion, tomato and mayo (2) sandwich (HeB)
Dinner: Undecided, I'm off to hunt for ideas, but something cheesy! (HeA)

I wanna go back to bed.
Uh oh naughty boy! He's in trouble then chicken?

You've been fab and as on plan as you can get. Hope you've stayed away from the scales and not been sneaky peeking? xx
Uh oh naughty boy! He's in trouble then chicken?

You've been fab and as on plan as you can get. Hope you've stayed away from the scales and not been sneaky peeking? xx

I had one sneaky peak to check where I was starting and have retired them to atop the cupboard where I cannot reach them!

He's not in trouble, honestly I've given up caring now, he can do what he wants, it's the same conversations over and over, feel like I'm on repeat, I just can't bring myself to give a sh*t anymore.
Not giving a sh!t sounds worse than him being in trouble. Gets to you though having to say the same thing over and over and it making no difference. Been there and done that :( xx
Not giving a sh!t sounds worse than him being in trouble. Gets to you though having to say the same thing over and over and it making no difference. Been there and done that :( xx

I just don't know what else to try so I've given up. If he wants to forget everything and live like a pig, I fully intend to let him. :(
I've thrown all the junk out (minus chocolate pop tarts but they're Boys) and have sworn no takeout till Halloween, syns are being used on nak'd bars, oat bakes, yakkult, smoothies and cereal - determined!! Good to see you back on it too, Both me and Lisa (scarlet!) have sworn 100% on plan till the end of the month, if I can, you can!

Morning hun :wavey:, hmmm I like this idea :p. I'm an all or nothing person, if its out of sight I wont be having it :D. I'm hoping to get back on the wagon fully from next Monday. At the moment I am having some SW meals but I'm not counting my syns and snacking loads :rolleyes:. I'm giving myself this week to enjoy it as much as I can then straight back on it. I shall be using the dustbin on Sunday to throw all the naughties out :( but I have to admit the bunny is quite capable of taking things back out of there if they are still in their wrapper ! :rolleyes: I know Gilly gave me a fab tip once of pouring fairy liquid over the whole lot, :giggle: think it might come to that. I have my weigh in on Thursday at group, dreading it. To make things worse TOTM fairy is playing games with me, I'm 1 week late and the bloating is really ticking me off, I just want to get it over with :rolleyes:. How have you been doing with the plan Em's ? I know this is your first week back on it 100%. What day do you weigh hun ? :)

Kay xx
I tried that once but I got fed up of living in his mess and caved in. Men in general are just lazy beggars and need us to kick them up them bum on a regular basis but it's highly annoying that we have to do it. Grrr xx
I think I'd cave first too! I just swear there should be more to life than this, do you ever feel you're meant for more than you're doing? Work all day, boring, go home, all he wants to do is watch TV and sit down, I don't remember the last time we went anywhere - I don't think we've gone anywhere as a couple since we got back from Holiday. We were supposed to go out Sunday night, but he was too tired - after a day of doing nothing but watching TV! I just feel I'm supposed to be doing something better with my life, I don't want to die a boring old lady who had boring stories and ended up hating her husband!

Think I've just woken up in a foul mood is all.
I think I'd cave first too! I just swear there should be more to life than this, do you ever feel you're meant for more than you're doing? Work all day, boring, go home, all he wants to do is watch TV and sit down, I don't remember the last time we went anywhere - I don't think we've gone anywhere as a couple since we got back from Holiday. We were supposed to go out Sunday night, but he was too tired - after a day of doing nothing but watching TV! I just feel I'm supposed to be doing something better with my life, I don't want to die a boring old lady who had boring stories and ended up hating her husband!

Think I've just woken up in a foul mood is all.

Oh no hun, big hugs :hug99: hope you feel better soon. I remember having a similar conversation with my sister. My brother in law gets quite lazy once he gets home and just wants to eat, watch tv and then sleep. She said she got really fed up with it. She started going out a lot more with her friends and doing her own thing since he couldn't be bothered and she said all of a sudden he stood up and noticed and started getting up early to help around the house and told her he wants her to involve him in her plans :giggle:, funny when you ignore them, they sit up and notice. Not sure if it would work for you, but its worth a try, you've got nothing to lose, you'd still have a nice timeout with your friends ;).

Kay xx
I think I'd cave first too! I just swear there should be more to life than this, do you ever feel you're meant for more than you're doing? Work all day, boring, go home, all he wants to do is watch TV and sit down, I don't remember the last time we went anywhere - I don't think we've gone anywhere as a couple since we got back from Holiday. We were supposed to go out Sunday night, but he was too tired - after a day of doing nothing but watching TV! I just feel I'm supposed to be doing something better with my life, I don't want to die a boring old lady who had boring stories and ended up hating her husband!

Think I've just woken up in a foul mood is all.

I could have written that myself sweets so I do get it and it's not a nice feeling. Dai can be such an old man sometimes it frustrates me that we don't go far. I know we don't have money to burn when we're saving for the wedding but there's still plenty you can do even if it's just going for a drive somewhere then having a walk (yes I did just advocate exercise I know it doesn't sound like me lol)

You won't have boring stories and you will never be a boring old lady cos you're fantabulous just keep kicking him up the bum. He will listen eventually because he loves you and if he doesn't start going out without him more and he'll soon get bored of sitting in on his own xx
Think it's worth a shot, going out without him! I suppose either way I'd be having fun weather it made him notice or not! Don't get me wrong I do love him, just think sometimes us ladies end up feeling more like carers than partners!!

I'm slightly cheered (though craving dominoes thanks to your diary Lisa!), sitting with a book and a cuppa!
You can tell you love him and that he loves you but when you live together things do need shaking up every now and then. Go have fun and when he starts feeling sorry for himself being all alone he will make more of an effort. Don't give in to the craving it's all my fault. Well mine and MC's, if I'm going down I'm taking her with me haha xx
You can tell you love him and that he loves you but when you live together things do need shaking up every now and then. Go have fun and when he starts feeling sorry for himself being all alone he will make more of an effort. Don't give in to the craving it's all my fault. Well mine and MC's, if I'm going down I'm taking her with me haha xx

I wont give in - especially as I have no money to give in with! It's MC's fault for mentioning 2 for Tues - on a Tuesday!! :p
Yep that's our story and I'm sticking to it xx
I slipped :(

I'm back on it though, can't get my 4th 100% day but I'm not letting it slide.

My legs ache from too many squats.

Plan for today:
Breakfast: Yakkult (2) Honey (2) on toast (1/2 HeB)
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Carrots, baby corn, hummus (4), 1Xbabybel (1/2HeA) and 1XRyvita thin (2)
Dinner: Mushroom, pea, butternut squash and rocket risotto (1/2HeA)

Bit bummed out about the slip but I'm still trying.
Don't let it get you down love, you're still doing brilliantly. Hope today goes well for you :) xx

Thanks Hun, don't remember it being this hard the first time round!!