
well, i've had a choc mint shake as my last product of the day. i've left the bars again. 3 days in a row now. no bars. i still have my 5 bars i got this week. i just really want a decent loss this week and with xmas being so close i need the next 6 weeks to give me a decent loss each time so i can get off as close to 21lbs as i can.

2 weeks and i could possibly be in the 11st range... by the skin of my teeth but still 11st 13lbs and 3/4. would just do it. just in 2 weeks time. 2 little weeks. this week and next. this week and next. this week and next.... this is what i've got to tell myself. when i see the 11st range life would be better as i know i'm almost there again! it will just be 10 more pounds to get into my dress. i know if i hit the mid 11st range i would get my dress on etc but to make it look amazing i need more.

today has been a strange day. i've been constantly on the go. got up at 6am, got ems and dude up. by 8am we were out the door to school. at 9am i was at the hair dressers getting my hair done, 9.45 i was at my mum's sorting out her stuff having my first shake. at 10.40am i was at soft play with dude. i managed to drag him out of there at 1pm. i went to teesside park to get emily some new shoes as hers as wrecked, she's trashed them. at 2pm i finally made home and my 2nd shake. i left at 3pm to go and get emily from school. then it was swimming and i was home for 5.30pm cooking tea, then my little cheese accident happened :( boooooo! at 6pm we were eating tea and at 7pm the kids went to bed. 8.45pm last shake. going to bed soon.

I am tired just reading about your day! How was Ems today? Was she dry all day?
I am tired just reading about your day! How was Ems today? Was she dry all day?

nope, not dry. 1 accident. so no smily and another 'boy' gone!
week 3
day 4

coffee x 2
2 litres of water
pint of water

Cd shake
cd soup

Zumba - 450 (aprox cals)
Running - 3 miles on interval training 350 cals
Bike - 60 cals
Zumba tonight - (predicting aprox) 450 cals

slight move in the scales but not much. hoping it wasn't the darn cheese. i've got to say i've not 'been' since monday.... not properly been. felt the need but didn't manage much at all. this happens to me every week. so it looks like i'll be taking something tomorrow. can't take anything today cause i knowing me i'll end up needing to go all day long and going before zumba then thinking will i be need to go during zumba.... what happens if.... etc. not nice.
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Someone I've not seen for about 3mths said I look like I've lost a lot of weight! Whoop whoop!
i can't believe i got this from my gym today... who on earth wrote it is stupid! it's high lighted in red!

  • When you move more, you burn more calories, so add a bicep curl to your lunge or a shoulder press to squats
  • Being fit isn’t just about shedding pounds. Muscle is heavier than fat, so take frequent measurements to monitor your progress instead
great things said:
i can't believe i got this from my gym today... who on earth wrote it is stupid! it's high lighted in red!

[*]When you move more, you burn more calories, so add a bicep curl to your lunge or a shoulder press to squats
[*]Being fit isn’t just about shedding pounds. Muscle is heavier than fat, so take frequent measurements to monitor your progress instead

Oh dear god!! How thick!!
Hi Nikki,

It sounds like Emz is doing better only one accident.

I hope that you did not (or do not) get "hit' whilst leading a class. That could be awkward. And, that is probably why you've not shown as great a loss as you'd like.

Yay! To the compliment!

Once again... your day makes me feel exhausted. You do soooo much.

Got Zumba in 45mins. I'm gonna blast it, it's going hard core! Mind my legs have sort of developed a muscle pain (just the right leg), from running. Just needs more stretching out!
Hi Nikki,

It sounds like Emz is doing better only one accident.

I hope that you did not (or do not) get "hit' whilst leading a class. That could be awkward. And, that is probably why you've not shown as great a loss as you'd like.

Yay! To the compliment!

Once again... your day makes me feel exhausted. You do soooo much.


none today :) dude had 1! he's doing quite well my little man.
back from zumba. just had my tuna salad. still feel hungry though. i've had my 2 things and my salad :( nothing else remains. so i guess it's peppermint tea as i've had my 3 coffees and i've had 2 fizzy waters today too.
week 3
day 4

coffee x 3
2 litres of water (aprox 4 pints)
pint of water x 4
peppermint tea

Cd shake
cd soup
cd shake
tuna salad

Zumba - 450 (aprox cals)
Running - 3 miles on interval training 350 cals
Bike - 60 cals
Zumba tonight - aprox 450 cals
you can find instructors on the site..... look under find a class and pop in your postcode. bingo. a bunch of super instructors at your fingertips :)

it seems that where i live we are over run by instructors and i think that it's one big reason why my classes are on the quiet side of things. thursday is ok but i really do need more people.
Thanks for the tip hon I looked on the website and there are loads of classes within a mile of my house and I had no idea!!! I contact a local instructor a guy as I thought he might be fun so watch this space!!! :)
Oh dear god!! How thick!!

just had a massive discussion re fat and muscle and he dropped into mass..... the mass of an object and water displacement etc. still haven't got through to him that the argument usually stems around weight in lbs not mass or water displacement or volume. grrrrrrr

he left to go to work saying which is heavier lead or feather. i replied both the same if you weigh out a lb of each! he said no which is heavier. however i was always told that in science everything has to be accurate and the same otherwise a test is flawed, he said ok then build up a person from mass look at the mass of a fat person and a thin person. his argument is flawed cause you just can't do that. most people weight themselves in lbs. just imagine what would happen on 'the ranch' if bob and gillian decided that weigh in should be about body mass rather than weight.

then hubby said. which is heavier... an empty suitcase or a full suitcase. arghhhhhhhh. just want to scream. bl**dy men.
Week 3
day 5

coffee x 2
pint of water x 2
peppermint tea x 1

cd porridge (10.30am)

too tired. decided no exercise today.
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Aaargh!!! It's the density that's the issue isn't it. 1lb of anything will weigh 1lb...however 1cubic lump of muscle will weigh more than 1 cubic lump of fat which is in effect what your BMI is which is why top athletes can have an overweight BMI but not be fat.

It's confusing for the general population, weight is weight, mass is mass, 2 different entities. It doesn't help for gyms and certain trainers to be saying muscle weighs more! Ha we know we're right!!

My other pet hate is "Converting fat to muscle"!!! Impossible, muscle is muscle, nice lean and usually hidden by fat. And the real reason people gain a little or STS when they start exercising is because they're losing fat but gaining muscle density which makes your weight go up a tiny bit because of mass.

Maybe it's just us being pernickety about it but I think it's bad that places like gyms are misleading and confusing.

When I had my PT he gave me the best explanation ever. I was doing 500 sit ups a day (time consuming and pointless) in an effort to flatten my stomach. At 17st that would never have worked lol. He said your abs are like any other muscle. By exercising them you will build them up, the reason you're looking bigger is because when there's a layer of fat across the top, your stronger bigger abs will push the fat out. I can do as many sit ups as I like but while the fat is still there I'll keep looking bigger. I stopped doing sit ups and started dieting and abs got smaller!
Morning Nikki,

Great on lil' dude and Emz. I suspect (now) that her wetting is very normal regression of the older sibling when the younger is training.

You food, water and fitness are so fab! You go girl.

I 'get' the whole fat/muscle thing... I guess what they should say is that "a pound of muscle is more compact than a pound of fat - so, take your measurements, as well as, weigh yourself."

And, instead of "change your fat to muscle" -- they could say, "change your fat to muscle ratio".

@Sal -- You could DO sit ups at 17 stone? You must be very strong... then most nurses all because of the heavy lifting, etc. they do.

Happy Friday!!!

Ha ha Mel I've always been strong! I have good muscle mass but it's just been covered with flabby blubber for too long. Even when I was 17st I used to be fit, if I'd have eaten less instead of using the amount of activity and gym sessions as an excuse to eat more I'd have been laughing.

This is why when my friend and I were the same weight and height she was 2 sizes smaller. My muscles stopped me squishing into smaller sizes, but I was more toned and not wobbly.
@Sal -- That bodes well for you not having lots of wobbly bits when you reach your goal weight. Yay!

Hi Nikki -- How are things going today?