Morning all, hope everyone had a good weekend. I am just off up to my shed to make strawberry bath truffles and a bit more soap then coming back home to work on the website, I managed to take pictures yesterday and am halfway through uploading them . its all very tiresome though, takes ages.
Its a rainy day here, so will light the fire when I get back at lunchtime.get some more washing dry. I'm having smoked mackerel for lunch mmmm dh & ds2 went out on Saturday and caught 29 of them lol.
Yes we smoke them ourselves, we have a dustbin (tin) on its side, dh & Sandy (ds2) do it I wouldnt know how to lol I just eat them. This time they were amazing sweet juicy and so succulent and not as salty as the shop ones.Wow do you smoke them yourself? Smoked mackerel is my favourite too!