Yesterday finished off -
8.5 brought forward
T. Three rashers of bacon 0
Two fried eggs 0
150g mushrooms 0.6
Total 9.1
This is where the confessions start....

Went out n got absolutely trashed!

Drank 4 large glasses of rose wine and then a double bacardi n diet coke. Not much at all for me but i was totally wrecked. Not pleasant. I staggered home once my homing beacon clicked on but fell off a kerb on the walk back!

So i've twisted my ankle which is steadily going a nice shade of purple, bruised my hip, got a whacking graze on my knee which is all ooozy. I also had a bit of an accident whilst shaving me leggies, somehow managed to slice through my middle finger nail and down through the nailbed!! There was blood all over the shower and i was left looking a right wally trying to find a plaster quickly! Then i put a chocolate face mask on which was all tingly so i thought, ooo it's working. Took it off ten mins later and it'd kind of burnt my face leaving a red ring round the edge of my face and eyeholes! So all in all i've had a pretty crappy few hours. Oh n to cap it all off i spent ages talking to the big telephone (loo) when i got home finally. I have never been or felt soooo ill. Next time i have a few drinks i will for sure be having more carbs!
Managed to hobble round to mum n dads house who took pity on me and let me stay for sunday dinner. That's when the next confession comes in

I had potatoes with dinner, milk in coffee and a smidgen of pudding!

LOL. Yes i know, naughty. Felt as though i needed it though and i do feel much better now though i hurt pretty much EVERYWHERE!!
Today -
D. Coffee with milk 1
Roast chicken, one leg, two slices of breast 0
Gravy 3
Two potatoes 56

Brocolli 1
Cabbage 1
Asparagus 1.5
Rhubarb pie with a dribble of custard - no idea on carbs but no doubt billions!!

Only about three mouthfuls though. Not that that justifies it! :sigh:
Weighed myself this morning and after talking to the big telephone last night i'd lost about 5lbs since last mondays wi. No doubt that will reduce considerably after todays debauchery! Ah well. These things happen don't they.