Daily menus

It's brilliant - didn't use five spice as it had sugar as its first ingredient, but it was still fabulous! I love discovering new recipes to keep things interesting :)
thursday PP
B- 2 scrambled eggs & smoked salmon
L- salmon & cottage cheese
D- chicken breast, prawns & sweet chilli sauce
snacks- 3 hazelnut muffins & quark icing
Day 32 (Thursday) - PP

B - turkey rashers, dry fried egg
L - smoked trout, boiled eggs, oat bran muffins, FF yoghurt, sugar free jelly
D - roast chicken

P x
Pauline, where do you buy turkey rashers from? I haven't found them!

Thursday - PV

B - oat bran porridge, yoghurt
L - turkey meatballs in a bit of tinned tomato, reduced fat coleslaw (I know it's not Dukan but it would go to waste!), lettuce.
D - bolognese, salad and balsamic.

I am determined not to eat yoghurt tonight just because my body expects something sweet after dinner! I'm full so I don't need it!
I get the Dalehead ones from but Mattesons do them too and they're probably more widely available. Really yummy in the mornings, very bacon-like! :D


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Thanks, ladies! Ridiculously, there's no Asda near me, but I'll look out for the Mattesons ones now I know what to look for :)
All the big supermarkets sell turkey rashers, i got some from Sainburys an i know morrisons defo have them too. Cx
Day 33 (Friday) - PV

B - turkey rashers, dry fried eggs, cherry tomatoes
L - chicken, smoked mackerel
D - pot roast beef, carrots, onions, cabbage, mashed swede, almond and rhubarb muffins

P x
Friday - PP

B - oat bran porridge, yoghurt
L - Chicken foodle soup, two mini salmon quiches
D - fish in parsley and lemon (from Lidl), scrambled egg whites, cottage cheese. Then RHUBARB and yoghurt.

Very excited to have found rhubarb! It was in an organic food shop of all places! Hoping it will have the desired effect...
I don't have an Aldi or a Farmfoods, sadly, but I'm going home (from uni) in a few weeks and I live near a huge Morrisons who should hopefully have it. I'm not going to buy it too often, either :)

Saturday - PV

B - oat bran porridge, yoghurt
L - bolognese - beef, tinned tomatoes, veggies
D - tofu stir fried with broccoli, mange tout, green beans, mushrooms, soy sauce and chillies. Plus a rasher of turkey bacon as I was excited to try it!

Trying to cut down on the dairy at the mo...worried about having too much, esp on PP days.

Oh, and I met friends for coffee and I asked for it skinny and they only had full fat milk and only told me when I got it. Eek!
Youll have to fill up the freezer. Where we live we are surrounded by big supermarkets, i think we have the full set lol, there is a huge M&S being built at the moment a couple of miles down the road.

I want to give you a BIG HUG ! !
I changed to Google Chrome & everything is AMAZING ! x

Yay, hugs always welcome :D

Day 34 (Saturday) - PP

B - chicken livers and rhubarb muffins
L - beef, chicken foo yung
D - chicken tikka, yucky FF yoghurt with apple crumble flavouring

P x
Day 6 (sat)

B - apple pie galette
L - caramel muffins
D - Prawn and chicken egg foo yung
S - total 0% yoghurt and tikka chicken pieces

Day 7 (Sunday, first PV day)
B - apple pie flavoured galette
L - mother in laws soup
D - turkey mince lasagne and trifle (made and waiting for tonight - nom nom nom!)
sunday PP
B- 2 muffins
L- 2 egg omellete, smoked salmon
D- slow cooked stew
snacks- tofu cream, muffin & sf jelly
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B yogurt and rhubarb
S 2 muffins
L chicken cauliflower broccoli carrots, little gravy. Dukan trifle
D going to try foo yung this evening
Day 35 (Sunday) - PV

B - turkey rashers, dry fried eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms
L - out for lunch, huge rump steak and salad
D - veal meatballs with chilli and sweet pepper sauce, rhubarb muffins

P x