Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Aww thank you lovely ladies.

When I'm not in a 'good place' I do seem to have the knack for getting lots of things done. I walked the last mile home from work as I got a lift in this morning. I did my Davina DVD for 40 mins, cooked the tea, made tomorrows tea for after my weigh in and made a scan bran cake, when I suggested nipping to tesco the BF put his foot down!

The quiche looks gorgeous but the scan bran cake looks a bit peaky I used a orange & dark choc chip muller but forgot the options. Also Linda McCartney sausages red onion are really nice, I'd recommend them.


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I learnt from my last one to try grease proof paper, I had to soak the last tin for two days afterwards. We're going to have it with beans & chips & salad I think.

Today's food is Green
Breakfast = 1/3 scan bran cake, fruit & yogurt.
Snack = doughnut peach.
Lunch = egg & cheese (hexa) salad with couscous (1) & veg (left overs), fruit & yogurt.
Dinner = 2x Linda Mc red onion & rosemary sausages, egg, beans, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, 2x w/m bread (2nd hexb).
Afters = 1/3 scan bran cake (hexb), fruit & yogurt. 3 choc squares (4.5).
Total syns 5.5.
Thanks you Geordie. Hope all is going well for you. Think I'm going to bed very shortly as I'm tired and back in work for 7am, but then I'm finishing work early on Friday as were off to Scarborough for a mini break in a caravan. Just what I need to be beside the seaside with my super hero BF. xxx
I've just realised that it was Scarborough that we went to earlier on in the year... Only overnight though as it was Kev's mums birthday and all the family were on a caravan park.. We couldn't go for the whole holiday so stayed in a nearby hotel... Bit far to go just overnight lol... But we enjoyed it... You'll have a lovely time... Bet it'll be windy! Xxx
Evening All, hope everyone is well. I'm home from weigh in and I lost 0.5lb so pleased with that yay! Just had tea too so nice & full. Still half a quiche left so i'll pack that to take to Scarborough tomorrow & some food to keep to SW plan whilst were away. Xx
Food today was Green.
Breakfast = 1/3 scan bran cake, fruit & yogurt.
Lunch = melon & doughnut peach.
Dinner = 1/4 SW pasta quiche with veggies, baked beans & sweet potato chips.
Afters = hi fi light SW bar & gingerbread latte (hex a & 1.5 syns)
Food is low today as late weigh in tonight then felt really full after tea so a reasonable size afters for a change.

Going to finish up packing for our little mini caravan break and then an early night as in at 7am & already feel very tired. Early shifts really wipe me out.
Night night everyone xx
Hello everyone, I'm home. I had a lovely time in Scarborough we stayed at the Blue Dolphin caravan park, the caravan was classed a luxury plus, so I packed some bubble bath in hope but no. It was still nice though, central heating and our bedroom came with an en-suite. Weather was really warm too so its a good weekend to be by the sea.
Food wise I wasn't too bad on Friday but it all went Peter Tong on Saturday when the BF's daughter & fiancé joined us. Never mind

Fridays food:- Green
Breakfast = 1/3 scan bran cake, fruit & yogurt, banana
Lunch = jacket potato, cheese & beans, pizza end (4)
Dinner = SW pasta quiche, salad, butternut squash & sprouts.
Snacks = beef space raiders (3), Kellogg's chilli crisps (2.5), 1/3 scan bran cake, fruit & yogurt, chocolate bit (3)
Total syns = 12.5

Saturday food:- EE
Breakfast = SW cooked breakfast 2x lmc red onion & rosemary sausages, 2 eggs, beans, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, 1x w/m toast.
Lunch = melon, grapes, banana, satsuma, beef space raiders (3), hi fi light bar.
Dinner = Sliders (3x mini burgers, 1 bacon & cheese, 1 beef & BBQ, 1 chicken fillet with chips & ketchup) 1/3 crumble & custard, it was awful couldn't eat it so I had BBQ Doritos & maltesers. Syns? No idea I actually didn't enjoy my treat of sliders & crumble but the Doritos & maltesers were very good.