Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Good afternoon love I hope your well? I had a full punnet of strawberries (superspeed whoop) for brekkie and a mullerlight orange and choccy yogurt yum yum. Im thinking a fry up for lunch (sw friendly of course) and that leaves me with my hex a and b for my M & S sub rolls with cheese and something for tea. Im out at a party tonight so I want to resist the buffet food. x
Hello everyone, some time for minis as the BF is watching football.

Yesterday food:-
Lunch = Costco was lovely yesterday had a gorgeous jacket potato, cheese, tuna & beans. Wasn't expecting the tuna so adding (3) for the dressing, hex a for cheese.
Snack = no sugar caramel latte with skimmed milk (6) & banana (at the cinema)
Dinner = 1/4 bag of chips (4.5), 1tbsp ketchup (1) w/m bread (1/2 hex b), fruit salad, SW hi fi light bar (1/2 hex b) Oreo cookie (2.5)
Total syns = 16.5
Today's food:-

Breakfast = wetherspoon for brekkie. I had eggs benedict but swapped the hollandaise sauce for baked beans, the BF had the muffin as its white & I got one mushroom but it was very nice, I love poached eggs with runny yolks.
Lunch = turkey burger with salad, couscous, carrot, fruit & yogurt, a brownie bite (2) mini bag beef space raiders (3)
Dinner = were having a Chinese takeaway so I'm having a chicken chow mein (7.5). And I've still got my hex a & b to use for snacks later, maybe cheese on toast?


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Yes they are they look weird but they taste delicious, the pub were a bit mean with side order of mushrooms though & they don't do wholemeal bread but I didn't miss it. I'd recommend it if your out and about. X
Hello I may look well on track & feel ok but the demon scales showed me 2lb up this morning & I know a need the poo fairy to swing by unless she doesn't work bank holidays. So this morning I made a cherry bake well scan bran cake, the house smells gorgeous & it was lovely. I had 1/6 of it for breakfast.

I've got some of my gym gear on to do my Davina DVD but I can't seem to motivate myself just yet? It's nice weather so were going for either a walk or bike ride & was supposed to be packing a picnic but I think the BF fancies the cinema & lunch out instead via the car so I should get my body magic on now really but feel lazy!
Anyway hope everyone is having a nice long weekend so far xx
If Morning hunni - ive not seen her around today as yet either ( unusual for me ) lol. I will send her on once she has visited me cos im canny like that :D

I hope you have a lovely day whatever you decide to do chick x
Well I've had a lovely & lazy day, I fact it's been a lovely weekend. I didn't do my workout DVD in the end, I couldn't be bothered but I did enjoy a nice 3 mile walk. We went to the cinema again today it was Two Guns on Saturday with the lovely Denzel Washington & Mark Wahlberg, very funny definitely recommend it. Today we went to see The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones, which was good too. I read the books a few years ago & the film did it justice.

Food today:-
Breakfast = 1/6 cherry bake well scan bran cake (hex b), fruit & strawberry muller light.
Lunch = Costco jacket potato with cheese (hex a), tuna mayo (3), baked beans, corner edge of Brett's pizza (3).
Snack = mandarin muller & fruit at the cinema, costa sugar free skinny latter (6).
Dinner = 1/6 cherry bake well scan bran cake (hex b), fruit & peach passion fruit muller light, beef space raiders (3)

I don't feel very hungry as my potato was that huge at lunch hence I had my breakfast for my dinner too.
I'm a bit bloated now though however the poo fairy did swing by before lunch so thanks to whoever sent her over, shall we say the time tomorrow? Xx
After the cinema popped to asda to stock up on some goodies for the week. They had packs of 6 muller lights for £2.00 so I bought two lots & I bought my new favourite beef space raiders they're tasty and only £1.00 for a bag of 10 & 3 syns a bag. Then I began wondering if a few Green days might give me a boost so I've got a vegetable curry type stew on in the slow cooker for tomorrow night, in fact by the size of it it might do us the week. If I get bored of veg I can add some chicken to it too so bonus.


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OMG one of my dearest beautiful friends has just been dumped by her IDIOT boyfriend! We're all at a wedding in 2wks & they're supposed to be going to Cyprus in 6wks, I'm gutted for her. On the plus side she always loses weight when she's single & this is the heaviest I've seen her xxx
OMG one of my dearest beautiful friends has just been dumped by her IDIOT boyfriend! We're all at a wedding in 2wks & they're supposed to be going to Cyprus in 6wks, I'm gutted for her. On the plus side she always loses weight when she's single & this is the heaviest I've seen her xxx

Awwww no bless her I hope shes gonna be ok. Men can be right @rseholes
Yes they can. An emergency girls tea has been arranged for Thursday. I'll be super good b4 weigh in of course then a wee bit bad afterwards, if I can get a lift I'll have a drink, in fact no I won't, I'll drive then I won't go sympathy eating & drinking, in fact I'm going to be good.

Only thing good about heartbreak is knowing your really good friends are there for you.
Well everyone, bedtime for me, have a good day tomorrow night night xx