
emsiem said:
Hi i just wanted to say that i've only been following this diet and forum for a month and you/your diary has inspired me to carry on i don't have children (desperately want them ), i guess thats the reason i read your diary but haven't commented as i don't have the same experiences but please carry on as you have inspired at least one x

Aww thanks. I don't deserve to inspire anyone right now. I've been better on my diet than I am now. I have 2 other 'old' diaries. 1 in maintenance and a very old diary from probably last year. I should read it really.
another confession from someone who reads but rarely posts - i justfeel overwhelmed by all the stuff you have going on, and nothing i can offer from my very simple, uncomplicated by kids, life would be from a position of knowing what you're going through.

tbh, i'd just be inclined to leave all the scribbling on the walls / floors until they've grown out of it, which probably makes it clear how clueless i am.

i do read though, and i am rooting for you. xx
It might be an idea to read it again. I sometimes go back to the blog I wrote the first time round, just to remind me it's perfectly possible to do this diet!
well... i'm sat in the gym lounge. both kids are at a halloween party. i thought i would need to stay with matthew so i didn't bother bringing gym clothes etc.

on the internet. have read up to page 7 of my first diary.

feeling very tired. :( wish i could just go for a sleep now.
Haha, I blame all sorts for these problems, strange gravity, the super name it BUT guess what.

I am just like is what I think (and I DO read your diary by the way :) )

As do I... lately, I have been away in Corfu and Great Yarmouth (my birthday week and then half-term).

You have got 2 tot's you are trying to further your zumba classes, add to that you are chief cook and bottle washer at home.

Fer Shur... I get tired just thinking about your days!

Sista - I feel ya pain!!!!! You are probably approaching burn out and it is very hard to do a VCLD when you are flat out exhausted. It makes you cranky...

She is right... a VLCD and all that exercise might be counter-productive (in addition to being so difficult). Maybe you should be doing CD1000.

Now, I suggested to myself - because I am on the edge about 90% of the time that I go and get some EFT - which I am starting this week - apparently it is very effective,

EFT? I'll have to Google this.

plus you get some time and space just for you without kids pulling down curtian rails, peeing on floors and being a trainee bansky :)

"bansky"? Gotta Google that, too.

Give yourself a big pat on the back

Maybe take a nice bubble bath after the LOs are in bed, as well.

- we are in the same boat. THIS week I am going to really focus on just 1 thing

Me, too -- getting back to fitness will be mine.

only 1 week of pure SS...we can do this...we really can.

You'e done it before -- so you know you can do it! We all will.


Hi Nikki, Sal and Nat --

I've been away but I do I read your diary (Sal's too). It is so difficult when you have two so young and your OH isn't around a lot to help out. But, this time flies -- try hard to laugh at the curtains and wee, because it doesn't last and you will miss it.

i know mel....

i'm stuck in the gym. no workout gear and the food smells are BAD!
Nicki - I just have to share something with you, I had a dinner party of sorts last night, which meant me and my OH cooked all kinds of tasty turkish treats for his boss and his wife that I shouldnt be eating - I let myself have some kofte (meatballs) and some sucuk (spicy sausage) but followed the two bite rule...however I still had to avoid backlava and ice cream and booze, which he drank a huge amount of and passed out on the sofa. Fast forward to today and he is worse than useless...

So I get up this morning the drain out the back was mysteriously blocked, so after asking him in his delicate state to fix it, and getting no response I decided to don the rubber gloves and dig that bad boy clean - which worked incidentally... anyway, while digging, my daughter decided it would be fun to mess with the excavated mush from said drain - so cue a mad dash to the bathroom for a scrub down with anti-baterial soap.

I throw her in the car and go on a mission, I come home and begin to clean up (again) from last night and the crusty playdough off the floor in her playroom as fast as I am scraping that up with a butter knife I turn around and she smeared blue playdough into the white voile curtains in the sitting room. So they come down to be washed, then I notice there is something sticky on the carpet, so I scrub that. Phew! a few hours later the house is tidy and clean and I start to plan going out tonight to a latern parrade.

Then OH announced that he had arranged for someone to come and fit turkish satalite at 4pm so we cant go. Said man arrived..he climbs all over the mossy roof and then stomps through my lounge with big mossy, dirty feet all over my freshly shampooed carpet...My OH looks and me and says - sorry hun thats going to need a clean if thats ok and he speaks Alara poo's in the corner behind a chair!

Well - honestly I just burst out laughing. I think it was near hysteria.

That just typifies a day in the life of a harrased wife and mother - dont worry anyone who doesnt yet have children, when you do, you will become very familiar with the sleep deprived, frustrated and downright tedious world it sometimes is, but you will also know how wonderful and rediculous and hillarious it is...

Nicki hun - take a leaf from me, make a drawing wall, put heavy duty lining paper up paint it with blackboard paint and let the scamps chalk all over it, it wipes off and they can create new scenes all the time. I did it with my eldest who was also fond of ruining walls. When it needs to come down it just gets stripped off :)

Mel - bansky = famous grafitti artist , EFT = emotional freedom technique, a tapping like therapy which releases negative emotions trapped in body tissue/muscle memory

Time to peel some spuds so I am off!
:eek: sounds like a typical day in the life of a crazed housewife. to be honest i would have told hubby that he has to clean the said carpet. you should have gone to the lantern parade as it sounds nice.

well i've been scanning the job scene for teaching jobs and one just pops out at me. 2 1/2 days a week (perfect), music specialist (perfect), 45 mins down the road (not so perfect) but all do able. going to phone tomorrow and get a form sent out so i can apply. also going to talk to the head, if i can, and ask about references as i've been out of the teaching scene since 2009 when i stopped supply teaching to have my baby boy. he's now 2 1/2 years old. so my references are very old. :(
p.s i'm potty training my little dude right now and he's basically done it himself. he's very good! a few slips but very good. unfortunately sometimes he sits down and doesn't stuff his winky (as we call it) in the potty and he ends up peeing on the floor. my mop is going bald :D
me too hence the pooing in the corner. Alara was 2 in august and I feel crap for not doing it earlier.

Good on you for taking a step towards getting a new teaching job. If you need references can you go back to the supply teaching agency (if it was an agency) anyway dazzle them and it's in the bag.

Have a good day now

I didnt clean the floor by the way...I told him, his guest his mess :)
LOl Ladies --

I miss my little ones, but the big ones can be fun (at times).

Thanks for the info Betty. And good on you for telling DH to deal with the carpet mess.

Nikki -- I the mic is wonderful. I have an auditory processing problem and when the instructor does not wear I mic I really struggle in Zumba.


liking the poster. just going to pop a boring christmas one out soon. i think maybe i should christmas'fy it.
Christmas poster. Very boring compared to the Halloween one.


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How about doing a Christmas Zumba-thon charity event (one off). You could do all the dances to Christmas music!
1lb off today. :( bummer!

at this rate i'll still be fat for xmas and won't fit into my dress. boooo.
One pound off is a step in the right direction. Keep at it and it'll get better... you know the drill, Nikki!

Trick or treat! :)


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right a new plan.

very simple

very easy

day 1 week 2 100%
day 2 week 2 100%
day 3 week 2 100%

do you catch my methodology? he he he

going to record everything in here again. i think it helps.