Daily menus

My Tuesday on PP

Breakfast - Dukan muffins with smoked salmon in

Lunch - a little leftover salmon, handful of prawns, boiled egg, chicken leg
fat free fromage frais

fat free fruit aromatised yoghurt

200g 5% fat mincemeat, handmade into burgers, served with a fried egg on the top!
mm dinner sounds good Joanne. Im stuggling to find 5% fat beef here :(
b - smoked salmon omelette
L - chicken tikka with galette
D - steak and dukan herb mayo
If you can't find the 5% fat, perhaps a French thing, buy the leanest "would be the toughest to eat" cos no fat piece of meat you can find, and mince it yourself. We sometimes buy what's call "fondu" meat over here, which, when minced, has to be less than 5% even as it always sticks more to the pan!!

I checked the brochure of my hypermarket for Saturday's shop, and they've salmon fillet at €8.99 a kilo this weekend... so I buy 2K worth, get them to skin it, then I deal with the bones and fillet it... usually get quite a few meals off it...

And the first thing I've spotted, is that normal ketchup isn't allowed (p.73)!

Who was having that? Sona?
Yay at last. Oh no girls, Joanne is now armed and will be cracking that whip and keeping you all in check!
hee hee! (while herself eating smoked salmon and fish eggs last night - totally allowed but so salty it caused both of us to GAIN weight!)
I get the no fat no carb no cal one from low carb megastore :D
Chez... I'd lost at the weekend, so I'm back to where I started! Drinking lotsa H20 to get rid!
Vicky... you have some distinct advantages, methinks!! Most unfair!
surely you can get it delivered to you Joanne?
Well done hun. You havent gained that much then. Dont worry about it. It will come off tomorrow
No idea to be honest re deliveries... if they charge as much as Amazon do to deliver, no point! I used to make my own "ketchup" but then got lazy!
yes its £15!!!!!
Wednesday on PP... third successive

Dukan muffins with piece of smoked fish in the mix, and 1/4 crabstick on top!

some salmon, prawns, chicken
fat free fromage frais

chicken thigh
fat free fruit flavoured yoghurt

Cod en papillote with some scallops (sorry Vicky) and prawns
boo to the scallops :( lol

4th day of attack
B - galette with scrambly egg and no carb not fat no cals tom k
L - salmon prawns and crab sticks
D - salmon steaks grilled

25 min walk done this morning. will try and get another 25 in tonight in between food shopping and visiting mum :D
salmon steaks? what are they?
oh right thanks! (bones!!)
lmao is your salmon deboned when you buy it whole.
Im at the moment eating tinned salmon and the crunchy bones are my favourite bit ;)
ah but when I buy my salmon whole, I equip myself with a little pair of pincers and get them all out while it's raw and I'm not contemplating eating it!... once on my plate, I can't ABIDE, bones (fish or meat), pips, or any (I like to say) "foreign bodies"... so no raisins in my rice pudding thank you... no cherries in my chocolate cake... etc etc... hoho...

I'm funny with bones... pips... etc etc...