thankyou all for your kind rwplies, I know theres not a lot anyone can say at the moment.......I just appreciate you all taking the time to read my posts and it means a lot that you are all thinking of us.
Since my last post we had a chat with 3 consultants on the ward who couldn't really tell us much more until they've held their multi disciplinary meeting about tony on weds......when the oncologist will be involved. All they could answer for us is that the cancer type is very aggressive to have come back and spread just 2 months after they had cleared it all, and that timescales are difficult to say....but they estimate he has between 2 to 6 months max
hes losing his swallow function day by day, yesterday he was unable to drink anything so it looks like things are getting worse very quickly, and there is an ulceration appearing next to the tracheostomy site (which apparently is cancer breaking down the skin there)
Pain wise the morphine is holding it at bay but hes def not pain free as yet so more tinkering with his meds is needed.
Im just in a daze at the minute....things seem so unfair and I cant stop filling up with tears, hes my soulmate and I don't know how il cope without him. Im not even on the deeds to the house so we need to sort that out just in case our wills (home done with kits) don't stand up and his family might just try take a share and il be homeless. Weve even considered getting married to try protect me a bit. Its all happening so fast and my head is a complete mess at the moment.
Ive got no family now....just my son over in Yorkshire and a brother who some of you may remember I don't really see eye to eye with since mum died. Tony was my world. My next door neighbour will be there for me and help me out when she can but other than that.......Im kind of on my own out here x