Claireybella's Food Diary

Wednesday EE

2 Weetabix - HEX, milk - HEX, canderel - 0 syns

Chicken and mushroom pot noodle - 4.5 syns, Muller light - 0 syns, apple and satsuma - 0 syns

Beef stew (whole pack is 5.5, quarter of a pack is 1.375 syns, so I'll say 1.5 syns!) with suede, carrots, onion and leek - 0 syns, served with mash (marg in mash - 6 syns, halved - 3 syns) brussel sprouts and green beans - 0 syns
Muller light - 0 syns

Total syns - 9

Morning walk to Bromley - 12 mins
Afternoon walk from Bromley - 12 mins
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Thursdasy EE

2 Weetabix - HEX, milk - HEX, canderel - 0 syns

Chicken and mushroom pot noodle - 4.5 syns, Muller light - 0 syns, apple and satsuma - 0 syns

Beef stew, last nights leftovers (whole pack is 5.5, quarter of a pack is 1.375 syns, so I'll say 1.5 syns!) with suede, carrots, onion and leek - 0 syns

Total syns - 6 syns

Morning walk to Bromley - 12 mins
Afternoon walk from Bromley - 12 mins
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Wednesday EE

2 Weetabix - HEX, milk - HEX, canderel - 0 syns

Options hot choccy - 2 syns

Cous cous - 1.5 syns, Alpen Light bar - 3.5 syns, 2 satsumas - 0 syns, Muller light - 0 syns, salad cream - 2 syns

Pork chop, fat removed, pasta and sauce (2 syns for the milk?) and veggies - 0 syns

Total syns - 11 syns
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Thursday EE

3 Weetabix - HEX + 3 syns, milk - HEX + 3 syns, canderel - 0 syns

Cous cous - 1.5 syns, Alpen Light bar - 3.5 syns, 2 satsumas - 0 syns, Muller light - 0 syns, salad cream - 2 syns

2 eggs, SW chips, 3 rashers of bacon, fat removed and baked beans - 0 syns, tomato sauce - 2 syns. Muller light - 0 syns

Total syns - 15 syns

Walking - 30 minutes
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Friday EE

2 Weetabix - HEX, milk - HEX, canderel - 0 syns

Once at work
Options hot choccy - 2 syns

Jacket spud with beans and salad - cucumber, tomatos, cous cous - 2 syns, coleslaw - 4 syns, beetroot salad - 2 syns

2 cod in parsley sauce - 2 syns, pasta and veggies - 0 syns

Total syns - 12 syns

Walking - 15 minutes (so far)
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Hi Clairey, how r u doing hun? Im now in Bolton visiting my bruv, sis in law, 3 neph aged 11, 7 and 4 and 2 year old niece! Hectic but lovely! I had a fantastic time staying with Elle! Im so pleased it all worked out! I knew we were going to hit it off and it was even more fab than Id even imagined! Ellebear and Shaunybear thoroughly rock!!! Im off plan at the moment, just trying to exercise damage limitation, and from tomorrow itll be all systems go and a matter of pulling back as much as poss for a not tpo disastrous WI next Mon! Holiday week this week! How are u doing hun?xxxx
Hey hon, how are you? Glad you had a fab weekend with Elle and Shaun. I've seen the photos, and you both looked fab! I'm jealous that I wasn't there!:) Have fun at your brothers. Have they got much snow there? Have you got any at home? I know my mum had some in Somerset at the weekend and they don't normally get any! We haven't have any yet, although forecast some for tonight (as we've had every night since Thursday!:)

I'm off to WI in a mo, and I really don't know what I'm expecting, if I'm honest. Was pretty good all week, 80%, I'd say, apart from Saturday night, but I did dance my butt off on Just Dance 2, so I'm hoping that all balances out. Good luck with your week off. Will let you know how I get on later!
Yo Clairey, it would have been so fab to meet u!! Oh well, im sure we will sometime! Yes a gr8 time was had by all! Hope your WI result was favourable!! Ill check back to see how youve done! Im so glad im not WI tonite! It would be disastrous!!xxxxxx
Tuesday EE

2 Weetabix - HEX, milk - HEX, canderel - 0 syns

Digestive biscuit - 3.5 syns, Heros Twirl chocolate - 6 syns!!!!!

Butternut Squash soup - 0 syns, egg salad (2 boiled eggs, lettuce and tomatos) - 0 syns

Once in from work and the snow
Hot choccy, Options - 2 syns

Quorn lasagne - 8 syns, baked beans and tomatos

Total syns - 19 syns (slightly over!)

Walked - 4.5 miles home from walk in the snow!!
Grwww how annoying for you!! And after being so good as well!! Oh well, always keep in mind that good behaviour will be rewarded, sometimes it takes a little while to show that's all! Another good week and you're bound to have a good one next week! Don't let it make you feel resentful or disheartened!XXX
Aaaaww, thanks for that Hevs. I was feeling a little fed up, but after that little message, I feel good again. Yesterday was a bad day, so I'm ignoring it! Good days from now on!

How are you doing, getting back on track?

It's natural to feel deflated when this happens..crikey it's happened to me enough times!! Just plod on and look forward to feeling great the next time you step on those scales! Swings and roundabouts! Glad you're back on track again!! I've had 3 good days Tues, Wed and yesterday! Today's sort of OK I think, but friends came over and I made the lemon polenta cake from the new book Nigella Kitchen for one of my mate's birthday, and not only had a slice but licked the bowl after making it too, so there would defo have been hidden syns in there! I haven't even worked out how many syns in the whole cake (I'll do that shortly!!) but it's not good- definitely a whole day's syns, but I only had 2.5 syns yesterday so should even itself out a bit!! I just FEEL naughty!! The good news is that I also made a lush soup with onion, bacon, garlic, root ginger, chilli, sweet potato, butternut squash and carrot! Went down a treat!! X
Oooh eck!! This is shocking!! I just worked out all my ingredients for Nigella's lemon polenta cake and the whole thing was 160 syns!!!!!! I had 1/8 of the cake (20 syns) plus perhaps another 5 when nibbling!! Just shows it's worth working out the synnage of things!!X
Right, not been near or by here all last week and I apologise! I managed to maintain this week, due to my week of eating anything that didn't move! Went out for dinner last night with some SW girls and I'd love to tell you that we were all good, but we weren't! Ha ha! So, today is a new day, a new week, a good week of sticking to plan and exercising! Can't walk cos everywhere is still too icy (nearly fell arse over tit yesterday! Three times!) so I'm gonna try and Wii it a few times this week! Anyway, here is today's food plan!

2 Weetabix - HEX, milk - HEX, canderel - 0 syns

Cous cous - 1.5 syns, scan bran weetabix cake - 2 syns, mullerlight - 0 syns, apple - 0 syns

Roast chicken, skin removed, SW roasties and parsnips, carrots and purple cabbage - 0 syns, gravy - 3 syns

Total syns - 6.5
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Hi Claire!! Well I did miss you over the past week!! Hiding away- tut tut!! But you're back with a new found determination!!! What I love about us lot is that we're all exactly the same (ie human...I think...!) We're a bit like Wurzel Gummidge in that we have these different heads!! One minute we're in totally focused mode, with a new-found kick-ass determination, and the next minute we're in 'sod it' mode and giving in to all and sundry!! BUT the reason we always manage to get back on track and see losses again is because we can all relate to each other and help each other get back up on our feet again! HEAR HEAR!! Well done on STS this week! You sound very much like me at the moment, managing to maintain (well actully I gained 1 lb this week but not bad considering an 'interesting' and varied 3 weeks of very bad days, bad days, good days and very good days!) but watch out 2011, we will be kicking your ass!!!X
I missed you too! I honestly couldn't be bothered to come online and who am I to come on here and help other people, when I'm not prepared to help myself? I'm very pleased with my maintain, cos my scales said 3 on on Friday! Eeekk! And I love the way you describe us as Worzels, cos I do that all the time too! Ha ha! I'd rather be Aunt Sally and eat cream cakes! Ha ha!

2 Weetabix - HEX, milk - HEX, canderel - 0 syns

Mug Shot - 0 syns, Mullerlight - 0 syns, apple - 0 syns

??? Me and my sister are taking our boys to see The Overtones tonight, and promised them Maccy D's. I don't eat Maccy D's so I may just take some nibbles for me, and grab something when I get in.

Total syns, so far - 0! :D