** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Hey guys, thanks for the morning welcome :) I sent hello vibes from my pit - i splept in till almost 2!! WTH.

B. Sleep
D. Lots of leftover cold roast chicken, lettuce, lil raw spinach, cucumber, mayo
T. 3 pork sossies, 1/3 aubergine, 1/2 courgette, 1/2 small onion, mushies, chopped up, fried in garlic olly oil, lil chopped red chillies, lil ginger paste, dash worcester sauce, wilted spinach

Anyone know if i can change my post name??
Well hello stranger!!! I've hardly been on this is the past couple of weeks been mega busy but I am doing low carb!!! Heeeeeeeee! I have managed to stay the same so far after exante and hoping for a loss this week. I bought my wedding dress and it's a size ten so I have to get cracking!! I will start a diary on here tomorrow xx
Well hello there hunni!! Good to hear from you! Wow, can't believe you've bought THE FROCK already! You go girl. Pleased you'll be joining me here though, missed our chin wags. They're a fantastic bunch here though, couldn't ask for better support.
Morning Claire, and hi and welcome to teetiefunk :)
I've been really enjoying doing low carb as well... After exante you don't mind that it's restricted!! It's food afterall!
Morning all!! Lovely welcome to come online to!

I've changed the thread title again so as not to confuse peeps lol or build up hopes of a wonderful tasty low carb waffle recipe...

B. Sleep
D. 1 pack salami, 1 pack chorizo from MnS
T. Will be the pie with greens
Hahaha, no worries hun. I bought the pancake/waffle mix from lcm a couple weeks back and it is gorgeous. Needless to say that the pack soon erm 'disappeared'!! lol
was that the dietimeal one?
It was this one -

Flax Z Snax Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix | Low Carb Megastore


£5.35 for about 10 servings, i made a couple with 1 egg rather than 2 n halfed the mixture. Tastes amazing but wondering if it's these frankenfoods that are stalling me atm. Hoping it's not citrics as really don't want to cut out my sf squash as this is what keeps my water intake up. So, as suggested by Bren after my +1lb this week to cut out these foods n see what happens.
ooh yummy i have their breakfast porridge to try! something for tomorrow!