Daily chat...

Hi all... I walked as normal to work this morning, so not adversely affected by the transport strike (except that there was more traffic and more pollution than normal!)... but tonight, unless it's raining, I'll probably walk home as overcrowded trains aren't my cup of tea!

As for teachers being on strike three days after the new term begins, I'm staggered! Well I guess I'm not cos I've lived here long enough, but still! Quite aside to the inconvenience to the parents, and constant disruption to the pupils' education, have they not yet realised that things are far worse in the private sector and we're not striking! Laura - when you think over here they're up in arms at a pension at 62 (excluding most civil servants of course who gets theirs far earlier), compared to the UK, we're laughing!

Aaaah Cathy... powercuts... poor animals!
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awww laura sound's like a busy hectic day for you !!

cathy hope ur day is less hectic than laura's !!

jo i knew u wouldnt be affected by there blasted strike ur just to good !!!
I used to have a french collegue (he left a few weeks ago) and we would tease him endlessly about being on strike.

Of course we have our own to deal with this week - for once I'm thankful I'm no longer in london. Friends have said 20min journeys are taking 2 hours this morning!

im getting totally lost with all these threads and diarys so bear with me !

off to make brekkie (scrambled eggs)!!

Just on quickly here, what a day!

Strikes on and majorly affecting schools, no school for the younger two (and a friend has asked me last minute to look after her daughter too). Eldest needs ferried about today, some teachers are in, some aren't - but we don't know for definite until he's actually there...

My commiserations. And to think what they are striking about - we dream of a 62 retirement age ;) what is it now 67? 70?

Good luck and hope you get through the week okay!

I used to live in Belgium and remember a fair few strikes in the 80s, esp the public transport ones because a lot of my friends could not get to school (it was the luck of the draw which school buses were supplied by the STIB and which ones were private, so mine was always there!)
Someone asked me yesterday what were they striking about this time... my response? "Does it matter?" They do it so often, it dilutes the effect!
Morning ladies... and I walked home last night! (boy did that feel different to in the morning, and not only because the end part as I near my place is uphill...). It took far longer, and so many dawdlers got in my way! And my legs hurt! boo!

This morning though, raining, I took the metro most of the way and read my book!

I've got an audio transcribing horrible thing to do today, and a lunch out with an old friend, so mightn't be around much.

Hope all's well...
Well at least the calorie burn last night means you wont have missed out on much this morning Jo :) - think of the positives xxx

As for metro...is it busy?...haven't been on public transport in years thankfully :)
Sarah - I hear you, and I was pleased to have done it... and then STUPIDLY got on the scales this morning, so am not pleased any more :-( Why do I do it? Who cares what I weigh if my behaviour is good, and my exercise levels are good! grrrr!

This morning at 7.30am the metro wasn't busy no... last night at 6pm with a strike, it would have been manic!! I'm delighted not to take the metro to work any more - except on rainy days(!) - but I'm far to lazy to contemplate walking home too... and I'm out of the house 11 hours without adding a further one on the walk home! (that's my story and I'm sticking to it! and I'm such an early to bed girl at the moment that I'd just get home and go to bed if I did!:)
Jo if you "felt the burn" in your legs last night - likelihood is any weightgain is muscle gain...

do you have scales with muscle mass/body fat on them?

might be worth getting xxx

<I always weigh more the day after any "burn" exercise :(>
morning ladies , well done jo walking home too wot a good un u are ,welll i decided the other day that i was going to weigh today and i did and im 8 ounces down so thats ok by me !!!

hope we are all ok ............. hi sarah !!!!!!!!
and thats after my weekend outing on sat night mmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!

thanks hun !!
Won't be around much today either. Sorry for all the missed posts (and for yesterday).

Hope everyone is OK and I'll catch up properly tomorrow.

WI for me tomorrow, fingers crossed!
Hey ladies - my audio job is rather boring!! so back just for a second!

Hope you're right Sarah. I do have fat measurement scales in the country, but rarely bother to press the button cos I read it's best to use them mid-afternoon when well hydrated rather than first thing when dehydrated as the result is totally different! What do you do? I did feel tired, it's true.

Jacqs - no I've not measured myself because I'm fatter than I was when I used to do so regularly so thought I'd spare my eyes the sight of more numbers to depress me!! (The official coaching site asks for your measurements on your daily report sheet... once a week was all that they got from me but, to be honest, with my excess skin from my big 11 stone loss, I can pull the tape in to say whatever I want it to!!)

Back to pigeon English hell!
I always take

muscle mass
body water....readings first thing in the morning after the first pee and before eating or drinking anything

I hear what you're saying regards hydration... obviously I may have less bodyfat in the afternoon :) but I don't use it for that, I think if I measure the same time under the same conditions each day I get a good indicator of if things are going "right"

afternoon measurements could be dependent on what you've eaten or drank....could be equally as dehydrated in the afternoon depending....

I also get the tape measure out every calendar month, again first thing in the morning before a morsel passes my lips :)

Sarah - I also read somewhere that these scales aren't very accurate for pear shaped people! that's me!