** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Dinner = lunch jim! Not decided tea (most peoples dinner) yet.

I'm sure I'll figure out the flax thing Bren. I can't seem to do anything other than sweet mims effectively. My porridge ends up a real rubbery gloopy consistency.

Are you putting too much water in? That is what usually happens if I overdo it with the water, if it is too thick just add a bit more till you get the right consistency.
I don't suppose u would be able to take a pic or two of yours would u please Bren so I can compare the looks?? That would really help me to see if I'm going wrong somewhere. I'd love to be able to make the crackers n mim bread etc on the flax thread but I just don't think I can sort it out lol.

T. Take out curry at parents. Chicken tandoori leg, butter chicken curry, spinach.
Will try and remember - might be weekend though, too rushed before work unfortunately!

with mims you just have to experiment till you get it how you like :)
Thanks Hun, appreciate it. I've got the basic recipe down to something I like using cinnamon usually n the usual MiM egg included recipe turns out quite sponge-like which is nice n fills me up nicely till dinnertime.
I really do recommend the crackers - it really is just flax meal and water. Frankly the water only helps the runniness - it all cooks off in mwave
Me too - not sure anything will actually fill me so going to bed to read a little (after I take dog out for a wee in this awful wind and rain). See you all tomorrow xx
Aww poor woggy. The wind's picking up here too but so far it's remained dry. No doubt tmoz will be different tho.

Started the week off with a 1-2lb loss on mon/tues n today's sneak wi showed up 3lb lol.
Yay!!!!! Hold your breath overnight - is it official WI day for you tomorrow Claire?
ARRRRGH! You meant showed UP - I thought it was showed up a loss! So sorry C, fingers crossed it all falls off again as quickly. x
Morning all

Pre wi shows +1lb booooo

B. Low carb pancake, 3 strawbs, low carb maple syrup, drizzle cream

Roll on lay in tmoz, I'm shattered
Morning Claire, what's a pre weigh in then, you've got to stop weighing.
Morning Claire
A) hang in there
B) throw the scales out!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh but what did yr pre weigh in pre weigh in weigh in show?:p
T. Bit of rump (i wish! ;) ), few prawns, both cooked in garlic infused olly oil, curly kale n brocolli steamed, spoon butter, slurge of low carb tommy k