Daily chat...

Lol I wish everyone would come and see me. need to get some venison in the freezer, some smoked mackerel and then you are all welcome lol.

Jet, Jordan will be fine, as you say his brother will be with him.
Emma had her tonsils and adenoids out in February this year after being very ill because of them for a year. Its such a reliefe when they are better after the op, give him plenty paracetamol/ibuprofen before he eats, Emma had terrible referred pain from her ears.
yeh i know cathy and i know how i felt when i had mine out i was 23 and if he get earache 0mg that is pain !!! i think im more worried about the pain he will be in after dan and his pain although a different pain (pain is pain )

thank you hunny !!!!!!!!
You can smoke fish in an old metal biscuit tin hole in the bottom oak shavings are nice smoke over flame best on a BBQ though
Jet im sure it will go well tomorrow hun xxx
sounds like a great idea... I might have to empty a full biscuit tin mind you ;)
r u sure its EMPTY jo !!!!!! i dont by biscuits they just get eaten and jord would rather have choc !!
No worries... I don't have any (long gone!)
I have loads of mackeral in my freezer, my friends dad bought it :D
is it nice not smoked?

Jet hope everything goes ok tomorrow babe xxxx
hi vick's thanks hunny !!!!!!!!! and i hope alfie is feeling better little lovey !!!!!
sounds like a great idea... I might have to empty a full biscuit tin mind you ;)
lol tut tut im avoiding tesco at the moment as they have an offer on thet last year was my worst nightmare re tins of choc
I still have an unopened tin of Quality Street from last Christmas (much to my other half's annoyance!!).
mmm see i had lots of unopened ones last september for xmas pressies .....they didnt make it :/
its lovely just grilled or baked. Actually if you mix together a teaspoon of tomato sauce and a teaspoon of English mustard , put the fish skin side down on a baking tray, then spread the sauce on the flesh and bake, it is devine.
I went to have a look at the 'smoker' this afternoon and it had bits of heather and moss in it but I think thats to dampen down the fuel and create smoke
Morning all,

And a dark rainy November (ooops September!) day it is here... so no walk for me, grrrr (and achey arthrosis leg!).

A thought for Jet and her son today - not that they'll need it and I look forward to you getting back here Jet and telling us all about it!

Talking of tins of chocolates (err yes this is a diet thread!!), when the Christmas tins come out, would you be so kind as to make a note of the shop, tin size, price for each please. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the sizes of the tins are nearly all different to prevent us making informed choices! I always bring several back for gifts as they're SO cheap. Last year, here, 250g of Celebrations were selling at about £8 in our local supermarket. (Crazy when you can get a kilo at home for less!)

So apart from that - what's new? I've a lunch out today (and tomorrow!), so must consult their menu online to make my choice then I'll let my friend order my main course for me. No dessert.
Morning all,

And a dark rainy November (ooops September!) day it is here... so no walk for me, grrrr (and achey arthrosis leg!).

A thought for Jet and her son today - not that they'll need it and I look forward to you getting back here Jet and telling us all about it!

Talking of tins of chocolates (err yes this is a diet thread!!), when the Christmas tins come out, would you be so kind as to make a note of the shop, tin size, price for each please. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the sizes of the tins are nearly all different to prevent us making informed choices! I always bring several back for gifts as they're SO cheap. Last year, here, 250g of Celebrations were selling at about £8 in our local supermarket. (Crazy when you can get a kilo at home for less!)

So apart from that - what's new? I've a lunch out today (and tomorrow!), so must consult their menu online to make my choice then I'll let my friend order my main course for me. No dessert.

Jo, think Paris supermarkets have inflated prices! That's robbery!

Bad start to the day, eldest spilt a huge cup of hot chocolate over the worktop/floor (and it splashed most of the chairs, table, etc, etc - luckily his school bag - open - escaped but the whole kitchen still smells of it 2 1/2 hours later) so not much fun. Youngest is still in jammies, no intention of getting dressed while I'd quite like to get out for some fresh air (sunny just now, not overly warm but think it will be later). Gymnastics later (not for me) and need to go and buy a birthday present for a 7 year old girl but think that will wait until tomorrow as I hate shops on a Wednesday, queues at checkout, traffic volume etc always worse.

So same old routine for a Wednesday really (apart from the spilled chocolate, no wish to incorporate that one on a regular basis).

Hope everyone has a good day!
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Jo, Asda is already doing the giant tins (kilo?) at 2 for £10 of Heros and Roses. Saw them on the way in on monday and thought blimey I've not had my summer holiday yet.

Sainsburys has the smaller boxes (400grams) at 2 for £6 on quite a few sorts.

I dont usually spend time looking at chocolate honest ;)
Yes they usually do 2 for £10 , they were down from £10 to 7 the other day I think so sure they will be 2 for £10 soon.
Its heavy heavy showers here today, am about to light the fire then go to the soap shed , and create something. Then come home and do more on website.
Thinking of Jet & Jordan.
And of course my wee niece Beth xx
tescos have them 5.00 a tin dont dare look at the sizes dont like to get that close unless a tin accidently falls in my trolley
Lol get a safety net for your trolley :D
A boy of about 10 jumped into my shopping basket once, I really hate supermarkets.

Hope Jordan is fine through his op and Jet dosent lose her hair with worry.

Its a beautiful sunny day here, after 2 days of constant drizzle its wonderful.